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Path of Exile Wiki

저주는 일시적인 디버프의 일종입니다. 저주는 사술징표의 두 분류로 나뉩니다.


저주는 한정된 지속시간을 가지고 있지만, 다시 저주를 적용하면 갱신될 수 있습니다.

몬스터지도는 그 몬스터(혹은 맵의 경우 그 안의 몬스터)를 사술 방지 혹은 저주에 면역으로 만드는 속성 부여를 가질 수 있습니다.

The total Curse Effect value can be calculated as the sum of any added Curse Effect, multiplied by the sum of all increases and reductions to Curse Effect, multiplied by all more and less Curse Effect modifiers.

For more information about the symbols, see sum and product notation.

저주는 사술과 징표의 두 분류로 나뉩니다.


사술은 특정 효과 범위에 저주를 적용시키는 주문입니다.

사술은 보스와 특정 고유 적에 대해서 효과가 감소합니다. 액트지도 보스, 아틀라스의 정복자들 , 기습 건축가, 불멸자 연합 단원, 균열 보스사술 저주 효과 33% 감폭을 가지고 있습니다. 사이러스, 쉐이퍼, 엘더, 그리고 쉐이퍼 가디언엘더 가디언사술 저주 효과 66% 감폭을 가지고 있습니다.

사술은 Blasphemy Support inventory icon신성 모독 보조Blasphemy SupportSupport, Hex, Aura
Icon: A
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Requires Level 31Supports hex curse skills, turning them into auras that will apply their effect to all enemies in an area around you.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses0.5% reduced Effect of Supported Curses
Supported Skills have 2% increased Area of Effect
Supported Skills have 0.1% reduced Mana Reserved
Supported Skills apply their Curse as an Auras
Supported Curse Skills also count as Aura Skills
Using Supported Skills is Instant
(0-76)% increased Area of Effect of Supported Curse Skills
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blasphemy Support inventory icon
혹은 Awakened Blasphemy Support inventory icon각성한 신성 모독 보조Awakened Blasphemy SupportSupport, Hex, Aura
Icon: A
Level: (1-5)
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Requires Level 72Supports hex curse skills, turning them into auras that will apply their effect to all enemies in an area around you.Per 1% Quality:1Superior0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
+0.05 to Level of Supported Curse Skill Gems
(80-88)% increased Area of Effect of Supported Curse Skills
Supported Skills apply their Curse as an Auras
Supported Curse Skills also count as Aura Skills
Using Supported Skills is Instant
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Blasphemy Support inventory icon
와 연결하면 오라로 바뀔 수 있습니다.

사술은 장비지도에 속성 부여로서 나타날 수 있으며, 특정 대상에게 해당 저주의 1레벨을 적용합니다. 해당 속성 부여에 달린 저주 효과 증가는 그 저주의 1레벨을 기준으로 적용됩니다.


사술을 스스로 시전한 경우, 저주는 시간이 지날수록 멸망을 획득합니다. 멸망은 저주의 효과를 증가시킵니다(멸망 당 1%). 멸망 최대치는 기본적으로 30으로 제한되어 있습니다. 각각의 사술은 개별적인 멸망 수치를 가집니다.


Main page: Mark

징표는 단일 대상에게 저주를 적용시키는 주문입니다. 기본적으로, 다른 대상에게 징표를 적용시키면 이전의 징표 디버프는 사라집니다.

항상 어떠한 출처에서든 동시에 하나의 징표만이 활성화될 수 있습니다. 저주 제한이 증가됐을 때조차도, 당신은 하나 이상의 적에게 징표를 걸거나 동시에 여러 다른 징표를 걸 수 없습니다.

저주 제한[]

기본적으로, 한 대상에는 동시에 하나의 저주만이 활성화 될 수 있습니다. 저주가 활성화 되어있는 동안, 다른 저주를 적용시키면 기존의 저주는 사라집니다.

저주 제한이 증가되면 사술은 여러 개가 동시에 걸릴 수 있지만, 징표는 여전히 한 대상에 국한됩니다. 예를 들어 추가 저주 +1을 챙기면, 당신은 한 대상에게 두 개의 사술 혹은 하나의 사술과 하나의 징표를 걸 수 있지만, 두 개의 징표는 걸 수 없습니다.

저주 제한은 다음의 수단으로 증가될 수 있습니다:

  • 멸망의 속삭임 주요 노드
  • 오컬티스트악담 전직 패시브 혹은 어센던트오컬티스트 전직 패시브
  • Cospri's Will inventory icon코스프리의 의지Cospri's Will
    Assassin's Garb
    Quality: +20%
    Evasion: (1768-2063)
    Requires Level 68, 183 Dex3% increased Movement Speed(120-160)% increased Evasion Rating
    +(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
    You can apply an additional Curse
    Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies
    60% chance to Poison on Hit against Cursed Enemies
    Curse their vile Council,
    They cast me aside as if I am some bastard child.
    If they only knew the power I possess.
    Cospri's Will inventory icon
    혹은 Hunter's - You can apply an additional Curse (Prefix) 속성 부여를 가진 사냥꾼 영향력 갑옷, 혹은 광산 드롭 한정 접두어인 SubterraneanSubterranean
    You can apply an additional Curse
    를 가진 갑옷
  • Doedre's Damning inventory icon도이드리의 파멸Doedre's Damning
    Paua Ring
    +(20-30) to maximum Mana+(5-10) to Intelligence
    +5% to all Elemental Resistances
    +5 Mana gained on Kill
    You can apply an additional Curse
    Where her mouth should have been there was only a whirling, black void.
    Doedre's Damning inventory icon
    혹은 최대 권능 충전 상태에서 저주 1회 추가 적용 가능을 가지고 있는 선구자의 상징
  • Windscream inventory icon바람의 괴성Windscream
    Reinforced Greaves
    Quality: +20%
    Armour: (185-218)
    Requires Level 33, 60 Str(50-80)% increased Armour
    +(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
    15% increased Movement Speed
    (10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
    You can apply an additional Curse
    The mocking wind, a shielding spell,
    The haunting screams, a maddening hell.
    Windscream inventory icon
    혹은 Windscream inventory icon바람의 비명Windshriek
    Reinforced Greaves
    Quality: +20%
    Armour: (348-403)
    Requires Level 60, 60 Str(200-250)% increased Armour
    +(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
    25% increased Movement Speed
    (10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
    You can apply an additional Curse
    60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
    An open mouth, a blinding shriek,
    Your mind goes dark, your body weak.
    Windscream inventory icon
  • Vixen's Entrapment inventory icon암여우의 함정Vixen's Entrapment
    Embroidered Gloves
    Quality: +20%
    Energy Shield: (88-136)
    Requires Level 36, 54 IntTrigger Socketed Curse Skill when you cast a Curse Skill
    +(50-90) to maximum Energy Shield
    0.2% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield for each Curse on Enemy
    You can apply an additional Curse
    Curse Skills have (10-20)% increased Cast Speed
    "One coy look. One blown kiss. One word spoken.
    One night I wish I'd forget."
    Vixen's Entrapment inventory icon
  • Awakened Hextouch Support inventory icon각성한 사술 손길 보조Awakened Hextouch SupportTrigger, Support, Hex
    Icon: &
    Level: (1-5)
    Requires Level 72Must support both a skill that hits enemies, and a hex curse skill to work. The hex will be applied when enemies are hit by the other skill. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Minions cannot apply hexes this way.Per 1% Quality:1Superior0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
    Hexes applied by Supported Curse Skills have 0.5% chance to affect Hexproof Enemies
    Supported Skills apply supported Curses on Hit
    Hexes applied by Supported Curse Skills have (10-14)% chance to affect Hexproof Enemies
    You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
    Supported Skills can apply (0-1) additional Curse
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Awakened Hextouch Support inventory icon
    보조 대상 스킬로 저주 1회 추가 적용 가능 (5레벨 혹은 이상의 젬 한정)
  • 추가 저주 1개 적용 가능 타락 고정 속성을 가진 목걸이

이를 이용하면 이론상 하나의 적에게 동시에 최대 10개의 저주를 걸 수 있습니다

  • Doedre's Skin inventory icon도이드리의 가죽Doedre's Skin
    Widowsilk Robe
    Quality: +20%
    Energy Shield: (375-405)
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 65, 187 IntSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blasphemy
    Grants Level 20 Summon Doedre's Effigy Skill
    Socketed Hex Curse Skills are Triggered by Doedre's Effigy when Summoned
    Hexes from Socketed Skills ignore Curse Limit
    +(30-40) to Intelligence
    (130-150)% increased Energy Shield
    As she was sentenced to death, Doedre was silent.
    As she was tied to the stake, Doedre was silent.
    As the flames licked away her life, Doedre was silent.
    But Wraeclast had not heard the last of her.
    Doedre's Skin inventory icon
    은 장착된 사술이 저주 제한을 무시하도록 합니다.
  • Sentari's Answer inventory icon센타리의 응답Sentari's Answer
    Brass Spirit Shield
    Quality: +20%
    Chance to Block: 30%
    Energy Shield: 39
    Movement Speed: -3%
    Requires Level 33, 82 Int10% Chance to Block Spell Damage
    +(20-30) to Intelligence
    (4-8)% increased Quantity of Items found
    +5% Chance to Block
    Curse Enemies with Punishment when you Block their Melee Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
    Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains when you Block their Projectile Attack Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
    Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness when you Block their Spell Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
    Open your eyes and you will see the cracks in your enemy's walls.
    Open your mind and you will see the cracks in your enemy's plans.
    Sentari's Answer inventory icon
    은 막아낼 시 저주 제한을 무시하는 저주를 적용합니다.

추가로, Self-Flagellation inventory icon자학 채찍질Self-Flagellation
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you
An additional Curse can be applied to you
Beg for forgiveness.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Self-Flagellation inventory icon
은 당신 스스로에게 걸릴 수 있는 저주의 최대치를 증가시킵니다.

저주 우선권[]

여러 개의 저주 사이의 상호작용에 대한 몇 가지 규칙이 있습니다.

