Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki
Also referred to as:

    Leaguestones are a class of items that were available in the Legacy leagues. While the old leaguestones were retained after the leagues ended, their functionality has been removed. As a consequence, leaguestones can no longer be activated.


    Leaguestones interface

    Leaguestones were placed in dedicated slots in the Leaguestones tab in the Challenges window

    This section adresses how leaguestones functioned in the original Legacy league. This is not applicable on the current game.

    Leaguestones could be equipped in the leaguestone interface to activate a previous league's mechanic in the next zone entered by the character. Additionally any unique items restricted to that league can be dropped by monsters or created with a Orb of Chance inventory iconOrb of ChanceOrb of ChanceStack Size: 20Upgrades a normal item to a random rarityRight click this item then left click a normal item to apply it.
    Shift click to unstack.
    Orb of Chance inventory icon
    while the leaguestone is active in that area. However it is not possible to activate leaguestones in corrupted areas or areas created by forsaken masters.

    Each leaguestone has a number of charges which will be consumed upon activation. Once all charges are used, the leaguestone will disappear.

    There are three leaguestone slots in the interface. The first slot is unlocked by default, the second one unlocks when the character reaches level 10 and the third unlocks at level 30. Eventually, up to three different leaguestones can be equipped at the same time. It is not possible to equip multiple of the same leaguestone type.

    Leaguestones always drop corrupted and may drop in normal, magic or unique rarities; whether there are any unique leaguestones is currently unknown. Magic leaguestones will spawn with their own set modifiers depending on the type of the leaguestone.

    Vendoring any three normal leaguestones yields one random normal leaguestone with item level equal to the lowest item level of vendored leaguestones. Vendoring magic leaguestones with normal leaguestones has a chance to yield a magic stone.

    List of leaguestones[]

