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Path of Exile Wiki

Fossils are a special type of currency that can be socketed into resonators to modify the crafting behavior in specific ways, released in the Delve league.

Fossil belongs to Stackable Currency item class in terms of the item filter.[1]

Warning: Despite the similar wording to Chaos Orb inventory iconChaos OrbsChaos OrbStack Size: 10Reforges a rare item with new random modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.
Chaos Orb inventory icon
, using a fossil + resonator on an item with a meta-crafting mod (Prefixes Cannot Be Changed or Cannot roll Caster Modifiers) will ignore that mod and overwrite existing prefixes and suffixes ignoring any restrictions.



Fossil Remains, a kind of loot container for fossil

Some fossils are tied to specific Delve nodes.

  • Crystal Spire: Hollow Fossil inventory iconHollow FossilHollow FossilStack Size: 10Has an Abyssal socketPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Hollow Fossil inventory icon
  • Haunted Tomb: Tangled Fossil inventory iconTangled FossilTangled FossilStack Size: 10Can have any Fossil modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Tangled Fossil inventory icon
  • Humid Fissure: Fractured Fossil inventory iconFractured FossilFractured FossilStack Size: 10Creates a split copy. Cannot be used to split Influenced,
    Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised items.
    Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Fractured Fossil inventory icon
  • Molten Cavity: Faceted Fossil inventory iconFaceted FossilFaceted FossilStack Size: 10More Gem modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Faceted Fossil inventory icon
  • Stonewood Hollow: Bloodstained Fossil inventory iconBloodstained FossilBloodstained FossilStack Size: 10Has a Vaal modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Bloodstained Fossil inventory icon
  • Time-Lost Cavern: Glyphic Fossil inventory iconGlyphic FossilGlyphic FossilStack Size: 10Has a Corrupt Essence modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Glyphic Fossil inventory icon

Other fossil are either spawn along the road between nodes, behind fractured walls, or Smuggler's Stash encounter, etc.

There are additional ways to obtain fossils by random:

  • Divination card inventory iconThe Tinkerer's TableThe Tinkerer's Table card artDivination card frameThe Tinkerer's Table55x FossilTrying to bring your vision to life is enough to drive you mad.Divination card inventory icon (random fossils)
  • Vaal Vessel with end-game vaal side area mod of Excavationof Excavation
    10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
    Found Items have a (1-3)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
    Area contains 1 additional pack of Corrupted Vaal Monsters
    Vaal Vessel contains (1-3) additional Fossils
  • unique synthesis map with map mods Synthesised # Monsters have #% chance to drop a Fossil (map mod only be revealed after using the map item in map device)
  • Legion with fossil reward type (random fossils).
  • Fossilised Incubator inventory iconFossilised IncubatorFossilised IncubatorAdds an incubated Fossil item to an equippable item
    Item drops after killing # monsters
    Fossil ItemRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
    Fossilised Incubator inventory icon
    (random fossils)
  • Blight with fossil reward type (random fossils).
  • Metamorph with fossil reward type (using Metamorph sample with Drops additional Fossils; drops random fossils)
  • Delirium with fossil reward type (drops random fossils), from wild Delirium or map crafted with Fossilised Delirium Orb inventory iconFossilised Delirium OrbFossilised Delirium OrbStack Size: 10Modifies a Map item adding layers of Delirium with the Fossils reward typeRight click this item then left click a Map item to apply it. Can apply up to 5 to a single Map item.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Fossilised Delirium Orb inventory icon
    or Simulacrum inventory iconSimulacrumSimulacrumItem Quantity: +5%5% increased Quantity of Items found in this AreaHow do you defeat that which dwells within you?Can be used in a personal Map Device.Simulacrum inventory icon by random.
  • Wild Homunculus crafting reward (exchange fossil with another fossil by random)
  • Heist Delve reward chest (drops random fossils)
  • Ritual spawns random purchasable items, including fossils.
  • Trials of Chaos (or known as Ultimatum) spawns random rewards, including fossils.