  • 마지막에 저주를 건 플레이어의 저주 개수 최대치만이 적용됩니다.
플레이어 A는 저주 최대치 2개를 갖고 있고 플레이어 B는 저주 최대치 1개를 갖고 있습니다. 플레이어 B가 플레이어 A보다 나중에 적에게 저주를 걸면, 그는 저주 최대치를 2개에서 1개로 감소시키기 때문에 항상 기존의 두 개의 저주를 모두 자신의 저주로 대체합니다.
  • 저주 제한 증가는 플레이어 사이에 누적되지 않습니다.
플레이어 A와 B가 둘 다 2개의 저주 제한을 갖고 있고 둘다 신성 모독 오라를 켜고 있다면, 적은 오직 나중에 걸린 두 개의 저주만 걸리게 됩니다.
  • 신성 모독으로 걸린 저주는 저주 제한에 걸립니다. 또한 저주 오라는 시전을 통해 걸린 저주보다 우선권을 가지며, 저주 제한을 초과할 경우 그것들을 덮어씌웁니다.
  • 한 플레이어에게 동시에 여러 개의 저주가 발동될 경우, 그것들은 발동 순서를 따라 적용됩니다.
    • 타락 고정 속성으로부터의 명중 시 저주는 언제나 사술 손길 보조 젬보다 나중에 적용됩니다.
    • 여러 개의 명중 시 저주 타락 고정 속성의 경우에는 다시 발동 순서를 따릅니다.
    • 같은 아이템에 여러 명중 시 저주 타락 고정 속성이 있는 경우 (예를 들어, 고위 템플러의 손 장갑, 이중 타락 아이템), 저주 제한에 따라 이름이 알파벳 순으로 앞에 있는 저주가 우선권을 가집니다.

지도 속성 부여로서의 저주[]

플레이어가 특정 저주의 영향을 받도록 하는 지도 접미어가 여러 가지 있습니다. 그것들은 당신의 저주 제한 계산에 포함되지 않으므로, 당신은 그 외에 추가로 하나 혹은 그 이상의 저주에 걸릴 수 있지만, 그것들은 몬스터가 거는 같은 종류의 저주와 누적되지는 않습니다. 소환수는 이 저주들에는 영향받지 않습니다. 그것들은 전체 지역에 영향을 주며 영구적으로 제거하는 것은 불가능하지만, 저주 면역이 활성화되어 있는 동안에는 그것들을 억제합니다. 저주의 효과는 지도 티어에 따라 달라지며, 높은 티어의 지도는 증가된 효과를 가집니다.

IIRSpawn Weighting
of Elemental WeaknessPlayers are Cursed with Elemental Weakness13%5%8%mid_tier_map 850
default 0
of Elemental WeaknessPlayers are Cursed with Elemental Weakness13%5%8%top_tier_map 1000
default 0
of VulnerabilityPlayers are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 40% increased Effect13%5%8%mid_tier_map 850
default 0
of VulnerabilityPlayers are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 60% increased Effect13%5%8%top_tier_map 1000
default 0
of EnfeeblementPlayers are Cursed with Enfeeble, with 40% increased Effect13%5%8%mid_tier_map 850
default 0
of EnfeeblementPlayers are Cursed with Enfeeble, with 60% increased Effect13%5%8%top_tier_map 1000
default 0
of Temporal ChainsPlayers are Cursed with Temporal Chains, with 40% increased Effect13%5%8%mid_tier_map 850
default 0
of Temporal ChainsPlayers are Cursed with Temporal Chains, with 60% increased Effect13%5%8%top_tier_map 1000
default 0


액티브 젬[]

플레이어에 의해 사용할 수 있는 저주 스킬 젬은 13가지가 있습니다. 플레이어 혹은 몬스터가 저주에 걸리면, 머리 위에 저주 아이콘이 나타날 것입니다. 아이콘은 스킬 아이콘에 그려진 것과 같습니다. 침묵 저주는 몬스터에 의해서만 사용됩니다.

저주 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 액티브 스킬 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.
Poacher's Mark inventory iconPoacher's MarkPoacher's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, lowering their physical damage reduction, and adding physical damage to all hits against them. Attacking the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and killing them will grant a frenzy charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageCursed enemies have -0.25% to Physical Damage ReductionBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Adds (6-30) to (9-45) Physical Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies
Cursed enemies have -20% to Physical Damage Reduction
Cursed enemies grant (15-50) Life when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies grant (8-25) Mana when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Poacher's Mark skill icon
Poacher's Mark inventory icon
Sniper's Mark inventory iconSniper's MarkSniper's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, increasing the damage they take from projectiles, and making projectiles split when hitting them, to hit other targets around them. You can gain charges for your life and mana flasks by hitting the cursed enemy. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies take 0.25% increased Damage from Projectile HitsCurse Skills have 1% increased Cast SpeedHits on Cursed Enemies have an additional 2% chance to KnockbackBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Projectiles which Hit Cursed Enemies Split towards (3-4) additional targets
Cursed enemies take (16-35)% increased Damage from Projectile Hits
You gain a Mana Flask Charge when you Hit Cursed Enemy, no more
than once every 0.5 seconds
You gain a Life Flask Charge when you Hit Cursed Enemy, no more
than once every 0.5 seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Sniper's Mark skill icon
Sniper's Mark inventory icon
Temporal Chains inventory iconTemporal ChainsTemporal ChainsSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all enemies in an area, lowering their action speed and making other effects on them expire more slowly.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rate1% increased Curse DurationBase duration is (5-5.95) seconds
Cursed Normal and Magic Enemies have (20-29)% less Action Speed
Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower
50% less Effect of Curse against Players
Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies have (10-14)% less Action Speed
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Temporal Chains skill icon
Temporal Chains inventory icon
Assassin's Mark inventory iconAssassin's MarkAssassin's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, making them more vulnerable to Critical Strikes. Killing the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and a power charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant a Power Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageHits against Cursed Enemies have +0.01% to Critical Strike ChanceBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +(30-49)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +1.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Cursed enemies grant (65-600) Life when Killed
Cursed enemies grant (25-80) Mana when Killed
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Power Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Assassin's Mark skill icon
Assassin's Mark inventory icon
Conductivity inventory iconConductivityConductivitySpell, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their lightning resistance and giving them a chance to be shocked when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentShocks on Cursed enemies have 1% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to ShockBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Lightning Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Shock
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Conductivity skill icon
Conductivity inventory icon
Despair inventory iconDespairDespairSpell, AoE, Duration, Chaos, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their chaos resistance and increasing damage over time they take. All hits will deal added chaos damage to the cursed enemies.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies take 0.5% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects0.5% increased Effect of CurseSpell Hits have 0.5% chance to Hinder Cursed Enemies with 30% reduced Movement Speed for 4 secondsBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(20-29)% to Chaos Resistance
Cursed enemies take (15-25)% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects
Adds (9-46) to (12-57) Chaos Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Despair skill icon
Despair inventory icon
Elemental Weakness inventory iconElemental WeaknessElemental WeaknessSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their elemental resistances.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies have -0.25% to Elemental Resistances0.5% increased Effect of Curse0.5% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Cursed enemiesBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(20-39)% to Elemental Resistances
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Elemental Weakness skill icon
Elemental Weakness inventory icon
Enfeeble inventory iconEnfeebleEnfeebleSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, reducing their accuracy and making them deal less damage.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rateCurse Skills have 0.5% increased Cast SpeedBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have (10-19)% reduced Accuracy Rating
Cursed Normal or Magic enemies deal (21-30)% less Damage
Cursed Rare or Unique enemies deal (10-15)% less Damage
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Enfeeble skill icon
Enfeeble inventory icon
Flammability inventory iconFlammabilityFlammabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their fire resistance and giving them a chance to be ignited when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentIgnite on Cursed enemies has 0.5% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to IgniteBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Fire Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Ignite
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flammability skill icon
Flammability inventory icon
Frostbite inventory iconFrostbiteFrostbiteSpell, AoE, Duration, Cold, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their cold resistance and giving them a chance to be frozen when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentFreezes on Cursed enemies have 1% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to FreezeBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Cold Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Freeze
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Frostbite skill icon
Frostbite inventory icon
Punishment inventory iconPunishmentPunishmentSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, causing them to be debilitated when they hit enemies and increasing damage they take while on low life. Some overkill damage from a killing blow on a cursed enemy will be reflected to surrounding targets.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rate1% increased Area of EffectBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
10% of Overkill Damage from Killing Blows on Cursed Enemies is Reflected to other Enemies as Physical Damage
Cursed Enemies take (50-88)% increased Damage while on Low Life
Cursed Enemies are Debilitated for 2 Seconds when they Hit
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Punishment skill icon
Punishment inventory icon
Vulnerability inventory iconVulnerabilityVulnerabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage. Attacks against the cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding, and ailments inflicted on them will deal damage faster.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentAttacks Hits against Cursed Enemies have 0.5% chance to inflict Bleeding0.5% increased Effect of CurseAttack Hits have 0.5% chance to Maim Cursed Enemies for 4 secondsBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies take (30-39)% increased Physical Damage
Attacks Hits against Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to inflict Bleeding
Ailments inflicted on Cursed Enemies deal Damage 20% Faster
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vulnerability skill icon
Vulnerability inventory icon
Warlord's Mark inventory iconWarlord's MarkWarlord's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, giving a chance to double the duration of stuns on them. Attacking the cursed enemy will leech life and mana, stunning them will grant rage, and killing it will grant an endurance charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageCursed Enemies grant 0.1 Rage Regenerated over 1 second when StunnedBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Hits against Cursed Enemies have (40-59)% chance to double Stun Duration
Cursed Enemies grant 20 Rage Regenerated over 1 second when Stunned
Cursed enemies grant 2% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies grant 2% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Warlord's Mark skill icon
Warlord's Mark inventory icon