    Ambush LeaguestoneAmbush Leaguestone inventory iconAmbush LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Strongbox
    Ambush (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Ambush Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain a Strongbox
    Ambush (Hidden)Corrupted
    Anarchy LeaguestoneAnarchy Leaguestone inventory iconAnarchy LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Rogue Exile
    Anarchy (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Anarchy Leaguestone inventory icon
    11Next Area will contain a Rogue Exile
    Anarchy (Hidden)Corrupted
    Beyond LeaguestoneBeyond Leaguestone inventory iconBeyond LeaguestoneSlaying Enemies close together in next Area will attract monsters from Beyond this realm
    Beyond (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Beyond Leaguestone inventory icon
    5Slaying Enemies close together in next Area will attract monsters from Beyond this realm
    Beyond (Hidden)Corrupted
    Bloodlines LeaguestoneBloodlines Leaguestone inventory iconBloodlines LeaguestoneMagic Monster Packs in next Area will each have a Bloodline Mod
    Next Area will contain additional Magic Monsters
    Bloodlines (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Bloodlines Leaguestone inventory icon
    10Magic Monster Packs in next Area will each have a Bloodline Mod
    Next Area will contain additional Magic Monsters
    Bloodlines (Hidden)Corrupted
    Breach LeaguestoneBreach Leaguestone inventory iconBreach LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Breach
    Breach (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Breach Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain a Breach
    Breach (Hidden)Corrupted
    Domination LeaguestoneDomination Leaguestone inventory iconDomination LeaguestoneNext Area will contain up to 1 Shrine
    Domination (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Domination Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain up to 1 Shrine
    Domination (Hidden)Corrupted
    Essence LeaguestoneEssence Leaguestone inventory iconEssence LeaguestoneNext Area will contain up to 1 Monster imprisoned by Essences
    Essence (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Essence Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain up to 1 Monster imprisoned by Essences
    Essence (Hidden)Corrupted
    Invasion LeaguestoneInvasion Leaguestone inventory iconInvasion LeaguestoneArea contains an Invasion Boss
    Invasion (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Invasion Leaguestone inventory icon
    11Area contains an Invasion Boss
    Invasion (Hidden)Corrupted
    Nemesis LeaguestoneNemesis Leaguestone inventory iconNemesis LeaguestoneRare Monsters in next Area will each have a Nemesis Mod
    Next Area will contain additional Rare Monsters
    Nemesis (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Nemesis Leaguestone inventory icon
    11Rare Monsters in next Area will each have a Nemesis Mod
    Next Area will contain additional Rare Monsters
    Nemesis (Hidden)Corrupted
    Onslaught LeaguestoneOnslaught Leaguestone inventory iconOnslaught LeaguestoneItem Quantity: +20%Monsters in next Area will have Onslaught
    20% increased Quantity of Items found in next Area
    Onslaught (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Onslaught Leaguestone inventory icon
    25Monsters in next Area will have Onslaught
    20% increased Quantity of Items found in next Area
    Onslaught (Hidden)Corrupted
    Perandus LeaguestonePerandus Leaguestone inventory iconPerandus LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Perandus Chest
    Next Area will have a 20% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus
    Perandus (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Perandus Leaguestone inventory icon
    5Next Area will contain a Perandus Chest
    Next Area will have a 20% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus
    Perandus (Hidden)Corrupted
    Prophecy LeaguestoneProphecy Leaguestone inventory iconProphecy LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Silver Coin
    Prophecy (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Prophecy Leaguestone inventory icon
    11Next Area will contain a Silver Coin
    Prophecy (Hidden)Corrupted
    Rampage LeaguestoneRampage Leaguestone inventory iconRampage LeaguestoneSlaying Enemies in a kill streak in next Area will grant Rampage bonuses
    Rampage (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Rampage Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Slaying Enemies in a kill streak in next Area will grant Rampage bonuses
    Rampage (Hidden)Corrupted
    Talisman LeaguestoneTalisman Leaguestone inventory iconTalisman LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Monster possessed by an Ancient Talisman
    Next Outdoor Area has 25% chance to contain a Stone Circle
    Talisman (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Talisman Leaguestone inventory icon
    5Next Area will contain a Monster possessed by an Ancient Talisman
    Next Outdoor Area has 25% chance to contain a Stone Circle
    Talisman (Hidden)Corrupted
    Tempest LeaguestoneTempest Leaguestone inventory iconTempest LeaguestoneNext Area will have a random Tempest, affecting both Monsters and Players
    Tempest (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Tempest Leaguestone inventory icon
    25Next Area will have a random Tempest, affecting both Monsters and Players
    Tempest (Hidden)Corrupted
    Torment LeaguestoneTorment Leaguestone inventory iconTorment LeaguestoneNext Area will contain a Tormented Spirit
    Torment (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Torment Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain a Tormented Spirit
    Torment (Hidden)Corrupted
    Warbands LeaguestoneWarbands Leaguestone inventory iconWarbands LeaguestoneNext Area will contain at least 1 Warband Pack
    Warbands (Hidden)
    CorruptedRight-click to open your Legacy Panel and place a Leaguestone in an empty slot. It will apply to the next new area you enter.
    Warbands Leaguestone inventory icon
    1Next Area will contain at least 1 Warband Pack
    Warbands (Hidden)Corrupted

    List of leaguestone modifiers[]