List of fossil items organized by the Delve biomes you can obtain them from.

Biome Fossil Fossil found in location
Delve Biome Mines Mines Metallic Fossil inventory iconMetallic FossilMetallic FossilStack Size: 20More Lightning modifiers
No Physical modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Metallic Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Mines Mines Serrated Fossil inventory iconSerrated FossilSerrated FossilStack Size: 20More Attack modifiers
Fewer Caster modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Serrated Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Mines Mines Pristine Fossil inventory iconPristine FossilPristine FossilStack Size: 20More Life modifiers
No Defence modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Pristine Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Mines Mines Aetheric Fossil inventory iconAetheric FossilAetheric FossilStack Size: 20More Caster modifiers
Fewer Attack modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aetheric Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Tangled Fossil inventory iconTangled FossilTangled FossilStack Size: 10Can have any Fossil modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Tangled Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Haunted Tomb nodes only
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Dense Fossil inventory iconDense FossilDense FossilStack Size: 20More Defence modifiers
No Life Modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Dense Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Aberrant Fossil inventory iconAberrant FossilAberrant FossilStack Size: 20More Chaos modifiers
No Lightning modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aberrant Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Perfect Fossil inventory iconPerfect FossilPerfect FossilStack Size: 20Improved QualityPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Perfect Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Corroded Fossil inventory iconCorroded FossilCorroded FossilStack Size: 20More Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
No Elemental modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Corroded Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Fungal Caverns Fungal Caverns Gilded Fossil inventory iconGilded FossilGilded FossilStack Size: 10Item is overvalued by vendorsPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Gilded Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Petrified Forest Petrified Forest Bloodstained Fossil inventory iconBloodstained FossilBloodstained FossilStack Size: 10Has a Vaal modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Bloodstained Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Stonewood Hollow nodes only
Delve Biome Petrified Forest Petrified Forest Bound Fossil inventory iconBound FossilBound FossilStack Size: 20More Minion, Aura or Curse modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Bound Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Petrified Forest Petrified Forest Jagged Fossil inventory iconJagged FossilJagged FossilStack Size: 20More Physical modifiers
No Chaos modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Jagged Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Petrified Forest Petrified Forest Corroded Fossil inventory iconCorroded FossilCorroded FossilStack Size: 20More Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
No Elemental modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Corroded Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Petrified Forest Petrified Forest Sanctified Fossil inventory iconSanctified FossilSanctified FossilStack Size: 10Numeric modifier values are lucky
High Level modifiers are more common
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Sanctified Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths Hollow Fossil inventory iconHollow FossilHollow FossilStack Size: 10Has an Abyssal socketPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Hollow Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Crystal Spire nodes only
Delve Biome Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths Aberrant Fossil inventory iconAberrant FossilAberrant FossilStack Size: 20More Chaos modifiers