사술 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 11가지의 액티브 스킬 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.
Temporal Chains inventory iconTemporal ChainsTemporal ChainsSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all enemies in an area, lowering their action speed and making other effects on them expire more slowly.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rate1% increased Curse DurationBase duration is (5-5.95) seconds
Cursed Normal and Magic Enemies have (20-29)% less Action Speed
Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower
50% less Effect of Curse against Players
Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies have (10-14)% less Action Speed
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Temporal Chains skill icon
Temporal Chains inventory icon
Bane inventory iconBaneBaneChaos, Trigger, Spell, AoE, Duration, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Applies a debuff to enemies in an area, which deals chaos damage over Time. Linked hex curses are also applied to those enemies. The debuff deals more damage and lasts longer for each hex applied this way. This skill cannot be used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentApplied Curses have 0.5% increased Effect1% increased Skill Effect DurationEnemies have 0.5% chance to Explode on Death, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos DamageBase duration is 2.00 seconds
Deals (45.7-895.6) Base Chaos Damage per second
(28-42)% more Damage per Curse applied
50% increased Debuff Duration per Curse applied
Only applies Hexes from Curse Skill Gems requiring Level (24-70) or lower
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
+(0-3) to radius
This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (24-70) or lower
You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Bane skill icon
Bane inventory icon
Conductivity inventory iconConductivityConductivitySpell, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their lightning resistance and giving them a chance to be shocked when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentShocks on Cursed enemies have 1% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to ShockBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Lightning Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Shock
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Conductivity skill icon
Conductivity inventory icon
Despair inventory iconDespairDespairSpell, AoE, Duration, Chaos, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their chaos resistance and increasing damage over time they take. All hits will deal added chaos damage to the cursed enemies.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies take 0.5% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects0.5% increased Effect of CurseSpell Hits have 0.5% chance to Hinder Cursed Enemies with 30% reduced Movement Speed for 4 secondsBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(20-29)% to Chaos Resistance
Cursed enemies take (15-25)% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects
Adds (9-46) to (12-57) Chaos Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Despair skill icon
Despair inventory icon
Elemental Weakness inventory iconElemental WeaknessElemental WeaknessSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their elemental resistances.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies have -0.25% to Elemental Resistances0.5% increased Effect of Curse0.5% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Cursed enemiesBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(20-39)% to Elemental Resistances
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Elemental Weakness skill icon
Elemental Weakness inventory icon
Enfeeble inventory iconEnfeebleEnfeebleSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, reducing their accuracy and making them deal less damage.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rateCurse Skills have 0.5% increased Cast SpeedBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have (10-19)% reduced Accuracy Rating
Cursed Normal or Magic enemies deal (21-30)% less Damage
Cursed Rare or Unique enemies deal (10-15)% less Damage
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Enfeeble skill icon
Enfeeble inventory icon
Flammability inventory iconFlammabilityFlammabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their fire resistance and giving them a chance to be ignited when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentIgnite on Cursed enemies has 0.5% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to IgniteBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Fire Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Ignite
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Flammability skill icon
Flammability inventory icon
Frostbite inventory iconFrostbiteFrostbiteSpell, AoE, Duration, Cold, Curse, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (24-50) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, lowering their cold resistance and giving them a chance to be frozen when hit.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentFreezes on Cursed enemies have 1% increased DurationCurses inflicted by this Skill have +0.25 to maximum DoomHits against Cursed Enemies have +1% chance to FreezeBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies have -(25-44)% to Cold Resistance
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +25% chance to Freeze
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Frostbite skill icon
Frostbite inventory icon
Hexblast inventory iconHexblastHexblastSpell, AoE, Chaos, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (10-20) Mana
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 4.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 150%
Requires Level 28Deals chaos damage to a single enemy, dealing more damage if they are Hexed, then removes the Hex with the highest Doom. If a Hex was removed this way, also deals area damage to other enemies around the target, boosting damage and removing Hexes from those enemies in the same way.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect0.5% increased Cast Speed2% increased Damage with Ailments
1% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Hexblast has 0.5% chance to not remove a Hex
Deals (74-689) to (110-1034) Chaos Damage
60% more Damage with Hits per 5 Doom on Hex with most Doom
Removes Hex with most Doom after Damaging
40% more Damage with Ailments per 5 Doom on Hex with most Doom
All Damage can Ignite
All Damage can Freeze
All Damage can Shock
Chaos Damage with Hits is Resisted by lowest Resistance instead
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Hexblast skill icon
Hexblast inventory icon
Punishment inventory iconPunishmentPunishmentSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, causing them to be debilitated when they hit enemies and increasing damage they take while on low life. Some overkill damage from a killing blow on a cursed enemy will be reflected to surrounding targets.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rate1% increased Area of EffectBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
10% of Overkill Damage from Killing Blows on Cursed Enemies is Reflected to other Enemies as Physical Damage
Cursed Enemies take (50-88)% increased Damage while on Low Life
Cursed Enemies are Debilitated for 2 Seconds when they Hit
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Punishment skill icon
Punishment inventory icon
Vulnerability inventory iconVulnerabilityVulnerabilitySpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Physical, Hex
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Radius: 22
Requires Level 24Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage. Attacks against the cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding, and ailments inflicted on them will deal damage faster.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentAttacks Hits against Cursed Enemies have 0.5% chance to inflict Bleeding0.5% increased Effect of CurseAttack Hits have 0.5% chance to Maim Cursed Enemies for 4 secondsBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
Cursed enemies take (30-39)% increased Physical Damage
Attacks Hits against Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to inflict Bleeding
Ailments inflicted on Cursed Enemies deal Damage 20% Faster
Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
+(0-10) to radius
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Vulnerability skill icon
Vulnerability inventory icon

징표 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 4가지의 액티브 스킬 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.
Poacher's Mark inventory iconPoacher's MarkPoacher's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, lowering their physical damage reduction, and adding physical damage to all hits against them. Attacking the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and killing them will grant a frenzy charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageCursed enemies have -0.25% to Physical Damage ReductionBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Adds (6-30) to (9-45) Physical Damage to Hits against Cursed Enemies
Cursed enemies have -20% to Physical Damage Reduction
Cursed enemies grant (15-50) Life when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies grant (8-25) Mana when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Poacher's Mark skill icon
Poacher's Mark inventory icon
Sniper's Mark inventory iconSniper's MarkSniper's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, increasing the damage they take from projectiles, and making projectiles split when hitting them, to hit other targets around them. You can gain charges for your life and mana flasks by hitting the cursed enemy. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed enemies take 0.25% increased Damage from Projectile HitsCurse Skills have 1% increased Cast SpeedHits on Cursed Enemies have an additional 2% chance to KnockbackBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Projectiles which Hit Cursed Enemies Split towards (3-4) additional targets
Cursed enemies take (16-35)% increased Damage from Projectile Hits
You gain a Mana Flask Charge when you Hit Cursed Enemy, no more
than once every 0.5 seconds
You gain a Life Flask Charge when you Hit Cursed Enemy, no more
than once every 0.5 seconds
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Sniper's Mark skill icon
Sniper's Mark inventory icon
Assassin's Mark inventory iconAssassin's MarkAssassin's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, making them more vulnerable to Critical Strikes. Killing the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and a power charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant a Power Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageHits against Cursed Enemies have +0.01% to Critical Strike ChanceBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +(30-49)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +1.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Cursed enemies grant (65-600) Life when Killed
Cursed enemies grant (25-80) Mana when Killed
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Power Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Assassin's Mark skill icon
Assassin's Mark inventory icon
Warlord's Mark inventory iconWarlord's MarkWarlord's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Requires Level 24Curses a single enemy, giving a chance to double the duration of stuns on them. Attacking the cursed enemy will leech life and mana, stunning them will grant rage, and killing it will grant an endurance charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageCursed Enemies grant 0.1 Rage Regenerated over 1 second when StunnedBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Hits against Cursed Enemies have (40-59)% chance to double Stun Duration
Cursed Enemies grant 20 Rage Regenerated over 1 second when Stunned
Cursed enemies grant 2% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies grant 2% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when slain
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Warlord's Mark skill icon
Warlord's Mark inventory icon

보조 젬[]

저주 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 0가지의 보조 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.

사술 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 5가지의 보조 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.
Awakened Blasphemy Support inventory iconAwakened Blasphemy SupportAwakened Blasphemy SupportSupport, Hex, Aura
Icon: A
Level: (1-5)
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Requires Level 72Supports hex curse skills, turning them into auras that will apply their effect to all enemies in an area around you.Per 1% Quality:1Superior0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
+0.05 to Level of Supported Curse Skill Gems
(80-88)% increased Area of Effect of Supported Curse Skills
Supported Skills apply their Curse as an Auras
Supported Curse Skills also count as Aura Skills
Using Supported Skills is Instant
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Blasphemy Support inventory icon
Awakened Hextouch Support inventory iconAwakened Hextouch SupportAwakened Hextouch SupportTrigger, Support, Hex
Icon: &
Level: (1-5)
Requires Level 72Must support both a skill that hits enemies, and a hex curse skill to work. The hex will be applied when enemies are hit by the other skill. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Minions cannot apply hexes this way.Per 1% Quality:1Superior0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
Hexes applied by Supported Curse Skills have 0.5% chance to affect Hexproof Enemies
Supported Skills apply supported Curses on Hit
Hexes applied by Supported Curse Skills have (10-14)% chance to affect Hexproof Enemies
You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
Supported Skills can apply (0-1) additional Curse
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Awakened Hextouch Support inventory icon
Blasphemy Support inventory iconBlasphemy SupportBlasphemy SupportSupport, Hex, Aura
Icon: A
Level: (1-20)
Cooldown Time: 1.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Requires Level 31Supports hex curse skills, turning them into auras that will apply their effect to all enemies in an area around you.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses0.5% reduced Effect of Supported Curses
Supported Skills have 2% increased Area of Effect
Supported Skills have 0.1% reduced Mana Reserved
Supported Skills apply their Curse as an Auras
Supported Curse Skills also count as Aura Skills
Using Supported Skills is Instant
(0-76)% increased Area of Effect of Supported Curse Skills
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Blasphemy Support inventory icon
Hextouch Support inventory iconHextouch SupportHextouch SupportTrigger, Support, Hex
Icon: &
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level 38Must support both a skill that hits enemies, and a hex curse skill to work. The hex will be applied when enemies are hit by the other skill. Cannot support totems, traps, or mines. Minions cannot apply hexes this way.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of Supported CursesSupported Skills deal 1% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy0.5% reduced Effect of Supported Curses
Supported Skills have 2% increased Curse Duration
Supported Skills apply supported Curses on Hit
Supported Skills have (50-12)% reduced Curse Duration
You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Hextouch Support inventory icon
Impending Doom Support inventory iconImpending Doom SupportImpending Doom SupportSupport, Hex, Spell, AoE, Chaos
Icon: X
Level: (1-20)
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Requires Level 31Deals chaos damage in an area based on the amount of Doom on the triggering Hex.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentDoom Blast has 0.5% increased Area of EffectCurse Skills have 2% reduced Skill Effect DurationDoom Blast has +0.05 Cooldown Use
Doom Blast deals 1.25% less Damage per 5 Doom on Hex
Trigger Doom Blast when a Hex from Supported Curse Skills ends
Deals (39-430) to (58-645) Chaos Damage
60% more Damage per 5 Doom on Hex
Trigger This Skill when a Hex from Supported Skills ends
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Doom Blast skill icon
Impending Doom Support inventory icon

징표 젬 태그를 갖고 있는 1가지의 보조 젬의 목록입니다.