    Prefixes [Expand]
    NameGroupStatsSpawn Weighting
    EnduringClassicAdditionalAreas+(2-3) to Maximum Chargesdefault 750
    AmpleLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalBreachesNext Area will contain an additional Breachbreach_leaguestone 2000
    default 0
    PlentifulLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalBreachesNext Area will contain 2 additional Breachesbreach_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    FearsomeMapBreachContainsBossBreaches in the next Area will each contain a Breachlord
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    breach_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    UnburdenedMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsUulNetolBreachNext Area will contain an Uul-Netol Breachbreach_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    DreamingMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsChayulaBreachNext Area will contain a Chayula Breachbreach_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    AmpleLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalMonolithsNext Area will contain up to 1 additional Monster imprisoned by Essencesessence_leaguestone 2000
    default 0
    PlentifulLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalMonolithsNext Area will contain up to 2 additional Monsters imprisoned by Essencesessence_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    AbundantLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalMonolithsNext Area will contain up to 3 additional Monsters imprisoned by Essencesessence_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    BoomingMapEssenceMonstersContainHigherTierEssencesEssences found in the next Area will be a higher level
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    RefinedMapLeaguestoneEssenceMonsterItemRarity(20-39)% more Rarity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters in next Areaessence_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    RefinedMapLeaguestoneEssenceMonsterItemRarity(40-50)% more Rarity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters in next Areaessence_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    RemnantMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsSpecificEssenceNext Area will contain a Remnant of Corruption
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 150
    default 0
    HystericMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsSpecificEssenceNext Area will contain an Essence of Hysteria
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 5
    default 0
    InsaneMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsSpecificEssenceNext Area will contain an Essence of Insanity
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 5
    default 0
    HorrifyingMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsSpecificEssenceNext Area will contain an Essence of Horror
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 5
    default 0
    DeliriousMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsSpecificEssenceNext Area will contain an Essence of Delirium
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    essence_leaguestone 5
    default 0
    AmpleLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalTalismansNext Area will contain an additional Monster possessed by an Ancient Talismantalisman_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    PlentifulLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalTalismansNext Area will contain 2 additional Monsters possessed by Ancient Talismanstalisman_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AbundantLeaguestoneAreaContainsAdditionalTalismansNext Area will contain 3 additional Monsters possessed by Ancient Talismanstalisman_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapTalismansDropAsRareTalismans found in the next Area will be Raretalisman_leaguestone 2500
    default 0
    GrowlingMapAreaContainsFangjawTalismanNext Area will contain an additional Fangjaw Talisman
    -1 to Maximum Charges
    talisman_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    HoldingMapAreaContainsClutchingTalismanNext Area will contain an additional Clutching Talisman
    -1 to Maximum Charges
    talisman_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    SqueakingMapAreaContainsThreeRatTalismanNext Area will contain an additional Three Rat Talisman
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    talisman_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    NightMapAreaContainsUniqueTalismanNext Area will contain an additional Unique Talisman
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    talisman_leaguestone 25
    default 0
    AmpleMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRogueExileNext Area will contain an additional Rogue Exileanarchy_leaguestone 2000
    default 0
    PlentifulMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRogueExileNext Area will contain 2 additional Rogue Exilesanarchy_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AbundantMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRogueExileNext Area will contain 3 additional Rogue Exilesanarchy_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    TwistedMapRogueExileDropsAreCorruptedItems dropped by Rogue Exiles in next Area will be Corruptedanarchy_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    LucrativeMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalCurrencyRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (2-3) additional Currency Itemsanarchy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    LucrativeMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalCurrencyRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (4-6) additional Currency Itemsanarchy_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    LucrativeMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalCurrencyRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (7-10) additional Currency Itemsanarchy_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    EncrustedMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalJewelsRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (1-2) additional Jewelsanarchy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    EncrustedMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalJewelsRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (3-4) additional Jewelsanarchy_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    EncrustedMapRogueExileDropsAdditionalJewelsRogue Exiles in next Area will drop (5-6) additional Jewelsanarchy_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    PallidMapAreaContainsYamaTheWhiteNext Area will contain Yama the Whiteprophecy_leaguestone 600
    default 0
    Yama'sMapAreaContainsYamaTheWhiteNext Area will contain Yama the Generous
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    prophecy_leaguestone 10
    default 0
    AmpleMapLeaguestoneAdditionalSilverCoinMonstersNext Area will contain an additional Silver Coinprophecy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    PlentifulMapLeaguestoneAdditionalSilverCoinMonstersNext Area will contain 2 additional Silver Coinsprophecy_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    AbundantMapLeaguestoneAdditionalSilverCoinMonstersNext Area will contain 3 additional Silver Coinsprophecy_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    LucrativeMapSilverCoinMonstersDropAdditionalCurrencyItemsMonsters with Silver Coins in next Area drop (2-3) additional Currency Itemsprophecy_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    LucrativeMapSilverCoinMonstersDropAdditionalCurrencyItemsMonsters with Silver Coins in next Area drop 4 additional Currency Itemsprophecy_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    LucrativeMapSilverCoinMonstersDropAdditionalCurrencyItemsMonsters with Silver Coins in next Area drop 5 additional Currency Itemsprophecy_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    Cartographer'sMapAreaContainsPerandusMapChestNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Archive
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    perandus_leaguestone 30
    default 0
    SingularMapAreaContainsPerandusUniqueItemChestNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Locker
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    perandus_leaguestone 20
    default 0
    GildedMapAreaContainsPerandusCurrencyChestNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Treasury
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    perandus_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    EncrustedMapAreaContainsPerandusJewelleryChestNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Jewellery Boxperandus_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AmpleMapAreaContainsAdditionalPerandusChestsNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Chestperandus_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    PlentifulMapAreaContainsAdditionalPerandusChestsNext Area will contain 2 additional Perandus Chestsperandus_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    AbundantMapAreaContainsAdditionalPerandusChestsNext Area will contain 3 additional Perandus Chestsperandus_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    ValuableMapPerandusChestQuantityAndRarityPerandus Chests in the next Area will have (30-40)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Perandus Chests in the next Area will have (30-40)% more Quantity of Items Dropped
    perandus_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    Highwayman'sMapPerandusMonsterChanceToDropCoinsPerandus Monsters in the next Area will have a (15-20)% chance to drop Perandus Coinsperandus_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    Highwayman'sMapPerandusMonsterChanceToDropCoinsPerandus Monsters in the next Area will have a (30-40)% chance to drop Perandus Coinsperandus_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    PowerfulMapShrinesAreGuardedByMonsterOfRarityMonsters guarding Shrines in next Area will be Magicdomination_leaguestone 700
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapShrinesAreGuardedByMonsterOfRaritySome Monsters guarding Shrines in next Area will be Raredomination_leaguestone 1200
    default 0
    LucrativeMapLeaguestoneShrinesDropCurrencyOnActivationShrines in the next Area will drop (3-5) Currency Items when useddomination_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    LucrativeMapLeaguestoneShrinesDropCurrencyOnActivationShrines in the next Area will drop (6-9) Currency Items when useddomination_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    LucrativeMapLeaguestoneShrinesDropCurrencyOnActivationShrines in the next Area will drop (10-15) Currency Items when useddomination_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    WondrousMapLeaguestoneShrinesGrantAnAdditionalShrineEffectShrines in next Area will grant a random additional Shrine Effectdomination_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    ShiftingMapLeaguestoneChanceToDodgeDuringShrineEffectPlayers in next Area will gain (6-10)% Chance to Dodge Attack Hits while under a Shrine Effectdomination_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AmpleMapAreaContainsAdditionalWarbandPacksNext Area will contain 2 additional Warband Packswarbands_leaguestone 1400