No Lightning modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aberrant Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths Bound Fossil inventory iconBound FossilBound FossilStack Size: 20More Minion, Aura or Curse modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Bound Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths Gilded Fossil inventory iconGilded FossilGilded FossilStack Size: 10Item is overvalued by vendorsPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Gilded Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths Lucent Fossil inventory iconLucent FossilLucent FossilStack Size: 20More Mana modifiers
No Speed modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Lucent Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Frozen Hollow Frozen Hollow Glyphic Fossil inventory iconGlyphic FossilGlyphic FossilStack Size: 10Has a Corrupt Essence modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Glyphic Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Time-Lost Cavern nodes only
Delve Biome Frozen Hollow Frozen Hollow Frigid Fossil inventory iconFrigid FossilFrigid FossilStack Size: 20More Cold modifiers
No Fire modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Frigid Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Frozen Hollow Frozen Hollow Serrated Fossil inventory iconSerrated FossilSerrated FossilStack Size: 20More Attack modifiers
Fewer Caster modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Serrated Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Frozen Hollow Frozen Hollow Prismatic Fossil inventory iconPrismatic FossilPrismatic FossilStack Size: 20More Elemental modifiers
No Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Prismatic Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Frozen Hollow Frozen Hollow Sanctified Fossil inventory iconSanctified FossilSanctified FossilStack Size: 10Numeric modifier values are lucky
High Level modifiers are more common
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Sanctified Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Faceted Fossil inventory iconFaceted FossilFaceted FossilStack Size: 10More Gem modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Faceted Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Molten Cavity nodes only
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Scorched Fossil inventory iconScorched FossilScorched FossilStack Size: 20More Fire modifiers
No Cold modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Scorched Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Prismatic Fossil inventory iconPrismatic FossilPrismatic FossilStack Size: 20More Elemental modifiers
No Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Prismatic Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Pristine Fossil inventory iconPristine FossilPristine FossilStack Size: 20More Life modifiers
No Defence modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Pristine Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Enchanted Fossil inventory iconEnchanted FossilEnchanted FossilStack Size: 20Has a Labyrinth EnchantmentPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Enchanted Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Magma Fissure Magma Fissure Encrusted Fossil inventory iconEncrusted FossilEncrusted FossilStack Size: 10More sockets
Can have white sockets
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Encrusted Fossil inventory icon
Behind Fractured Walls only
Delve Biome Sulfur Vents Sulfur Vents Fractured Fossil inventory iconFractured FossilFractured FossilStack Size: 10Creates a split copy. Cannot be used to split Influenced,
Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised items.
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Fractured Fossil inventory icon
Fossils delve node icon Humid Fissure nodes only
Delve Biome Sulfur Vents Sulfur Vents Metallic Fossil inventory iconMetallic FossilMetallic FossilStack Size: 20More Lightning modifiers
No Physical modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Metallic Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Sulfur Vents Sulfur Vents Perfect Fossil inventory iconPerfect FossilPerfect FossilStack Size: 20Improved QualityPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Perfect Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Sulfur Vents Sulfur Vents Aetheric Fossil inventory iconAetheric FossilAetheric FossilStack Size: 20More Caster modifiers
Fewer Attack modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aetheric Fossil inventory icon
Delve Biome Sulfur Vents Sulfur Vents Encrusted Fossil inventory iconEncrusted FossilEncrusted FossilStack Size: 10More sockets
Can have white sockets
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Encrusted Fossil inventory icon