Skill gemStr.Dex.Int.Lvl.
File:Mark on Hit Support inventory icon.pngMark on Hit SupportMark on Hit SupportTrigger, Support, Mark
Icon: k
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 200%
Requires Level 38Supports Mark Curse SkillsPer 1% Quality:1Superior0.5% increased Effect of Marks from Supported Skills(26 - ??%)Reduced Effect of Marks From Supported Skills
Trigger Supported Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
File:Mark on Hit Support inventory icon.png

고유 아이템[]

다음의 고유 아이템은 저주, 사술 그리고/혹은 징표에 영향을 미칩니다:

ItemLvl.Stats+# curse
Conqueror's PotencyConqueror's Potency inventory iconConqueror's Potency
Cobalt Jewel
Limited to: 14% increased Effect of your Curses
Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
3% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
What you earn is almost as important as what you take.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Conqueror's Potency inventory icon
14% increased Effect of your Curses
Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
3% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Doedre's DamningDoedre's Damning inventory iconDoedre's Damning
Paua Ring
+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(5-10) to Intelligence
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
+5 Mana gained on Kill
You can apply an additional Curse
Where her mouth should have been there was only a whirling, black void.
Doedre's Damning inventory icon
1+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(5-10) to Intelligence
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
+5 Mana gained on Kill
You can apply an additional Curse
Maelström of ChaosMaelström of Chaos inventory iconMaelström of Chaos
Atoll Map
Map Level: 73
Map Tier: 6
Guild Character: Ç
Item Quantity: (+40%-+60%)
Item Rarity: (+200%-+400%)
Area has patches of Chilled Ground
20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
Ground Effect has a radius of 14 (Hidden)
Monsters deal 50% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters are Immune to randomly chosen Elemental Ailments or Stun
Monsters' Melee Attacks apply random Hexes on Hit
Monsters Reflect Hexes
Whispers from a world apart
Speak my name beyond the tomb;
Bound within the Maelström's heart,
Will they grant me strength or doom?
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Maelström of Chaos inventory icon
1Area has patches of Chilled Ground
20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
Ground Effect has a radius of 14 (Hidden)
Monsters deal 50% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters are Immune to randomly chosen Elemental Ailments or Stun
Monsters' Melee Attacks apply random Hexes on Hit
Monsters Reflect Hexes
Militant FaithMilitant Faith inventory iconMilitant Faith
Timeless Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Large
Carved to glorify (2000-10000) new faithful converted by High Templar (Avarius-Dominus-Maxarius)
Passives in radius are Conquered by the Templars
<two random mods of devotion>
They believed themselves the utmost faithful, but that conviction became oppression.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Militant Faith inventory icon
1Carved to glorify (2000-10000) new faithful converted by High Templar (Avarius-Dominus-Maxarius)
Passives in radius are Conquered by the Templars
<two random mods of devotion>
Regenerate 0.6 Mana per Second per 10 Devotion
3% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies per 10 Devotion
4% increased Area Damage per 10 Devotion
1% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras per 10 Devotion
4% increased Brand Damage per 10 Devotion
Channelling Skills deal 4% increased Damage per 10 Devotion
4% reduced Duration of Curses on you per 10 Devotion
4% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you per 10 Devotion
4% increased Elemental Damage per 10 Devotion
+2% to all Elemental Resistances per 10 Devotion
Minions have +60 to Accuracy Rating per 10 Devotion
1% increased Minion Attack and Cast Speed per 10 Devotion
1% reduced Mana Cost of Skills per 10 Devotion
3% increased Defences from Equipped Shield per 10 Devotion
4% increased Totem Damage per 10 Devotion
Replica Blood ThornReplica Blood Thorn inventory iconReplica Blood Thorn
Gnarled Branch
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: 10.8-22.8
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.43)
Weapon Range: 13
+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
Reflects (22-44) Fire Damage to Attackers on Block
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
"Physical forces and flames seem to share some innate bond.
What logic lies beneath the veil of reality?"
Replica Blood Thorn inventory icon
1+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Fire Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
Reflects (22-44) Fire Damage to Attackers on Block
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
Replica Doedre's DamningReplica Doedre's Damning inventory iconReplica Doedre's Damning
Paua Ring
+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(5-10) to Intelligence
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
+5 Mana gained on Kill
You can apply one fewer Curse
(25-35)% increased Effect of your Curses
"Prototype #8 makes it difficult to think negatively, but two fatalities
resulted when a lead researcher used an epithet in its presence."
Replica Doedre's Damning inventory icon
1+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(5-10) to Intelligence
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
+5 Mana gained on Kill
You can apply one fewer Curse
(25-35)% increased Effect of your Curses
Self-FlagellationSelf-Flagellation inventory iconSelf-Flagellation
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you
An additional Curse can be applied to you
Beg for forgiveness.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Self-Flagellation inventory icon
1(10-20)% increased Damage per Curse on you
An additional Curse can be applied to you
The Blood ThornThe Blood Thorn inventory iconThe Blood Thorn
Gnarled Branch
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: 19.8-41.8
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.43)
Weapon Range: 13
+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Physical Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Reflects (22-44) Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
Touch not the thorn, for only blood and pain await.
The Blood Thorn inventory icon
1+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+12% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
100% increased Physical Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Reflects (22-44) Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
Level Requirement reduced by 100 (Hidden)
Whakawairua TuahuWhakawairua Tuahu inventory iconWhakawairua Tuahu
Strand Map
Map Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: È
Item Quantity: (+40%-+60%)
Item Rarity: (+120%-+160%)
Area contains many Totems
Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
Rare Monsters each have a Nemesis Mod
We all began life in darkness, we shall all end it there.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Whakawairua Tuahu inventory icon
1Area contains many Totems
Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
Rare Monsters each have a Nemesis Mod
Wheel of the StormsailWheel of the Stormsail inventory iconWheel of the Stormsail
Rotted Round Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 28%
Armour: (21-27)
Evasion: 15
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 560% increased Block Recovery+(5-10) to Armour
(30-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
100% increased Duration of Curses on you
+5% Chance to Block
Curse Skills have 25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Doomed to plunder forever.
Wheel of the Stormsail inventory icon
560% increased Block Recovery+(5-10) to Armour
(30-40)% increased Rarity of Items found
100% increased Duration of Curses on you
+5% Chance to Block
Curse Skills have 25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Shackles of the WretchedShackles of the Wretched inventory iconShackles of the Wretched
Chain Gloves
Quality: +20%
Armour: 16
Energy Shield: 3
Requires Level 7Hexes applied by Socketed Curse Skills are Reflected back to you
(40-60)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
You cannot be Chilled for 3 seconds after being Chilled
You cannot be Frozen for 3 seconds after being Frozen
You cannot be Ignited for 3 seconds after being Ignited
You cannot be Shocked for 3 seconds after being Shocked
You grant (4-6) Frenzy Charges to allies on Death
Captivity breeds creativity.
Shackles of the Wretched inventory icon
7Hexes applied by Socketed Curse Skills are Reflected back to you
(40-60)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
You cannot be Chilled for 3 seconds after being Chilled
You cannot be Frozen for 3 seconds after being Frozen
You cannot be Ignited for 3 seconds after being Ignited
You cannot be Shocked for 3 seconds after being Shocked
You grant (4-6) Frenzy Charges to allies on Death
GluttonyGluttony inventory iconGluttony
Leather Belt
Requires Level 8+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life
You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies
(20-28) Life gained for each Cursed Enemy hit by your Attacks
(10-14) Mana gained for each Cursed Enemy hit by your Attacks
Take (100-200) Physical Damage when you use a Movement Skill
You have no Armour or Maximum Energy Shield
What started as a desire to feed
became a desire to learn...
Gluttony inventory icon
8+(25-40) to maximum Life+(60-80) to maximum Life
You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies
(20-28) Life gained for each Cursed Enemy hit by your Attacks
(10-14) Mana gained for each Cursed Enemy hit by your Attacks
Take (100-200) Physical Damage when you use a Movement Skill
You have no Armour or Maximum Energy Shield
Asphyxia's WrathAsphyxia's Wrath inventory iconAsphyxia's Wrath
Two-Point Arrow Quiver
Requires Level 10(20-30)% increased Global Accuracy RatingGrants Level 5 Frostbite Skill
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
+(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
(30-40)% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
(7-10)% chance to Freeze
Hexes on Slain Enemies are transferred to a nearby Enemy
Mist of breath
Icing to lips and throat
As the warm ones choke and fall
Upon the frozen wasteland.
Asphyxia's Wrath inventory icon
10(20-30)% increased Global Accuracy RatingGrants Level 5 Frostbite Skill
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
+(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
(30-40)% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
(7-10)% chance to Freeze
Hexes on Slain Enemies are transferred to a nearby Enemy
Dying BreathDying Breath inventory iconDying Breath
Iron Staff
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: 16.8-50.4
Critical Strike Chance: 6.40%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 13
Requires Level 13, 27 Str, 27 Int+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff18% increased Cast Speed
18% increased maximum Mana
18% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
18% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Nearby Enemies have 18% increased Effect of Curses on them
Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage
18% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
The whispers of the dead
Carry wisdom for the living,
If you are willing to give your life
To listen.
Dying Breath inventory icon
13+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff18% increased Cast Speed
18% increased maximum Mana
18% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
18% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Nearby Enemies have 18% increased Effect of Curses on them
Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage
18% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
DreadarcDreadarc inventory iconDreadarc
One Handed Axe
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: (20.4-32.4) to (66-72)
Elemental Damage: (5-15) to (20-25)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (1.39-1.43)
Weapon Range: 11
Requires Level 16, 48 StrAdds (5-15) to (20-25) Physical Damage
Adds (5-15) to (20-25) Fire Damage
(7-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
5% increased Movement Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
The fastest way to a man's heart
is through his sternum.
Dreadarc inventory icon
16Adds (5-15) to (20-25) Physical Damage
Adds (5-15) to (20-25) Fire Damage
(7-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
5% increased Movement Speed
Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
KikazaruKikazaru inventory iconKikazaru
Topaz Ring
Requires Level 20+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10-15) to all Attributes
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
40% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Regenerate 1 Life per second per Level
Hear no evil.
Kikazaru inventory icon
20+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10-15) to all Attributes
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
40% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Regenerate 1 Life per second per Level
The Deep One's HideThe Deep One's Hide inventory iconThe Deep One's Hide
Studded Round Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 26%
Armour: (96-115)
Evasion: (96-115)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 20, 28 Str, 28 Dex60% increased Block RecoveryAdds 4 to 8 Physical Damage to Attacks
Adds 12 to 15 Cold Damage to Attacks
(90-130)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30-50)% to Fire Resistance
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
The thicker the shell,
the greater the beast that hunts it.
The Deep One's Hide inventory icon
2060% increased Block RecoveryAdds 4 to 8 Physical Damage to Attacks
Adds 12 to 15 Cold Damage to Attacks
(90-130)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30-50)% to Fire Resistance
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block, with 20% increased Effect
Coward's ChainsCoward's Chains inventory iconCoward's Chains
Chain Belt
Requires Level 22+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(10-15) to all Attributes
(5-10)% increased Movement Speed
Damage from Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You count as on Full Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 40% increased Effect
As a gift or as punishment,
the Empire will have your blood.