    default 0
    PlentifulMapAreaContainsAdditionalWarbandPacksNext Area will contain 3 additional Warband Packswarbands_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    AbundantMapAreaContainsAdditionalWarbandPacksNext Area will contain (4-5) additional Warband Packswarbands_leaguestone 140
    default 0
    Traitor'sMapAreaContainsWarbandOfTypeOverrideNext Area will be inhabited by Renegade Warbandswarbands_leaguestone 75
    default 0
    Warlord'sMapAreaContainsWarbandLeaderNext Area will be controlled by a Warband Boss
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    warbands_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    Soldier'sMapLeaguestoneWarbandsExtraGruntsWarbands in the next Area will have 2 additional Memberswarbands_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    Soldier'sMapLeaguestoneWarbandsExtraGruntsWarbands in the next Area will have 3 additional Memberswarbands_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    Scout'sMapLeaguestoneWarbandsExtraSupportsWarbands in the next Area will have 2 additional Support Memberswarbands_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    Lieutenant'sMapLeaguestoneWarbandsExtraElitesWarbands in the next Area will have an additional Elite Memberwarbands_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    LucrativeMapGainCurrencyOnRampageStackNumberThe first time a Player reaches 150 Rampage Kills in next Area, 6 Currency Items will droprampage_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    LuringMapSummonMonsterOnRampageStackNumberThe first time a Player reaches 80 Rampage Kills in next Area, they will encounter a Powerful Monsterrampage_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapItemRarityPerRampageStackPlayers in next Area will have 1% increased Rarity of Items Found per 15 Rampage Killsrampage_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    WardingMapReducedDamageTakenWhileOnRampagePlayers in next Area with at least 50 Rampage Kills will take 10% reduced Damagerampage_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    RegenerativeMapLifeRegenerationPer10RampageStacksPlayers in next Area will Regenerate 1% of Life per second per 25 Rampage Killsrampage_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    HarrowingMapBossIsPossessedIf the next Area contains any Unique Monsters, one will be Possessedtorment_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    AmpleMapAdditionalTormentedSpiritsNext Area will contain an additional Tormented Spirittorment_leaguestone 1200
    default 0
    PlentifulMapAdditionalTormentedSpiritsNext Area will contain 2 additional Tormented Spiritstorment_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AbundantMapAdditionalTormentedSpiritsNext Area will contain 3 additional Tormented Spiritstorment_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    BlessedMapPossessedMonstersTakeIncreasedDamageMonsters Possessed by Tormented Spirits in next Area will take (15-20)% increased Damagetorment_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    HauntingMapLeaguestoneTormentSpiritDurationTormented Spirits in next Area will have (30-50)% increased Durationtorment_leaguestone 1200
    default 0
    AmpleMapAreaContainsAdditionalMagicPacksNext Area will contain additional Magic Monstersbloodlines_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    PlentifulMapAreaContainsAdditionalMagicPacksNext Area will contain additional Magic Monstersbloodlines_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AbundantMapAreaContainsAdditionalMagicPacksNext Area will contain additional Magic Monstersbloodlines_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    LucrativeMapBloodlinePackDropsCurrencyOnDeathWhen a Bloodline Pack in next Area is Slain, it will drop a Currency Itembloodlines_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    LucrativeMapBloodlinePackDropsCurrencyOnDeathWhen a Bloodline Pack in next Area is Slain, it will drop 2 Currency Itemsbloodlines_leaguestone 150
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapBloodlinePackDropsRareItemOnDeathWhen a Bloodline Pack in next Area is Slain, it will drop 2 Rare Itemsbloodlines_leaguestone 600
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapBloodlinePackDropsRareItemOnDeathWhen a Bloodline Pack in next Area is Slain, it will drop 3 Rare Itemsbloodlines_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    WardingMapLeaguestoneMagicMonsterDamageDealtAndTakenMagic Monsters in next Area will be Maimed
    Magic Monsters in next Area will take (5-10)% increased Damage
    bloodlines_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    HungeringMapAreaContainsSpecificTempestNext Area will be affected by a Consuming Tempesttempest_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    ShimmeringMapAreaContainsSpecificTempestNext Area will be affected by a Shining Tempesttempest_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    ShiningMapAreaContainsSpecificTempestNext Area will be affected by a Radiating Tempesttempest_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    HeavyMapAreaContainsSpecificTempestNext Area will be affected by an Enlarging Tempesttempest_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    TwistedMapAreaContainsSpecificTempestNext Area will be affected by a Corrupting Tempest
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    tempest_leaguestone 10
    default 0
