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Path of Exile Wiki

Kraityn's AmuletWhile this artefact resonates with power,
it is simply a piece in a larger puzzle.
Kraityn's Amulet inventory icon
Area level: 1
Item class: Quest Items
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/QuestItems/BanditAmulets/DexAmulet

Kraityn's Amulet is a quest item acquired after defeating Kraityn at the Broken Bridge. It is only obtainable during one of the bandit faction quests in Act 2 that requires the character to oppose Kraityn: "Deal with the Bandits", "The Bandit Lord Oak", or "The Bandit Lord Alira".

When combined with Alira's Amulet inventory iconAlira's AmuletAlira's AmuletSegregated by treachery, this artefact
longs to be reunited with her sisters.
Alira's Amulet inventory icon
and Oak's Amulet inventory iconOak's AmuletOak's AmuletA relic of a sundered relationship,
it awaits reconciliation with its kin.
Oak's Amulet inventory icon
, The Apex inventory iconThe ApexThe ApexThough its power has been shared, there
is still more the Apex might unlock.
The Apex inventory icon
is formed.