This item can be transformed on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Vial of Consequence
Coward's Chains inventory icon
22+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(10-15) to all Attributes
(5-10)% increased Movement Speed
Damage from Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You count as on Full Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 40% increased Effect
Matua TupunaMatua Tupuna inventory iconMatua Tupuna
Tarnished Spirit Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 24%
Energy Shield: (32-40)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 23, 60 Int(5-10)% increased Spell Damage+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
(40-80)% increased Energy Shield
+(15-25) to maximum Mana
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on your Minions
Spreads Tar when you take a Critical Strike
Tar lasts 4.5 seconds (Hidden)
When hit by a Critical Strike, creates patches of Tar reducing Movement Speed by 50% (Hidden)
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
You carried me through life,
The least I can do is carry you through death.
Matua Tupuna inventory icon
23(5-10)% increased Spell Damage+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
(40-80)% increased Energy Shield
+(15-25) to maximum Mana
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on your Minions
Spreads Tar when you take a Critical Strike
Tar lasts 4.5 seconds (Hidden)
When hit by a Critical Strike, creates patches of Tar reducing Movement Speed by 50% (Hidden)
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Mark of SubmissionMark of Submission inventory iconMark of Submission
Unset Ring
Requires Level 24Has 1 SocketCurse Enemies with Socketed Hex Curse Gem on HitSo great was the thaumaturgy of a bloodpriest's mark,
that sacrifices soon welcomed their death.
Mark of Submission inventory icon
24Has 1 SocketCurse Enemies with Socketed Hex Curse Gem on Hit0
Asenath's Gentle TouchAsenath's Gentle Touch inventory iconAsenath's Gentle Touch
Silk Gloves
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: 20
Requires Level 25, 39 Int+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(60-80) to maximum Mana
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
Non-Aura Curses you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies
Enemies near corpses affected by your Curses are Blinded
Enemies Killed near corpses affected by your Curses explode, dealing
3% of their Life as Physical Damage
Cool the head and cool the blade.
Asenath's Gentle Touch inventory icon
25+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(60-80) to maximum Mana
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
Non-Aura Curses you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies
Enemies near corpses affected by your Curses are Blinded
Enemies Killed near corpses affected by your Curses explode, dealing
3% of their Life as Physical Damage
Star of WraeclastStar of Wraeclast inventory iconStar of Wraeclast
Ruby Amulet
Requires Level 28+(20-30)% to Fire ResistanceGrants Level 10 Frostblink Skill
(30-50)% increased Cold Damage
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
You cannot be Cursed with Silence
Frostblink has 50% increased Duration
"I offer to you an eternal oath
that binds your heart to mine;
a bond that not even death will break.
Will you accept?"
- Daresso, to his beloved
Star of Wraeclast inventory icon
28+(20-30)% to Fire ResistanceGrants Level 10 Frostblink Skill
(30-50)% increased Cold Damage
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
You cannot be Cursed with Silence
Frostblink has 50% increased Duration
Chalice of HorrorsChalice of Horrors inventory iconChalice of Horrors
War Buckler
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 31%
Evasion: (217-246)
Energy Shield: (60-84)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 29, 74 Dex9% increased Movement Speed+1 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Life
+5% Chance to Block
10% Chance to Cause Monster to Flee on Block
Curse Skills have 100% increased Skill Effect Duration
An eye for an eye. A curse for a curse.
Chalice of Horrors inventory icon
299% increased Movement Speed+1 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Life
+5% Chance to Block
10% Chance to Cause Monster to Flee on Block
Curse Skills have 100% increased Skill Effect Duration
Thief's TormentThief's Torment inventory iconThief's Torment
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances(10-16)% increased Quantity of Items found
Can't use other Rings
+(16-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
+(40-60) Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
+30 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
The ring I stole,
My finger they took,
A shrouded mind,
Cut their curses short,
As I drained their spirit
And stole their soul.
A blessing is often a curse.
Thief's Torment inventory icon
30+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances(10-16)% increased Quantity of Items found
Can't use other Rings
+(16-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
+(40-60) Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
+30 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Thirst for HorrorsChalice of Horrors inventory iconThirst for Horrors
War Buckler
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 31%
Evasion: (217-246)
Energy Shield: (60-84)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 32, 74 Dex9% increased Movement Speed+1 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Life
+5% Chance to Block
10% Chance to Cause Monster to Flee on Block
1% of Damage Leeched as Life against Cursed Enemies
Curse Skills have 100% increased Skill Effect Duration
What goes out must come in.
Chalice of Horrors inventory icon
329% increased Movement Speed+1 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50-70) to maximum Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Life
+5% Chance to Block
10% Chance to Cause Monster to Flee on Block
1% of Damage Leeched as Life against Cursed Enemies
Curse Skills have 100% increased Skill Effect Duration
Sentari's AnswerSentari's Answer inventory iconSentari's Answer
Brass Spirit Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 30%
Energy Shield: 39
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 33, 82 Int10% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(4-8)% increased Quantity of Items found
+5% Chance to Block
Curse Enemies with Punishment when you Block their Melee Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains when you Block their Projectile Attack Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness when you Block their Spell Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
Open your eyes and you will see the cracks in your enemy's walls.
Open your mind and you will see the cracks in your enemy's plans.
Sentari's Answer inventory icon
3310% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(4-8)% increased Quantity of Items found
+5% Chance to Block
Curse Enemies with Punishment when you Block their Melee Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains when you Block their Projectile Attack Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness when you Block their Spell Damage, with 60% increased Effect and ignoring Curse Limit
WindscreamWindscream inventory iconWindscream
Reinforced Greaves
Quality: +20%
Armour: (185-218)
Requires Level 33, 60 Str(50-80)% increased Armour
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
15% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
You can apply an additional Curse
The mocking wind, a shielding spell,
The haunting screams, a maddening hell.
Windscream inventory icon
33(50-80)% increased Armour
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
15% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
You can apply an additional Curse
Vixen's EntrapmentVixen's Entrapment inventory iconVixen's Entrapment
Embroidered Gloves
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (88-136)
Requires Level 36, 54 IntTrigger Socketed Curse Skill when you cast a Curse Skill
+(50-90) to maximum Energy Shield
0.2% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield for each Curse on Enemy
You can apply an additional Curse
Curse Skills have (10-20)% increased Cast Speed
"One coy look. One blown kiss. One word spoken.
One night I wish I'd forget."
Vixen's Entrapment inventory icon
36Trigger Socketed Curse Skill when you cast a Curse Skill
+(50-90) to maximum Energy Shield
0.2% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield for each Curse on Enemy
You can apply an additional Curse
Curse Skills have (10-20)% increased Cast Speed
Fated EndFated End inventory iconFated End
Paua Ring
Requires Level 38+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(20-40) to Intelligence
Curse Skills have (8-12)% increased Cast Speed
Hexes you inflcit have their Effect increased by twice their Doom instead
Hexes have (-20-20)% increased Doom gain rate
Hexes expire 0.5 seconds after reaching maximum Doom
All roads lead to that destined doom.
Fated End inventory icon
38+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(20-40) to Intelligence
Curse Skills have (8-12)% increased Cast Speed
Hexes you inflcit have their Effect increased by twice their Doom instead
Hexes have (-20-20)% increased Doom gain rate
Hexes expire 0.5 seconds after reaching maximum Doom
Doedre's ScornDoedre's Scorn inventory iconDoedre's Scorn
Lunaris Circlet
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (165-189)
Requires Level 39, 83 Int+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(100-120) to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Elemental Damage
(10-20)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy
Curse Skills have (30-50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
A scar of the flesh you'll never forget,
A scar of the mind you'll never remember.
Doedre's Scorn inventory icon
39+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(100-120) to maximum Energy Shield
20% increased Elemental Damage
(10-20)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy
Curse Skills have (30-50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
The Jinxed JujuThe Jinxed Juju inventory iconThe Jinxed Juju
Citrine Amulet
Requires Level 48+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity+(30-40) to Intelligence
+(23-31)% to Chaos Resistance
(10-15)% increased Effect of your Curses
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you
Burned rhoa's eye and goatman's beard do demand:
Leave behind those lazy bones;
Dance, ye dead, at my command!
The Jinxed Juju inventory icon
48+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity+(30-40) to Intelligence
+(23-31)% to Chaos Resistance
(10-15)% increased Effect of your Curses
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you
Witchfire BrewWitchfire Brew inventory iconWitchfire Brew
Stibnite Flask
Lasts 5.00 Seconds
Consumes 60 of 60 Charges on use
20% More Evasion Rating
Requires Level 48Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use50% increased Charges used
Grants Level 21 Despair Curse Aura during Flask Effect
"Think of those that cursed us, judged us,
and burned our sisters upon the pyre.
Think of their names as you drink,
and even their children will feel what we do to them today."
-Vadinya, to her coven
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Witchfire Brew inventory icon
48Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use50% increased Charges used
Grants Level 21 Despair Curse Aura during Flask Effect
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem (Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge) inventory iconPrecursor's Emblem
Prismatic Ring
Requires Level 49+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances+20 to all Attributes
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<One Endurance Charge mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod>
<One Power Charge mod>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's Emblem (Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge) inventory icon
49+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances+20 to all Attributes
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<One Endurance Charge mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod>
<One Power Charge mod>
(1-2) to (18-20) Lightning Damage per Power Charge
(20-40)% increased Endurance Charge Duration
(20-40)% increased Frenzy Charge Duration
(20-40)% increased Power Charge Duration
(6-8) to (12-13) Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
(7-9) to (13-14) Fire Damage per Endurance Charge
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Endurance Charge
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Power Charge
+3% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Frenzy Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Endurance Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Frenzy Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Power Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Endurance Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Power Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Endurance Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Power Charge
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
10% increased Accuracy Rating per Frenzy Charge
15% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Endurance Charges
15% chance that if you would gain Frenzy Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy Charges
15% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to
your maximum number of Power Charges
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
3% increased Energy Shield per Power Charge
5% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
5% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
5% increased Damage per Power Charge
6% increased Armour per Endurance Charge
6% increased Critical Strike Chance per Endurance Charge
6% increased Critical Strike Chance per Frenzy Charge
8% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge
Gain 1 Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently
Gain 1% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Frenzy Charge
Gain 1% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Endurance Charge
Gain 1% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Power Charge
Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while at maximum Frenzy Charges
Gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells while at maximum Power Charges
Gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Hit while at maximum Frenzy Charges
Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks while at maximum Endurance Charges
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Endurance Charge
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Frenzy Charge
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Power Charge
You can apply an additional Curse while at maximum Power Charges
You cannot be Stunned while at maximum Endurance Charges
You have Iron Reflexes while at maximum Frenzy Charges
You have Mind over Matter while at maximum Power Charges
You have Vaal Pact while at maximum Endurance Charges
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem (Endurance and Power Charge) inventory iconPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Dexterity and Intelligence
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's Emblem (Endurance and Power Charge) inventory icon
49+(12-16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Dexterity and Intelligence
<Two Endurance Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Endurance Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
(1-2) to (18-20) Lightning Damage per Power Charge
(20-40)% increased Endurance Charge Duration
(20-40)% increased Power Charge Duration
(7-9) to (13-14) Fire Damage per Endurance Charge
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Endurance Charge
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Power Charge
+3% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Endurance Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Power Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Endurance Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Power Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Endurance Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Power Charge
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
15% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Endurance Charges
15% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to
your maximum number of Power Charges
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
3% increased Energy Shield per Power Charge
5% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
5% increased Damage per Power Charge
6% increased Armour per Endurance Charge
6% increased Critical Strike Chance per Endurance Charge
Gain 1 Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently
Gain 1% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Endurance Charge
Gain 1% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Power Charge
Gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells while at maximum Power Charges
Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks while at maximum Endurance Charges
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Endurance Charge
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Power Charge
You can apply an additional Curse while at maximum Power Charges
You cannot be Stunned while at maximum Endurance Charges
You have Mind over Matter while at maximum Power Charges
You have Vaal Pact while at maximum Endurance Charges
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem (Frenzy and Power Charge) inventory iconPrecursor's Emblem
Two-Stone Ring
Requires Level 49+(12-16)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Intelligence
<Two Frenzy Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's Emblem (Frenzy and Power Charge) inventory icon
49+(12-16)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
+20 to Strength and Intelligence
<Two Frenzy Charge mods and one Power Charge Mod>
<One Frenzy Charge mod and Two Power Charge Mods>
(1-2) to (18-20) Lightning Damage per Power Charge
(20-40)% increased Frenzy Charge Duration
(20-40)% increased Power Charge Duration
(6-8) to (12-13) Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Power Charge
+3% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Frenzy Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Frenzy Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Power Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Power Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Power Charge
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
10% increased Accuracy Rating per Frenzy Charge
15% chance that if you would gain Frenzy Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy Charges
15% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to
your maximum number of Power Charges
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
3% increased Energy Shield per Power Charge
5% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge
5% increased Damage per Power Charge
6% increased Critical Strike Chance per Frenzy Charge
8% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge
Gain 1% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Frenzy Charge
Gain 1% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Power Charge
Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while at maximum Frenzy Charges
Gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells while at maximum Power Charges
Gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Hit while at maximum Frenzy Charges
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Frenzy Charge
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Power Charge
You can apply an additional Curse while at maximum Power Charges
You have Iron Reflexes while at maximum Frenzy Charges
You have Mind over Matter while at maximum Power Charges
Precursor's EmblemPrecursor's Emblem (Power Charge) inventory iconPrecursor's Emblem
Topaz Ring
Requires Level 49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<Three Power Charge mods>
History teaches humility.
Precursor's Emblem (Power Charge) inventory icon
49+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+20 to Intelligence
5% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased maximum Life
<Three Power Charge mods>
(1-2) to (18-20) Lightning Damage per Power Charge
(20-40)% increased Power Charge Duration
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Power Charge
+3% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge
1% chance to Dodge Attack Hits per Power Charge
1% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Power Charge
1% increased Movement Speed per Power Charge
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
15% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to
your maximum number of Power Charges
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
3% increased Energy Shield per Power Charge
5% increased Damage per Power Charge
Gain 1% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Power Charge
Gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells while at maximum Power Charges
Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Power Charge
You can apply an additional Curse while at maximum Power Charges
You have Mind over Matter while at maximum Power Charges
Soul MantleSoul Mantle inventory iconSoul Mantle
Spidersilk Robe
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (211-230)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 49, 134 IntSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage
(100-120)% increased Energy Shield
50% increased Totem Life
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect
The greatest mistakes cause suffering
long after they have been made
Soul Mantle inventory icon
49Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
(20-25)% increased Spell Damage
(100-120)% increased Energy Shield
50% increased Totem Life
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die, with 80% more Effect
Uul-Netol's KissUul-Netol's Kiss inventory iconUul-Netol's Kiss
Two Handed Axe
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: (192.4-214.6) to (319.8-356.7)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.02
Weapon Range: 13
Requires Level 49, 122 Str, 53 Dex(140-170)% increased Physical Damage
15% reduced Attack Speed
25% chance to Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
Attacks have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding when Hitting Cursed Enemies
We feel the mother's love
And beg to return to her womb.

