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Хатанго народа Каруи
Навали Хатанго народа Каруи
Функция: Создаёт пророчества, запечатывает пророчества, Торговец
Локации: Склон, Города

Нава́ли- Персонаж, у которого Игроки могут получить видения будущего за Silver Coin inventory iconсеребряные монетыСеребряная монетаРазмер стопки: 30Монета для покупки пророчества у Навали.
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. Была впервые представлена в Лиге Пророчество, но теперь является частью основной игры с версии 2.4.0.

История персонажа[]

Многие лета назад мой народ (Каруи) звал меня Хатанго. Мудрая женщина. Теперь он зовёт меня вернувшимся духом. Но судьба не велит мне идти к Матери Смерти (Хинекора). Ещё нет. Я стою одной ногой в мире живых, а другой – в мире мёртвых. Я вопрошаю у тех, кто здесь, и толкую слова тех, кто ушёл.

Я очнулась в залах смерти и помнила былую жизнь как полузабытый, тающий сон. Белый Яма, мой пушистый спутник, стоял рядом и держал Видящий камень, как держит его и теперь. Оба они наделены волосками тёмного знания Хинекоры, но каждый служит своей цели.

Я пришла в Рэкласт через мрачные залы смерти, следуя тропами поминаемых. Я лишь память о былой женщине. Память, что лелеема и хранима Матерью Смерти.

Видящий камень затягивает меня в свою глубину, полную всеми мгновениями вечности. Они подобны древесным кольцам, которым нет числа. Ясновидец же – мой факел в тумане, он выводит меня из бескрайних видений камня.

После воскрешения в Рэкласте ее захватил Фавн. В локации Склон Изгнанник убивает Фавна и освобождает Навали.

Спасибо тебе за свободу. Мать Смерти любит слегка надо мной подшутить. Ей нравится ставить меня на место. Но она же прислала тебя на помощь.


Навали озвучивает новозеландская актриса Николь Виппи.



Спасибо тебе за свободу. Мать Смерти любит слегка надо мной подшутить. Ей нравится ставить меня на место. Но она же прислала тебя на помощь.

Изгнанник, позволь мне отплатить добром. Скоро мы снова встретимся в лагере, и тогда я помогу осветить твой путь.}{Спасибо тебе за свободу. Мать Смерти любит слегка надо мной подшутить. Ей нравится ставить меня на место. Но она же прислала тебя на помощь.

Изгнанница, позволь мне отплатить добром. Скоро мы снова встретимся в лагере, и тогда я помогу осветить твой путь.

Застава Львиного глаза[]

Что привело тебя сюда, выбор или судьба? Я вижу в тебе желание. Желание проникнуть в будущее. Желание следовать верному пути. Но твоё будущее предопределено. Отвори свой разум и прими его.

Многие лета назад мой народ звал меня Хатанго. Мудрая женщина. Теперь он зовёт меня вернувшимся духом. Но судьба не велит мне идти к Матери Смерти. Ещё нет. Я стою одной ногой в мире живых, а другой – в мире мёртвых. Я вопрошаю у тех, кто здесь, и толкую слова тех, кто ушёл.

Я чую твои вопросы. Я отдам тебе ответы за дар серебра. Но ты ищешь не только ответы. Богатство. Власть. В какой-то мере, я могу к ним привести... Тебе надо всего лишь присоединиться ко мне. Внимай моим словам, следуя своему пути. Я могу рассказать о будущем, но идти к нему только тебе. Пора исполнить пророчество.

Лесной лагерь[]

Итак, изгнанник(-ца), твой путь ведёт сюда. Следи за своими шагами, ибо одна твоя нога следует за другой, и вместе они оставляют следы. Вереницу того, что было. Путь к тому, что будет.

The Sarn Encampment[]

Our paths meet in the shell of a long-dead snail. An empire slow to see where its path was taking it. Built on the husk of another, and destined to be buried time and time again. This city will see great things yet, exile. But not in your lifetime.


Many great things begin at the foot of a mountain, exile. So too do many tragedies. Often a path becomes a fork, and the echoes of your actions push you down one side or the other. Do you know where you are being carried? ...Would you like to?

Overseer's Tower[]

The Mother of Death watches over this city with great interest. You have joined us just in time. Before you lies a great many paths, each walked by a different life. But each must come to the same end. Eventually.


I travelled here through death's darkened halls, walking the paths of the Remembered. I am but a memory of the woman I was. A memory treasured and sustained by the Mother of Death.

Yama the White[]

I awoke in the halls of death with the life I once led little more than a dream half-remembered. Yama the White, my furry companion, stood before me with the Seeing Stone he holds now. Both were given a hair of Hinekora's dark knowledge, but each serves a separate purpose.

The Seeing Stone drags me deep into its core, where every instant into eternity is known all at once, like limitless rings on a tree trunk. Yama, like a torch in the mist, guides me back from the stone's infinite visions.