    GiganticMapTempestAreaOfEffectTempest Effects in next Area will have 30% increased Area of Effecttempest_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    AmpleMapBeyondMonsterIncreasedItemQuantityAndRarityMonsters from Beyond in next Area will have (10-19)% more Quantity and Rarity of Dropped Itemsbeyond_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    PlentifulMapBeyondMonsterIncreasedItemQuantityAndRarityMonsters from Beyond in next Area will have (20-29)% more Quantity and Rarity of Dropped Itemsbeyond_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    AbundantMapBeyondMonsterIncreasedItemQuantityAndRarityMonsters from Beyond in next Area will have (30-40)% more Quantity and Rarity of Dropped Itemsbeyond_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    SingularMapFirstSlainBeyondBossDropsAUniqueItemA Beyond Unique will drop when the first Unique Monster from Beyond is slain in next Area
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    beyond_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    EndbringingMapMonsterWillSummonAbaxothA Monster in next Area will summon Abaxoth, the End of All That Is when Slain
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    beyond_leaguestone 20
    default 0
    WardingMapDamageTakenFromBeyondMonstersPlayers will take 10% reduced Damage from Monsters from Beyond in next Areabeyond_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    PotentMapMonsterOnslaughtEffectAndExperienceMonsters in next Area will have 10% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
    Monsters in next Area will grant (8-10)% increased Experience
    onslaught_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    AggressiveMapMonsterPackHasTurboNext Area will contain 3 additional Magic Packs which
    have 40% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, and drop (130-160)% more Items
    onslaught_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    Hero'sMapGainOnslaughtOnRareKillPlayers in next Area gain Onslaught for 10 seconds when they Kill a Rare Monster
    Players in next Area will have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed while they have Onslaught
    onslaught_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    LibationaryMapLeaguestoneOnslaughtDuringFlaskEffectPlayers in next Area will have Onslaught while using Flasksonslaught_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    ExceptionalMapRareMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsRare Monsters in next Area will drop 2 additional Rare Itemsnemesis_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    SingularMapAreaContainsInnerTreasureRareMonsterNext Area will contain a Rare Monster with Inner Treasure
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    nemesis_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    Thief'sMapStealModOnRareKillChanceWhen Players in next Area Kill a Rare Monster they will gain 1 of its Modifiers for 20 secondsnemesis_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    WealthyMapFirstInvasionBossSlainDropsCurrency2 additional Currency Items will drop when the first Invasion Boss is slain in next Areainvasion_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    WealthyMapFirstInvasionBossSlainDropsCurrency3 additional Currency Items will drop when the first Invasion Boss is slain in next Areainvasion_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    WealthyMapFirstInvasionBossSlainDropsCurrency(4-5) additional Currency Items will drop when the first Invasion Boss is slain in next Areainvasion_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    FearsomeMapLeaguestoneAdditionalInvasionBossNext Area will contain 2 additional Invasion Bossesinvasion_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    TerrifyingMapLeaguestoneAdditionalInvasionBossNext Area will contain 3 additional Invasion Bossesinvasion_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    ImpureMapInvasionBossDropsAdditionalVaalOrbInvasion Bosses in next Area will drop an additional Vaal Orb
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    invasion_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    AmpleMapLeaguestoneAdditionalStrongboxNext Area will contain an additional Strongboxambush_leaguestone 2000
    default 0
    PlentifulMapLeaguestoneAdditionalStrongboxNext Area will contain 2 additional Strongboxesambush_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    AbundantMapLeaguestoneAdditionalStrongboxNext Area will contain 3 additional Strongboxesambush_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    Gemcutter'sMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsGemcuttersStrongboxNext Area will contain a Gemcutter's Strongboxambush_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    Cartographer'sMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsCartographersStrongboxNext Area will contain a Cartographer's Strongbox
    -4 to Maximum Charges
    ambush_leaguestone 20
    default 0
    SingularMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsUniqueStrongboxNext Area will contain a Unique Strongbox
    -3 to Maximum Charges
    ambush_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    Arcanist'sMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsArcanistsStrongboxNext Area will contain an Arcanist's Strongbox
    -2 to Maximum Charges
    ambush_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    AncientMapLeaguestoneVaalOrbFromStrongboxChanceStrongboxes in next Area will have (30-70)% chance to contain an additional Vaal Orbambush_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    TwistedMapAreaContainsCorruptedStrongboxA Strongbox in next Area will be Corruptedambush_leaguestone 500
    default 0