This item can be transformed with a Blessing of Uul-Netol
Uul-Netol's Kiss inventory icon
49(140-170)% increased Physical Damage
15% reduced Attack Speed
25% chance to Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit, with 40% increased Effect
Attacks have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding when Hitting Cursed Enemies
Replica Victario's CharityReplica Victario's Charity inventory iconReplica Victario's Charity
Laminated Kite Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 24%
Armour: 135
Energy Shield: 26
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 50, 64 Str, 64 Int+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
5% chance to grant an Endurance Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
10% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
"Close to the original, and perhaps even more useful. However,
close is not what we are looking for. Keep trying."
- Administrator Qotra
Replica Victario's Charity inventory icon
50+8% to all Elemental Resistances+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
+11% to Chaos Resistance
10% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
5% chance to grant an Endurance Charge to nearby Allies on Hit
10% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Kill
Coward's LegacyCoward's Legacy inventory iconCoward's Legacy
Chain Belt
Requires Level 52+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(15-20) to all Attributes
(5-10)% increased Movement Speed
50% increased Effect of Curses on you
You count as on Low Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 80% increased Effect
Death is your most important duty.
Face it, or curse your bloodline for all eternity.
Coward's Legacy inventory icon
52+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(15-20) to all Attributes
(5-10)% increased Movement Speed
50% increased Effect of Curses on you
You count as on Low Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
You are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 80% increased Effect
Profane ProxyProfane Proxy inventory iconProfane Proxy
Unset Ring
Requires Level 52Has 1 Socket+3 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
Left Ring Slot: Your Chilling Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
Right Ring Slot: Your Shocking Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
The machines do not hate. They merely serve one who does.
Profane Proxy inventory icon
52Has 1 Socket+3 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
Left Ring Slot: Your Chilling Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
Right Ring Slot: Your Shocking Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
Victario's InfluenceVictario's Influence inventory iconVictario's Influence
Lacquered Garb
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (686-772)
Energy Shield: (134-151)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 52, 76 Dex, 76 Int+1 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Generosity
Socketed Gems have 30% reduced Mana Reservation
(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
"Every life is a story.
If you're not writing your own,
you'd better know who's writing it for you!"
- Victario, the People's Poet
Victario's Influence inventory icon
52+1 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Generosity
Socketed Gems have 30% reduced Mana Reservation
(120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
(10-15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Atziri's MirrorAtziri's Mirror inventory iconAtziri's Mirror
Golden Buckler
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (930-992)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 54, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% reduced Duration of Curses on you
Hex Reflection
+10% Chance to Block Attack Damage while not Cursed
+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Cursed
"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Mirror inventory icon
546% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% reduced Duration of Curses on you
Hex Reflection
+10% Chance to Block Attack Damage while not Cursed
+20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Cursed
WindshriekWindscream inventory iconWindshriek
Reinforced Greaves
Quality: +20%
Armour: (348-403)
Requires Level 60, 60 Str(200-250)% increased Armour
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
25% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
You can apply an additional Curse
60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
An open mouth, a blinding shriek,
Your mind goes dark, your body weak.
Windscream inventory icon
60(200-250)% increased Armour
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
25% increased Movement Speed
(10-20)% increased Elemental Damage
You can apply an additional Curse
60% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Chains of EmancipationChains of Emancipation inventory iconChains of Emancipation
Chain Belt
Requires Level 61+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Enemy Hits inflict Temporal Chains on you
When you lose Temporal Chains you gain maximum Rage
Immune to Curses while you have at least 25 Rage
Freedom is won only by those who are not free.
Chains of Emancipation inventory icon
61+(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Enemy Hits inflict Temporal Chains on you
When you lose Temporal Chains you gain maximum Rage
Immune to Curses while you have at least 25 Rage
Chernobog's PillarChernobog's Pillar inventory iconChernobog's Pillar
Ebony Tower Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: (988-1112)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 61, 159 Str+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(120-150)% increased Armour
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(35-50)% to Fire Resistance
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit, with 80% increased Effect
Fire dances with those who doubt
Licks the skin and flesh from the fearful
Where there is no fear
There is no flame
Chernobog's Pillar inventory icon
61+(20-30) to maximum LifeAdds (12-15) to (30-35) Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks
(120-150)% increased Armour
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(35-50)% to Fire Resistance
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
25% chance to Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit, with 80% increased Effect
Geofri's DevotionGeofri's Baptism inventory iconGeofri's Devotion
Brass Maul
Two Hand Mace
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: (262.4-278.4) to (403.2-419.2)
Elemental Damage: 11-23
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 13
Requires Level 61, 92 Str30% increased Stun Duration on EnemiesTrigger Level 20 Elemental Warding on Melee Hit while Cursed
200% increased Physical Damage
Adds (42-47) to (66-71) Physical Damage
Adds 11 to 23 Cold Damage
(10-20)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Never deal Critical Strikes
"Confess your sins to me. My god will not be nearly so forgiving."
- Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia Cathedral
Geofri's Baptism inventory icon
6130% increased Stun Duration on EnemiesTrigger Level 20 Elemental Warding on Melee Hit while Cursed
200% increased Physical Damage
Adds (42-47) to (66-71) Physical Damage
Adds 11 to 23 Cold Damage
(10-20)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Never deal Critical Strikes
The Felbog FangThe Felbog Fang inventory iconThe Felbog Fang
Citrine Amulet
Requires Level 61+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity+(30-50) to Intelligence
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(10-15)% increased Area of Effect
Enemies Cursed by you are Hindered with 25% reduced Movement
Speed if 25% of Curse Duration expired
Your Curses have 25% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
Enemies Cursed by you take 25% increased Damage if 75% of Curse Duration expired
Death creeps closer; unseen, inexorable, hungry.
The Felbog Fang inventory icon
61+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity+(30-50) to Intelligence
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(10-15)% increased Area of Effect
Enemies Cursed by you are Hindered with 25% reduced Movement
Speed if 25% of Curse Duration expired
Your Curses have 25% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
Enemies Cursed by you take 25% increased Damage if 75% of Curse Duration expired
Whakatutuki o MatuaMatua Tupuna inventory iconWhakatutuki o Matua
Tarnished Spirit Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 24%
Energy Shield: (96-200)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 63, 60 Int(5-10)% increased Spell Damage+3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
+(40-80) to maximum Energy Shield
(40-80)% increased Energy Shield
+(15-25) to maximum Mana
20% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on your Minions
20% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Spreads Tar when you Block
If you have Blocked Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate 5% of Life per second
As you guided me, now I guide others.
Matua Tupuna inventory icon
63(5-10)% increased Spell Damage+3 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
+(40-80) to maximum Energy Shield
(40-80)% increased Energy Shield
+(15-25) to maximum Mana
20% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on your Minions
20% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Spreads Tar when you Block
If you have Blocked Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate 5% of Life per second
Uul-Netol's EmbraceUul-Netol's Embrace inventory iconUul-Netol's Embrace
Vaal Axe
Two Handed Axe
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: (416-457.6) to (696-765.6)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: (0.80-0.86)
Weapon Range: 13
Requires Level 64, 158 Str, 76 Dex25% chance to Maim on HitTrigger Level 20 Bone Nova when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy
(280-320)% increased Physical Damage
(30-25)% reduced Attack Speed
Attacks have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding when Hitting Cursed Enemies
At last she holds us,
and so we turn to dust.
Uul-Netol's Embrace inventory icon
6425% chance to Maim on HitTrigger Level 20 Bone Nova when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy
(280-320)% increased Physical Damage
(30-25)% reduced Attack Speed
Attacks have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding when Hitting Cursed Enemies
Doedre's SkinDoedre's Skin inventory iconDoedre's Skin
Widowsilk Robe
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (375-405)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 65, 187 IntSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blasphemy
Grants Level 20 Summon Doedre's Effigy Skill
Socketed Hex Curse Skills are Triggered by Doedre's Effigy when Summoned
Hexes from Socketed Skills ignore Curse Limit
+(30-40) to Intelligence
(130-150)% increased Energy Shield
As she was sentenced to death, Doedre was silent.
As she was tied to the stake, Doedre was silent.
As the flames licked away her life, Doedre was silent.
But Wraeclast had not heard the last of her.
Doedre's Skin inventory icon
65Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blasphemy
Grants Level 20 Summon Doedre's Effigy Skill
Socketed Hex Curse Skills are Triggered by Doedre's Effigy when Summoned
Hexes from Socketed Skills ignore Curse Limit
+(30-40) to Intelligence
(130-150)% increased Energy Shield
Heretic's VeilHeretic's Veil inventory iconHeretic's Veil
Deicide Mask
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (399-436)
Energy Shield: (178-218)
Requires Level 67, 73 Dex, 88 Int+3 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 22 Blasphemy
Socketed Curse Gems have 12% reduced Mana Reservation
(90-110)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Energy Shield
Branded a heretic for your beliefs,
You stand alone against many.
May the truth that fuels their anger,
Carry your blade into their hearts.
Heretic's Veil inventory icon
67+3 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 22 Blasphemy
Socketed Curse Gems have 12% reduced Mana Reservation
(90-110)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(40-50) to maximum Energy Shield
Atziri's ReflectionAtziri's Mirror inventory iconAtziri's Reflection
Golden Buckler
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: (930-992)
Energy Shield: (216-240)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 68, 130 Dex6% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Hex Reflection
Unaffected by Curses
(15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses
"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Mirror inventory icon
686% increased Movement Speed+(40-60) to Intelligence
(180-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(180-200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Hex Reflection
Unaffected by Curses
(15-20)% increased Effect of your Curses
Cospri's WillCospri's Will inventory iconCospri's Will
Assassin's Garb
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (1768-2063)
Requires Level 68, 183 Dex3% increased Movement Speed(120-160)% increased Evasion Rating
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
You can apply an additional Curse
Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies
60% chance to Poison on Hit against Cursed Enemies
Curse their vile Council,
They cast me aside as if I am some bastard child.
If they only knew the power I possess.
Cospri's Will inventory icon
683% increased Movement Speed(120-160)% increased Evasion Rating
+(17-29)% to Chaos Resistance
You can apply an additional Curse
Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies
60% chance to Poison on Hit against Cursed Enemies
Ylfeban's TrickeryYlfeban's Trickery inventory iconYlfeban's Trickery
Hubris Circlet
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (190-220)
Requires Level 69, 154 IntTrigger Level 10 Shock Ground when Hit
Adds 1 to (60-80) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
(130-170)% increased Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Lightning Resistance
20% chance to Curse non-Cursed Enemies with a random Hex on Hit
An angry god is one thing,
but you should really fear a god
with an unpredictable sense of humour.
Ylfeban's Trickery inventory icon
69Trigger Level 10 Shock Ground when Hit
