Path of Exile Wiki

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Game data exports will becoming later as the technical changes in addition to regular changes take some more time.


Path of Exile Wiki
NameFog of War
Skill IdCreateSmokeCloud
IconFog of War skill icon
Cast Time1.00 sec
Level Req.65
Attack Speed100% of base
Attack Damage100% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage100%
Stored Uses1
Cooldown1.00 sec
Creates a Smoke Cloud in an area, which blinds enemies within it.
Base duration is 3 seconds
Trigger this Spell when one of your Traps is Triggered

Fog of War is a skill granted by the unique Kongming's Stratagem inventory iconKongming's StratagemKongming's Stratagem
Ivory Spirit Shield
Quality: +20%
Energy Shield: (122-138)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 41, 100 Int(15-20)% increased Spell DamageTrigger Level 20 Fog of War when your Trap is triggered
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(250-300)% increased Energy Shield
(30-50)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
30% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies
No Chance to Block
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.
Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before they fight,
while the ignorant fight to win.
Kongming's Stratagem inventory icon

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • The Fog of War skill that is triggered when a trap is triggered has also been improved, with a larger radius and a cooldown of 1 second (from 3).
  • Introduced to the game.