Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki

Forge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: ¤
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Forge of the Phoenix Map (War for the Atlas) inventory icon
Area level: 83
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Maps
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Maps/MapWorldsPhoenix

Forge of the Phoenix
Map area
No Waypoint
Area level83
BossesGuardian of the Phoenix
Area type tagsdungeon, temple
Tagsmap, no_echo, cannot_be_twinned, indoors_area, einharmaps, fire_area, fire_prison_area
The Shaper: One of my captors refused redemption. He did not see value in a new life. Now new life surrounds him.
ShaperMaps loading screen

Forge of the Phoenix Map (War for the Atlas) is a map area.


Indoors. Based on The Crematorium.



The boss of this area, Guardian of the Phoenix, always drops one Fragment of the Phoenix inventory iconFragment of the PhoenixFragment of the PhoenixItem Quantity: +5%5% increased Quantity of Items found in this AreaEnter the crucible. The nexus of
nothingness and equilibrium of eternity.
Can be used in a personal Map Device.
Fragment of the Phoenix inventory icon
and has a chance to drop one of the following unique items:

  • Eye of Innocence inventory iconEye of InnocenceEye of Innocence
    Citrine Amulet
    Requires Level 68+(16-24) to Strength and Dexterity10% chance to Ignite
    (50-70)% increased Damage while Ignited
    Take 100 Fire Damage when you Ignite an Enemy
    2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while Ignited
    "...and so He said: 'Let only the good meet my gaze'
    and no eye met His. So He called down the cleansing flames
    and let black smoke sweep the Sinners away."
    - Book of Innocence
    Eye of Innocence inventory icon
  • Razor of the Seventh Sun inventory iconRazor of the Seventh SunRazor of the Seventh Sun
    Midnight Blade
    One Handed Sword
    Quality: +20%
    Physical Damage: (150-174) to (292.8-322.8)
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Attacks per Second: 1.30
    Weapon Range: 11
    Requires Level 68, 113 Str, 113 Dex40% increased Global Accuracy RatingAdds (90-110) to (145-170) Physical Damage
    30% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
    25% chance to Ignite
    100% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
    Recover 1% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy
    100% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies
    Quickly cooled the steel,
    but never could it forget
    the heat of the forge.
    Razor of the Seventh Sun inventory icon

Items found in this area

Divination card inventory iconThe GamblerThe Gambler card artDivination card frameThe Gambler5Divination Card"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."Divination card inventory icon1
Divination card inventory iconThe Encroaching DarknessThe Encroaching Darkness card artDivination card frameThe Encroaching Darkness8Map
No matter where your dreams take you, Nightmare follows close behind.
Divination card inventory icon
Divination card inventory iconThe WretchedThe Wretched card artDivination card frameThe Wretched6BeltNecromancers, believe me, are more terrifying than their thralls.Divination card inventory icon1
Divination card inventory iconThe StandoffThe Standoff card artDivination card frameThe Standoff3Rustic Sash inventory iconRustic SashRustic Sash inventory iconSometimes your greatest enemy is the only one keeping you breathing.Divination card inventory icon1
Divination card inventory iconLingering RemnantsLingering Remnants card artDivination card frameLingering Remnants16Vaal Temple Map (Ritual) inventory iconVaal Temple MapVaal Temple Map (Ritual) inventory icon
Item Level: 83
Never dying, yet not living,
Endlessly they wander
beneath the harvest moon.
Divination card inventory icon
Divination card inventory iconBurning BloodBurning Blood card artDivination card frameBurning Blood6Xoph's Blood inventory iconXoph's BloodXoph's Blood inventory icon
There's a place where up is down,
where right is wrong,
where pleasure is agony,
and where the living wish only for death.
Divination card inventory icon

Item acquisition

This item is drop disabled.

Upgrade paths

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

3Basilica Map (War for the Atlas) inventory iconBasilica MapBasilica MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: »
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Basilica Map (War for the Atlas) inventory icon

Unique versions

There are currently no unique items for this base item type.

Other versions

  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Blight) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    One of my captors refused redemption. He did not see value in a new life. Now new life surrounds him.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Blight) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Blight.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Legion) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    One of my captors refused redemption. He did not see value in a new life. Now new life surrounds him.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Legion) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Legion.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Synthesis) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    One of my captors refused redemption. He did not see value in a new life. Now new life surrounds him.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Synthesis) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Synthesis.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Betrayal) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    One of my captors refused redemption. He did not see value in a new life. Now new life surrounds him.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Betrayal) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Betrayal.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Ritual) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Ritual) inventory icon
    , the current drop enabled variant that was introduced in Ritual.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Heist) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Heist) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Heist.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Harvest) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Harvest) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Harvest.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Delirium) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Delirium) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Delirium.
  • Forge of the Phoenix Map (Atlas of Worlds) inventory iconForge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Forge of the Phoenix Map (Atlas of Worlds) inventory icon
    , a legacy variant that was introduced in Atlas of Worlds.

See also[]


Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Zana Atlas Objectives can now offer Shaper Guardian Maps as options as long as you are in a Tier15+ Map.
  • The Shaper and Elder storyline is gone and has been replaced by a story that takes place in the aftermath of the old story.
  • The Elder, Shaper, and combined Elder and Shaper encounters can still be accessed. If you're lucky, Zana may offer a Shaper or Elder guardian's map!
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • Many map bosses have also shifted around. Some have been retired and replaced!
  • The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked.
  • The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time.
  • Introduced to the game.