Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki
Wild Leather
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (433-484)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 25, 73 Dex+(20-30) to Dexterity
Adds 5 to 12 Physical Damage to Attacks
+500 to Evasion Rating while on Full Life
(50-70)% increased Evasion Rating
10% increased Movement Speed
To catch an animal, think like an animal.
Foxshade inventory icon
Vendor Prices
Unique5x Chaos Orb
Vendor Offer
2x Alchemy Shard
14x Alteration Shard
Item class: Body Armours

Foxshade is a unique Wild Leather inventory iconWild LeatherWild LeatherEvasion: 255
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 25, 73 Dex
Wild Leather inventory icon

Item acquisition

Upgrade paths

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

4Divination card inventory iconThe BodyThe Body card artDivination card frameThe Body4Body ArmourThey say it is the head that leads, but all must flow through the body at some point.Divination card inventory iconrandom body armourAutomatic
7Divination card inventory iconPrejudicePrejudice card artDivination card framePrejudice7Item
Influenced Item
One who is blinded by their past may
only see a sliver of the present.
Divination card inventory icon
random influenced itemAutomatic
8Divination card inventory iconArrogance of the VaalArrogance of the Vaal card artDivination card frameArrogance of the Vaal8Item
Discovery can lead to beauty, or it can lead to ruin.
Divination card inventory icon
random two-implicit corrupted itemAutomatic
4Divination card inventory iconJack in the BoxJack in the Box card artDivination card frameJack in the Box4ItemTurn the crank,
close your eyes,
and pray to the gods
for a pleasant surprise.
Divination card inventory icon
random itemAutomatic
1Singular Incubator inventory iconSingular IncubatorSingular IncubatorAdds an incubated Unique item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing # monsters
Unique ItemRight click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Singular Incubator inventory icon
random itemAutomatic
1Divination card inventory iconThe VoidThe Void card artDivination card frameThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Divination card inventory iconrandom divination card set exchangeAutomatic

Usage in upgrade paths

This item is used by upgrade paths or vendor recipes to create the following items:

Foxshade inventory iconFox's FortuneFox's Fortune
Wild Leather
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (1572-2038)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 54, 73 Dex+(20-30) to Dexterity
Adds 5 to 12 Physical Damage to Attacks
+1500 to Evasion Rating while on Full Life
+(400-500) to Evasion Rating
(120-150)% increased Evasion Rating
10% increased Movement Speed
Damage from Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Full Life
Follow your most basic instincts.
The rest will come naturally.
Foxshade inventory icon
1Foxshade inventory iconFoxshadeFoxshade
Wild Leather
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (433-484)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 25, 73 Dex+(20-30) to Dexterity
Adds 5 to 12 Physical Damage to Attacks
+500 to Evasion Rating while on Full Life
(50-70)% increased Evasion Rating
10% increased Movement Speed
To catch an animal, think like an animal.
Foxshade inventory icon
Prophecy rewardManual
1Prophecy inventory iconDark InstinctsDark InstinctsGuided by luck, the fox hunts the spider in absolute shadow.You will defeat Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows while holding Foxshade.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.Prophecy inventory icon

Legacy variants[]

Foxshade has a legacy variant.

Version Discontinued Modifiers

Adds 5 to 12 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20-30) to Dexterity
You gain 150 Evasion Rating when on Full Life
(50-70)% increased Evasion Rating
10% increased Movement Speed


Brother Laz, author of the famous Median XL mod for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, played a role in the design of Foxshade.[1]


Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Evasion Rating on Full Life mod increased to 500
  • Added 3D art.
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. BrotherLaz (December 30, 2013). "What's coming in 1.0.5?". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved March 5, 2014.