Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki
Ezomyte Hold
Iron Hat
Quality: +20%
Armour: (28-40)
20% increased Global Physical Damage
+(15-25) to Armour
+(25-50) to maximum Life
Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
Cannot be Stunned
A moment of victory may last an eternity in memory.
Ezomyte Peak inventory icon
Vendor Prices
Unique5x Chaos Orb
Vendor Offer
6x Alchemy Shard
11x Alteration Shard
Item class: Helmets

Ezomyte Hold is a unique Iron Hat inventory iconIron HatIron HatArmour: 9Iron Hat inventory icon. It is the fated version of the Ezomyte Peak inventory iconEzomyte PeakEzomyte Peak
Iron Hat
Quality: +20%
Armour: (28-40)
20% increased Global Physical Damage
+(15-25) to Armour
+(25-50) to maximum Life
Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
Centuries of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.
Ezomyte Peak inventory icon

Item acquisition

Upgrade paths

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

1Prophecy inventory iconThe Bloody Flowers ReduxThe Bloody Flowers ReduxEzomyte banners flutter through the air as embellished monsters fall, a reenactment of the slave's final victory.You will defeat the Gemling Legionnaires while holding Ezomyte PeakRight-click to add this prophecy to your character.Prophecy inventory iconProphecy rewardManual
1Ezomyte Peak inventory iconEzomyte PeakEzomyte Peak
Iron Hat
Quality: +20%
Armour: (28-40)
20% increased Global Physical Damage
+(15-25) to Armour
+(25-50) to maximum Life
Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
Centuries of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.
Ezomyte Peak inventory icon


Complete the following steps to obtain a Ezomyte Hold.

  1. Obtain/buy Prophecy inventory iconThe Bloody Flowers ReduxThe Bloody Flowers ReduxEzomyte banners flutter through the air as embellished monsters fall, a reenactment of the slave's final victory.You will defeat the Gemling Legionnaires while holding Ezomyte PeakRight-click to add this prophecy to your character.Prophecy inventory icon prophecy and activate it
  2. Obtain/buy Ezomyte Peak inventory iconEzomyte PeakEzomyte Peak
    Iron Hat
    Quality: +20%
    Armour: (28-40)
    20% increased Global Physical Damage
    +(15-25) to Armour
    +(25-50) to maximum Life
    Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
    Centuries of servitude, a day
    of glory, an eternity of death.
    Ezomyte Peak inventory icon
    and carry it in your inventory
  3. Travel to the The Grain Gate in Act 8
  4. Kill Gemling Legionnaires
  5. You will obtain a new Ezomyte Hold in your inventory

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.