Note that the node Smuggler's Stash does not tie to any biome

List of fossils[]

Main page: List of fossils
Effect(s)Drop AreasAdditional
Drop Restrictions
Aberrant FossilAberrant Fossil inventory iconAberrant FossilStack Size: 20More Chaos modifiers
No Lightning modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aberrant Fossil inventory icon
1More Chaos modifiers
No Lightning modifiers
Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Abyssal Depths (Delve)Fungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsN/A
Aetheric FossilAetheric Fossil inventory iconAetheric FossilStack Size: 20More Caster modifiers
Fewer Attack modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Aetheric Fossil inventory icon
1More Caster modifiers
Fewer Attack modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Bloodstained FossilBloodstained Fossil inventory iconBloodstained FossilStack Size: 10Has a Vaal modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Bloodstained Fossil inventory icon
1Has a Vaal modifierPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestPetrified ForestN/A
Bound FossilBound Fossil inventory iconBound FossilStack Size: 20More Minion, Aura or Curse modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Bound Fossil inventory icon
1More Minion, Aura or Curse modifiersN/AN/A
Corroded FossilCorroded Fossil inventory iconCorroded FossilStack Size: 20More Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
No Elemental modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Corroded Fossil inventory icon
1More Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
No Elemental modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Dense FossilDense Fossil inventory iconDense FossilStack Size: 20More Defence modifiers
No Life Modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Dense Fossil inventory icon
1More Defence modifiers
No Life Modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Enchanted FossilEnchanted Fossil inventory iconEnchanted FossilStack Size: 20Has a Labyrinth EnchantmentPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Enchanted Fossil inventory icon
1Has a Labyrinth EnchantmentN/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Encrusted FossilEncrusted Fossil inventory iconEncrusted FossilStack Size: 10More sockets
Can have white sockets
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Encrusted Fossil inventory icon
1More sockets
Can have white sockets
N/ACan only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.
Faceted FossilFaceted Fossil inventory iconFaceted FossilStack Size: 10More Gem modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Faceted Fossil inventory icon
1More Gem modifiersN/ACan only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.
Fractured FossilFractured Fossil inventory iconFractured FossilStack Size: 10Creates a split copy. Cannot be used to split Influenced,
Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised items.
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Fractured Fossil inventory icon
1Creates a split copy. Cannot be used to split Influenced,
Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised items.
N/ACan drop in the Azurite Mine.
Frigid FossilFrigid Fossil inventory iconFrigid FossilStack Size: 20More Cold modifiers
No Fire modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Frigid Fossil inventory icon
1More Cold modifiers
No Fire modifiers
Frozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowFrozen HollowN/A
Gilded FossilGilded Fossil inventory iconGilded FossilStack Size: 10Item is overvalued by vendorsPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Gilded Fossil inventory icon
1Item is overvalued by vendorsN/ACan only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.
Glyphic FossilGlyphic Fossil inventory iconGlyphic FossilStack Size: 10Has a Corrupt Essence modifierPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Glyphic Fossil inventory icon
1Has a Corrupt Essence modifierN/ACan drop in the Azurite Mine.
Hollow FossilHollow Fossil inventory iconHollow FossilStack Size: 10Has an Abyssal socketPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Hollow Fossil inventory icon
1Has an Abyssal socketN/ADrops from completing Crystal Spire node by killing the boss Stygian Spire (in Abyssal Depths biome in the Azurite Mine.)
Jagged FossilJagged Fossil inventory iconJagged FossilStack Size: 20More Physical modifiers
No Chaos modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Jagged Fossil inventory icon
1More Physical modifiers
No Chaos modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Lucent FossilLucent Fossil inventory iconLucent FossilStack Size: 20More Mana modifiers
No Speed modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Lucent Fossil inventory icon
1More Mana modifiers
No Speed modifiers
N/ACan only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.
Metallic FossilMetallic Fossil inventory iconMetallic FossilStack Size: 20More Lightning modifiers
No Physical modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Metallic Fossil inventory icon
1More Lightning modifiers
No Physical modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Perfect FossilPerfect Fossil inventory iconPerfect FossilStack Size: 20Improved QualityPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Perfect Fossil inventory icon
1Improved QualityN/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Prismatic FossilPrismatic Fossil inventory iconPrismatic FossilStack Size: 20More Elemental modifiers
No Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Prismatic Fossil inventory icon
1More Elemental modifiers
No Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Pristine FossilPristine Fossil inventory iconPristine FossilStack Size: 20More Life modifiers
No Defence modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Pristine Fossil inventory icon
1More Life modifiers
No Defence modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Sanctified FossilSanctified Fossil inventory iconSanctified FossilStack Size: 10Numeric modifier values are lucky
High Level modifiers are more common
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Sanctified Fossil inventory icon
1Numeric modifier values are lucky
High Level modifiers are more common
N/ACan only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.
Scorched FossilScorched Fossil inventory iconScorched FossilStack Size: 20More Fire modifiers
No Cold modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Scorched Fossil inventory icon
1More Fire modifiers
No Cold modifiers
Magma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureMagma FissureN/A
Serrated FossilSerrated Fossil inventory iconSerrated FossilStack Size: 20More Attack modifiers
Fewer Caster modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Serrated Fossil inventory icon
1More Attack modifiers
Fewer Caster modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Shuddering FossilShuddering Fossil inventory iconShuddering FossilStack Size: 20More Speed modifiers
No Mana modifiers
Place in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Shuddering Fossil inventory icon
1More Speed modifiers
No Mana modifiers
N/ACan only drop in the Azurite Mine.
Tangled FossilTangled Fossil inventory iconTangled FossilStack Size: 10Can have any Fossil modifiersPlace in a Resonator to influence item crafting.
Shift click to unstack.
Tangled Fossil inventory icon
1Can have any Fossil modifiersFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsFungal CavernsCan be dropped from Haunted Tomb node, spawnable only in Fungal Caverns biome

