Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki
Disturbed Geodite
Disturbed Geodite
Location(s) Restless Rubble
(in Azurite Mine)
Resistance(s) Resists fire damage

Disturbed Geodite is a rock golem found in Restless Rubble node (Mines or Fungal Caverns version), which they serverd as the bosses of that node. It cannot be used as a spectre.

It seems always spawns as a normal rarity monster.

Monster stats[]

The damage value is for the default attack only. The scaling in Azurite Mine may differ from map monster.

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Introduced to game

See also[]

  • Disturbed Voidite monster from another variant of the same Delve node: Restless Rubble
  • Disturbed Azurite
  • Disturbed Fragment
  • Disturbed Magmite
  • Disturbed Rock
  • Disturbed Sulphite
  • Disturbed Vaalite