Karui Gods[]

Hinekora, my Mother of Death, is not the only god, exile. The Karui are watched over by many. Ngamahu lends us fire, which illuminates the path. Tawhoa gives us the trees and birds that line the path, so that we may enjoy beauty and peace. Tukohama provides us with weapons and knowledge of war, which lets us walk the path safely.

And in the final days of this world, Kitava, whose hunger knows no bounds, will take it all away.

Prophecy Chains[]

Anarchy's End[]

The tools of divination found on the body of an exile. I have seen it. There are more tools, and the exiles who hold them are gathering in number.

Ancient Rivalries[]

Wraeclast teems with the memories of a violent past. Although the flesh and minds of its original inhabitants are long-gone, their emotions - anger, fear, envy - remain in the artifacts they have left behind.

Doedre Darktongue, Marceus Lioneye, Shavronne of Umbra, Maligaro, Victario. If these names mean nothing to you now, they will soon. Keep an eye out for their long-lost possessions. Each holds the memory of failure, sadness and a desire for revenge.

Beyond Sight[]

I have not heard of such a cult, nor have I seen visions of them, but if you say you witnessed their presence in Wraeclast, then I believe you.

Be careful. If they can avoid the gaze of the Seeing Stone then they may be beyond the grasp of even the Mother of Death. And that is truly something to fear.

Day of Sacrifice[]

The fragment you have recovered leads to a very dangerous realm. The Red Queen waits in her dark stronghold, and a thousand years of anger bubble just beneath the surface of her flawless, ill-gotten beauty.

Deadly Rivalry[]

I sense great anger across the land, directed at you. There is another, exiled like you, who wants you dead. For this individual, anger and desperation blur the lines of mortality.

Path of the Thaumaturgist[]

The great thaumaturgists of the past considered themselves artists of the highest calibre. Their paints were the hidden energies that flow around and through us. Their canvas: the finely-woven fabric of reality itself. And like every great artist, there were times when their brush strokes wavered, when errors were made. Unfortunately, their errors have persisted far longer than their great creations.

The Ambitious Bandit[]

Thieves make do with what they can find or take by force. When thieves outnumber their victims, they must look farther and farther for what they can take. It is their own greed that carries them into danger.

The Black Stone[]

The onyx amulet you have begun to reshape is special, and it's metamorphosis is not yet complete. Keep it somewhere safe, for there is more yet to do.

The Warmongers[]

Rats on a sinking ship fight to the death for a splinter of dry wood, not knowing that it too will soon be at the bottom of the sea. We are not the only rats on this ship.

Eber, the Plaguemaw[]

The old red ones left this land barren. Crops grew stunted and disease filled the air. If you don't feed an animal it will soon cast a hungry eye upon its brothers and sisters, and man is no different. The Plaguemaw and his people soon feasted on their own, devouring the very life essence of the young and innocent.

Yriel, Feral Lord[]

When the rains stopped, the Lord fed his farms with the blood of the beasts. But blood carries corruption with it, and the crops soon towered, monstrous and thorned. In the thick jungle of his own making, it was not only he who turned feral.

Inya, the Unbearable Whispers[]

Wisdom and knowledge are not one and the same. The queen's thirst for learning was unending. As she tore through the pages of countless tomes, her knowledge grew and her wisdom slipped away, buckling beneath the weight of insanity.

Volkuur, the Unbreathing Queen[]

Sometimes death is a thief, quick on its feet and quicker with a blade. Sometimes it is a vine, slowly growing tighter and tighter around your neck. But death is not a toy. The unbreathing queen has raised an army of soulless corpses. Her actions mock death, turning it into little more than an obstacle for her puppetry of the flesh.

The Pale Court[]

Dark minds hide in dark places, but it was not always so.

The wise Red rulers were long-dead, and the strong seized power. But an unwise leader pulls the people towards ruin. So it came to pass that milk fresh from the nipple was soured, grass grew hard and sharp, and flesh walked the earth without a soul. Hinekora cast her net towards the new kings and queens, but four slipped through the holes and fled into darkness. There they remain. Beyond the reach of the Mother of Death. But not beyond her sight.

Seeking Prophecies[]

Insufficient Silver Coins[]

  • Wisdom of one's fate has a price, and you do not have the silver to pay it.
  • Guidance is priced in silver. If the price is not paid, the stone will stay silent.
  • Return when you can pay the silver fee. Only then will your fate be known.

Maxed Prophecies[]

Too many prophecies remain unfulfilled. Do not risk fracturing your fate.


  • No amount of silver will help if the wrong questions are asked.
  • The stone is silent. Please come back later.

Invite to Hideout[]

So you've finally found yourself a dwelling. Perhaps you have room for another lost soul?


Пророчества Навали[]

Основная статья: Пророчество