Adds 1 to (60-80) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
(130-170)% increased Energy Shield
+(25-35)% to Lightning Resistance
20% chance to Curse non-Cursed Enemies with a random Hex on Hit
Mercenary's LotMercenary's Lot inventory iconMercenary's Lot
Slink Gloves
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (386-434)
Requires Level 70, 95 Dex+(80-120) to Evasion Rating
(5-8)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Mark Skills have (10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(30-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Marked Enemy
Your Mark transfers to another Enemy when Marked Enemy dies
The target changes, but the job's always the same.
Mercenary's Lot inventory icon
70+(80-120) to Evasion Rating
(5-8)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Mark Skills have (10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(30-50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Marked Enemy
Your Mark transfers to another Enemy when Marked Enemy dies
The Hungry LoopThe Hungry Loop inventory iconThe Hungry Loop
Unset Ring
Requires Level 70Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level
Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems
Has not Consumed any Gems
<Consumed support gem modifier>
Be careful where you put your finger.
The Hungry Loop inventory icon
70Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level
Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems
Has not Consumed any Gems
<Consumed support gem modifier>
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Added Chaos Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Added Cold Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Added Fire Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Added Lightning Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Additional Accuracy
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Arcane Surge
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Archmage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Arrow Nova
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Added Chaos Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Added Cold Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Added Fire Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Added Lightning Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Ancestral Call
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Arrow Nova
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Blasphemy
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Brutality
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Burning Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Cast On Critical Strike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Cast While Channelling
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Chain
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Cold Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Controlled Destruction
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Hextouch
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Deadly Ailments
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Elemental Focus
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Fire Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Fork
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Generosity
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Increased Area Of Effect
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Lightning Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Melee Physical Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Melee Splash
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Minion Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Multistrike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Spell Cascade
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Spell Echo
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Swift Affliction
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Unbound Ailments
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Unleash
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Vicious Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Void Manipulation
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 5 Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Barrage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blasphemy
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Blind
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Bloodlust
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blood Magic
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Bonechill
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Brutality
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Cast On Critical Strike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast when Damage Taken
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Cast on Death
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast On Melee Kill
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Cast when Stunned
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cast While Channelling
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Chain
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Chance To Bleed
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Combustion
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Withering Touch
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Charged Mines
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Close Combat
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cluster Trap
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cold Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Cold to Fire
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Controlled Destruction
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Culling Strike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hextouch
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Deadly Ailments
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Predator
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Decay
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Efficacy
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Focus
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Proliferation
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Empower
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Energy Leech
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enhance
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 3 Enlighten
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Faster Attacks
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Faster Casting
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Faster Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Feeding Frenzy
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fire Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fist of War
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Chance to Flee
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Fork
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fortify
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Charged Traps
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Generosity
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Greater Multiple Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Greater Volley
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hypothermia
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ice Bite
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ignite Proliferation
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Immolate
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Impale
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Impending Doom
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Increased Area of Effect
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Burning Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Increased Critical Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Increased Critical Strikes
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Increased Duration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Life
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minion Speed
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Infernal Legion
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Innervate
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Iron Grip
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Iron Will
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Item Quantity
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Item Rarity
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Knockback
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Lesser Poison
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Life Gain On Hit
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Life Leech
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Lightning Penetration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Maim
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Mana Leech
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Meat Shield
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Damage On Full Life
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Melee Physical Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Melee Splash
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Minefield
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Mirage Archer
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Echo
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Multistrike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Multiple Totems
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Multiple Traps
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Nightblade
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Onslaught
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Volley
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Vicious Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Physical To Lightning
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Pierce
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Pinpoint
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Point Blank
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Poison
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Power Charge On Critical Strike
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Pulverise
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Rage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ballista Totem
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Swift Affliction
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Block Chance Reduction
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Less Duration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Inspiration
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blastchain Mine
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 High-Impact Mine
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ruthless
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Second Wind
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Shockwave
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Slower Projectiles
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Cascade
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Intensify
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Spell Totem
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ancestral Call
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Infused Channelling
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Stun
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Elemental Army Support
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Summon Phantasm
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Swift Assembly
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Swiftbrand
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Trap
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Trap And Mine Damage
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Advanced Traps
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Unbound Ailments
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Unleash
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Urgent Orders
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Vile Toxins
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Void Manipulation
Has Consumed 1 Gem
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Elemental Damage with Attacks
ShadowstitchShadowstitch inventory iconShadowstitch
Sacrificial Garb
Quality: +20%
Armour: (1217-1546)
Evasion: (1217-1546)
Energy Shield: (236-300)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 72, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int<2 Random corrupted implicit modifiers>Has an additional Implicit Mod
+(20-30) to all Attributes
(250-350)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
Recover (3-5)% of Life on Kill
Recover (3-5)% of Energy Shield on Kill
-(6-4)% to all Resistances for each Corrupted Item Equipped
8% increased Maximum Energy Shield for each Corrupted Item Equipped
6% increased Maximum Life for each Corrupted Item Equipped
Item has 6 Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden)
Destined for sacrifice, they were dressed in garments that blurred the lines between this world and the next.
Shadowstitch inventory icon
<2 Random corrupted implicit modifiers>
(3-5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationary
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
(40-50)% increased Damage
(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
+1% to all maximum Resistances
(6-4)% reduced Chaos Damage taken
(6-4)% reduced Cold Damage taken
You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
(6-4)% reduced Fire Damage taken
(6-4)% reduced Lightning Damage taken
+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Duration Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Warcry Gems
Has an additional Implicit Mod
+(20-30) to all Attributes
(250-350)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
Recover (3-5)% of Life on Kill
Recover (3-5)% of Energy Shield on Kill
-(6-4)% to all Resistances for each Corrupted Item Equipped
8% increased Maximum Energy Shield for each Corrupted Item Equipped
6% increased Maximum Life for each Corrupted Item Equipped
Item has 6 Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden)