Delve modifiers[]

Some fossils can also add special Delve fossil-only modifiers, however, these modifiers are different from Delve drop-only modifiers from specific Delve nodes. Delve drop-only modifiers are drop-only while fossil-only modifiers are from fossil only. They both cannot be crafted from other sources. Lastly, the game developer, GGG, removed a large chunk of Delve fossil-only modifiers from the spawnable pool. Those legacy modifiers can only found from existing item which can be obtained from trading with other players in permanent leagues. GGG also added new influence modifiers that similar to the removed fossil-only modifiers, but not all removed Delve modifiers have similar influence modifiers.

Related divination cards[]

The following divination cards can be exchanged for fossils:

Divination card inventory iconThe Tinkerer's TableThe Tinkerer's Table card artDivination card frameThe Tinkerer's Table55x FossilTrying to bring your vision to life is enough to drive you mad.Divination card inventory icon55x Fossil

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Item modifier tags have been entirely reworked with a goal in mind of consistency and simplicity. These changes have negligible impacts to the odds of various modifiers appearing on rare items naturally, but may have impacts to the results of certain crafting methods.
  • As a result of the above changes, several fossil descriptions have changed slightly.
  • Fossils can no longer craft any prefix or suffix mods that cannot be obtained elsewhere, with the exception of those granted by Faceted, Bloodstained and Hollow Fossils. Implicit modifiers (such as the one which changes an item's vendor sell price) remain. The following mods have been relocated, while all others can no longer be obtained:
  • On Boots: +2 to level of socketed Fire Gems (now from Warlord's Influence), +2 to level of socketed Cold Gems (now from Redeemer's Influence), +2 to level of socketed Lightning Gems (now from Crusader's Influence), +2 to level of socketed Chaos Gems (now from Hunter's Influence), +1 to global level of raised Spectres (now from Elder's Influence).
  • Helmet: Nearby Enemies have -x% Fire Resistance (now from Warlord's Influence), Nearby Enemies have -x% Cold Resistance (now from Redeemer's Influence), Nearby Enemies have -x% Lightning Resistance (now from Crusader's Influence), Nearby Enemies have -x% Chaos Resistance (now from Hunter's Influence), Nearby Enemies take x% increased Physical Damage (now from Elder's Influence), increased effect of Fortify (now from Crusader's Influence).
  • Body Armour: Socketed Attacks have -15 to Mana Cost (now from Warlord's Influence), x% increased Aura Effect on you (now from Redeemer's Influence).
  • Quiver: x% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy (now from Elder's Influence).
  • Belt: Increased Chaos Damage (now from Hunter's Influence), increased Physical Damage (now from Elder's Influence), increased Elemental Damage (now from Shaper's Influence), increased Energy Shield from Body Armour (now from Shaper's Influence, and now a Prefix), chance for double Armour Effect when hit (now from Elder's Influence, and now a Prefix).
  • Rings: Fire/Cold/Lightning/Physical/Chaos leech modifiers can now exclusively be found from special elemental Delve encounters.
  • Weapons: Socketed Attacks/Spells deal x% more Damage (now found from Shaper's Influence), chance for Poison/Bleeding inflicted with this weapon to deal more damage (now found from Elder's Influence), chance to Intimidate on Hit (now found from Hunter's Influence), Auras from your Skills grant increased Damage to you and Allies (now from Redeemer's Influence).
  • Jewels: Damage penetrates 1% Fire/Cold/Lightning/Elemental Resistance (now from Corrupted implicits).
  • Glove, Amulet and Shield Fossil-exclusive modifiers can no longer be obtained in any form. Existing items will be unchanged.
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Bex_GGG (August 29, 2018). "Delve Patch Notes, Passive Tree and Item Filter Information". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved 25 May 2021.