패시브 스킬[]

다음은 저주 보너스를 제공하는 패시브 스킬입니다.

저주 반경[]

다음의 패시브 스킬들은 저주에 대한 효과 범위 반경 증가를 제공합니다.

Hex Area of Effect and Faster Doom Gain
Corruption passive skill icon
10% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills
Hexes have 50% increased Doom gain rate [1] [2]
Hex Master
KeystoneHexMaster passive skill icon
Hex Skills have 80% increased Skill Effect Duration
5% increased Effect of your Curses
40% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills [1]

저주 시전 속도[]

다음의 패시브 스킬들은 저주에 대한 시전 속도 증가를 제공합니다.

Curse Cast Speed
Castspeed passive skill icon
Curse Skills have 10% increased Cast Speed [1] [2] [3]

저주 지속시간[]

다음의 패시브 스킬들은 저주에 대한 지속시간 증가를 제공합니다. No results found for the given query.

저주 효과[]

다음의 패시브 스킬들은 저주의 효과 증가를 제공합니다.

Curse Effect
Corruption passive skill icon
5% increased Effect of your Curses [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Hex Master
KeystoneHexMaster passive skill icon
Hex Skills have 80% increased Skill Effect Duration
5% increased Effect of your Curses
40% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills [1]
Skittering Runes
SkitteringRunes passive skill icon
Hexes you inflict have +10 to maximum Doom
10% increased Effect of your Curses [1]

추가 저주[]

다음의 패시브 스킬은 저주 제한을 하나 올려줍니다.

Whispers of Doom
KeystoneWhispersOfDoom passive skill icon
You can apply an additional Curse [1]

스킬 군 주얼 패시브 스킬[]

다음의 스킬 군 주얼 패시브는 저주와 관계있습니다:

Curse Effect
CurseEffectNode passive skill icon
5% increased Effect of your Curses [1]
Blizzard Caller
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
15% increased Critical Strike Chance [1]
Dark Discourse
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
10% increased Effect of your Curses
Enemies you Curse are Hindered, with 15% reduced Movement Speed
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second if you've Killed an Enemy Recently [1]
Exploit Weakness
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
15% increased Physical Damage [1]
Forbidden Words
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Area of Effect of Curse Aura Skills
4% reduced Mana Reservation of Curse Aura Skills
5% increased Effect of your Curses [1]
Hex Breaker
DmgWhenChannelSkillsNotable passive skill icon
Remove a Curse after Channelling for 2 seconds
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Channelling [1]
Lord of Drought
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Flammability Curse Effect
10% increased Area of Effect [1]
Master of Fear
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
Enemies you Curse are Unnerved [1]
Misery Everlasting
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Despair Curse Effect
10% increased Skill Effect Duration [1]
Numbing Elixir
LifeManaFlasksrecovery passive skill icon
40% reduced Effect of Curses on you during Effect of any Life or Mana Flask
40% reduced Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on you during Effect of any Life or Mana Flask [1]
Sap Psyche
IncreasedSpellDamageNotable passive skill icon
20% increased Spell Damage
30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second if you've Cursed an Enemy Recently [1]
Tempt the Storm
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
25% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
5% increased Cast Speed [1]
Victim Maker
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
Curse Skills have 8% increased Cast Speed
Enemies Cursed by you have Malediction if 33% of Curse Duration expired [1]
Whispers of Death
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
5% increased Effect of your Curses
20% increased Damage if you've Killed a Cursed Enemy Recently [1]
Wish for Death
CurseEffectNotable passive skill icon
Curse Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration
You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies [1]


다른 분류에 들어가지 않는 저주 패시브입니다:

Aura Duration
Auraareaofeffect passive skill icon
Non-Curse Aura Skills have 30% increased Duration [1]
Damage against Cursed Enemies
Corruption passive skill icon
15% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Cursed Enemies [1]
Mana and Mana Gain on Killing Blow
HalfcurseandHalfmana passive skill icon
8% increased maximum Mana
Recover 2% of Mana when you Kill a Cursed Enemy [1]
Mana and Mana Regeneration
HalfcurseandHalfmana passive skill icon
8% increased maximum Mana
30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you've Hit a Cursed Enemy Recently [1]
Reduced Mana Reservation of Curse Skills
Corruption passive skill icon
5% reduced Mana Reservation of Curse Aura Skills [1]
BannersNotable passive skill icon
15% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies
Placed Banners also grant 30% increased Attack Damage to you and Allies [1]
Cursed Concoction
ManaandCurses passive skill icon
15% increased maximum Mana
10% increased Effect of your Curses if you've spent 200 total Mana Recently
Remove a Curse when you use a Mana Flask [1]
Malicious Intent
CurseNotable passive skill icon
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Cursed Enemies
Hexes you inflict have +4 Doom [1]
Revelry passive skill icon
10% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies
15% increased maximum Mana
+25 to maximum Mana [1]
Sanctum of Thought
Unwavering passive skill icon
You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
30% increased Armour
20% reduced Effect of Curses on you [1]
Skittering Runes
SkitteringRunes passive skill icon
Hexes you inflict have +10 to maximum Doom
10% increased Effect of your Curses [1]

핵심 패시브 스킬[]

다음의 핵심 패시브 스킬들은 저주와 관계있습니다:

DoomsdayKeystone passive skill icon
Your Hex Curse Spells create a Hexed Area for 1 second if you Cast them yourself
Enemies in the Hexed Area are Hexed, and the Hex does not expire while in the Hexed Area
Hexes applied this way do not gain Doom over time
Hexes in the Hexed Area gain up to maximum Doom when the Hexed Area ends [1]

전직 패시브 스킬[]

다음의 전직 패시브 스킬들은 플레이어의 저주에 영향을 미칩니다.

Ascendant avatar
Deadeye (Ascendants) passive skill icon
Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up
to 50% increased Damage with Hits to targets
Skills fire an additional Projectile
25% increased Effect of your Marks
You and nearby Allies have Tailwind
increased Movement, Cast and Attack Speed (Hidden) [1]
Ascendant avatar
Guardian (Ascendants) passive skill icon
You and nearby Party Members Share Power, Frenzy and Endurance Charges with each other
Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 20% of Life over one second
Auras from your Skills grant +1% Physical Damage Reduction to you and Allies
25% reduced Effect of Curses on you
While there are at least five nearby Allies, you and nearby Allies have Onslaught [1]
Ascendant avatar
Occultist (Ascendants) passive skill icon
You can apply an additional Curse
Regenerate 1.5% of Energy Shield per second
10% increased Effect of your Curses
Cannot Be Stunned while you have Energy Shield [1]
Deadeye avatar
Focal Point
Mark passive skill icon
75% increased Effect of your Marks
25% less Damage taken from other Enemies near your Marked Enemy
Marks you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies [1]
Guardian avatar
Time of Need
TimeOfNeed (Guardian) passive skill icon
80% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Every 4 seconds, Regenerate 30% of Life over one second [1]
Occultist avatar
Energy Shield, Curse Effect
IncreasedEnergyShieldManaReservation (Occultist) passive skill icon
6% increased maximum Energy Shield
5% increased Effect of your Curses [1] [2]
Occultist avatar
FatefulEchoes (Occultist) passive skill icon
You can apply an additional Curse
15% increased Effect of your Curses
Enemies you Curse have Malediction [1]
Occultist avatar
Profane Bloom
LotusExtract (Occultist) passive skill icon
Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a 40% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage
Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies [1]

버전 역사[]

Version Changes
  • All curse skills have been reworked and are now divided into two categories: Hexes and Marks.
    • Hexes apply a curse in an area and, when manually cast, apply an amount of Doom per second to cursed enemies up to a maximum. Doom increases the effect of the afflicted curse and stacks additively with modifiers to increased Curse effect.
    • Marks apply to a single targeted enemy, and only one enemy can be marked by you at a given time. Monster rarity no longer affects the efficacy of Marks. Monsters deep in the Azurite Mine (Delve) also no longer reduce the efficacy of Marks on them.
    • Additions to the number of curses you can inflict on enemies apply cumulatively to both Hexes and Marks, but do not modify the number of enemies you can have Marked at any given time. Thus, you can have an enemy that is affected by both a Mark and a Hex, but you can't Mark an enemy with two Marks, nor can you Mark two different enemies.
    • Items and enemies which previously reflected Curses will now only reflect Hexes.
  • Added several new Curse- and Aura-centric notables.
  • Bosses which previously had 60% or 80% less effect of curses on them now have 33% or 66% less effect of curses on them respectively. This includes map bosses, Incursion architects, Betrayal targets, Breachlords, Shaper, Elder and others.
  • Modifiers which previously affected the Cast Speed and Duration of Curses now instead affect Curse Skills (including the Curses and Bane inventory iconBaneBaneChaos, Trigger, Spell, AoE, Duration, Hex
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (10-20) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.60 sec
    Applies a debuff to enemies in an area, which deals chaos damage over Time. Linked hex curses are also applied to those enemies. The debuff deals more damage and lasts longer for each hex applied this way. This skill cannot be used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentApplied Curses have 0.5% increased Effect1% increased Skill Effect DurationEnemies have 0.5% chance to Explode on Death, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos DamageBase duration is 2.00 seconds
    Deals (45.7-895.6) Base Chaos Damage per second
    (28-42)% more Damage per Curse applied
    50% increased Debuff Duration per Curse applied
    Only applies Hexes from Curse Skill Gems requiring Level (24-70) or lower
    Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
    +(0-3) to radius
    This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (24-70) or lower
    You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Bane skill icon
    Bane inventory icon
  • Bosses that had a reduced effect of curses on them now have a multiplier rather than a reduction. Over time, more and more curse effect has been made available to players. With the boss curse effect reduction being additive, the increased curse effect available to players overwhelmed it. Temporal Chains inventory iconTemporal ChainsTemporal ChainsSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (16-33) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Radius: 22
    Requires Level 24Curses all enemies in an area, lowering their action speed and making other effects on them expire more slowly.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rate1% increased Curse DurationBase duration is (5-5.95) seconds
    Cursed Normal and Magic Enemies have (20-29)% less Action Speed
    Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower
    50% less Effect of Curse against Players
    Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies have (10-14)% less Action Speed
    Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
    +(0-10) to radius
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Temporal Chains skill icon
    Temporal Chains inventory icon
    and Enfeeble inventory iconEnfeebleEnfeebleSpell, AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (16-33) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Requires Level 24Curses all targets in an area, reducing their accuracy and making them deal less damage.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Effect of CurseCurse has 2% increased Doom gain rateCurse Skills have 0.5% increased Cast SpeedBase duration is (9-10.9) seconds
    Cursed enemies have (10-19)% reduced Accuracy Rating
    Cursed Normal or Magic enemies deal (21-30)% less Damage
    Cursed Rare or Unique enemies deal (10-15)% less Damage
    Curse gains 10 Doom per second if you Cast this Spell yourself
    +(0-10) to radius
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Enfeeble skill icon
    Enfeeble inventory icon
    arguably still trivialise most bosses.
  • Monsters that cast curses which lower player resistances should now do so less frequently. The curses now lower resistances less in Normal and Cruel difficulties.
  • Rogue Exiles no longer reduce the effect of player curses cast on them.
  • Map bosses, meanwhile, reduce the effect of player curses cast on them even more than before.

Map Bosses now have 60% reduced curse effect (up from 50%). Act bosses now have 70% reduced curse effect (up from 40%). Rogue Exiles now have 50% reduced curse effect (up from 0%).