    Suffixes [Expand]
    NameGroupStatsSpawn Weighting
    of SplintersMapRareBreachMonsterDropsAdditionalShardsRare Breach Monsters in the next Area will drop 2 additional Splintersbreach_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    of SplintersMapRareBreachMonsterDropsAdditionalShardsRare Breach Monsters in the next Area will drop 3 additional Splintersbreach_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of GraspingMapBreachContainsLargeChestBreaches in the next Area will contain a Breachlord's Clasped Handbreach_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    of SwarmingMapIncreasedBreachMonsterQuantityBreaches in the next Area will have (15-25)% increased Monster densitybreach_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of PromiseMapLeaguestoneRareBreachMonsterDropsBreachRingChanceRare Monsters from Breaches in the next Area have a 50% chance to Drop a Breach Ringbreach_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of EmpowermentMapLeaguestoneBreachMonsterDamageDealtAndTakenPlayers in next Area will deal (60-80)% increased Damage with Hits to Breach Monsters
    Players in next Area will take 10% reduced Damage from Breach Monsters
    breach_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of EchoesMapEssenceMonstersHaveAdditionalEssencesImprisoned Monsters in the next Area will have an additional Essenceessence_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of EchoesMapEssenceMonstersHaveAdditionalEssencesImprisoned Monsters in the next Area will have 2 additional Essencesessence_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    of EchoesMapEssenceMonstersHaveAdditionalEssencesImprisoned Monsters in the next Area will have (3-4) additional Essencesessence_leaguestone 20
    default 0
    of CorruptionMapEssenceMonstersAreCorruptedEssences found in the next Area will be Corruptedessence_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of ProtectionMapLeaguestoneOtherEssenceMonstersAreMagicMonsters Imprisoned around Essences in next Area are Magicessence_leaguestone 1250
    default 0
    of BurdenMapLeaguestoneEssenceMonsterDamageDealtAndTakenImprisoned Monsters in next Area will take (15-20)% increased Damage
    Imprisoned Monsters in next Area have 10% reduced Action Speed
    essence_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of WealthMapLeaguestoneEssenceMonsterItemQuantity(70-90)% more Quantity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters in next Areaessence_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of WealthMapLeaguestoneEssenceMonsterItemQuantity(91-110)% more Quantity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters in next Areaessence_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    of the First OnesMapTalismansDropAtHigherTiersTalismans found in the next Area will be 1 Tier highertalisman_leaguestone 1250
    default 0
    of RuinsMapAreaContainsAStoneCircleNext Area will contain a Stone Circletalisman_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of FearMapAreaContainsATalismanBossNext Area will contain a Rare Monster carrying a Tier 2 Talismantalisman_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    of TerrorMapAreaContainsATalismanBossNext Area will contain a Unique Monster carrying a Tier 3 Talismantalisman_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneTalismanMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsMonsters initially carrying a Talisman in the next Area will drop 2 additional Rare Itemstalisman_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneTalismanMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsMonsters initially carrying a Talisman in the next Area will drop 3 additional Rare Itemstalisman_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneTalismanMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsMonsters initially carrying a Talisman in the next Area will drop 4 additional Rare Itemstalisman_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    of BrotherhoodMapRogueExilesAreTwinnedRogue Exiles in next Area will each have a Rogue Exile allyanarchy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ThaumaturgyMapRogueExileDropsQualityGemRogue Exiles in the next Area will each drop a Skill Gem with Qualityanarchy_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of AggressionMapRogueExilesDealExtraDamageAndAreFasterRogue Exiles in the next Area will have (20-29)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Rogue Exiles in next Area will deal (10-15)% increased Damage
    Rogue Exiles in the next Area will have (8-10)% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
    anarchy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of AggressionMapRogueExilesDealExtraDamageAndAreFasterRogue Exiles in the next Area will have (30-39)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Rogue Exiles in next Area will deal (16-20)% increased Damage
    Rogue Exiles in the next Area will have (11-14)% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
    anarchy_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of AggressionMapRogueExilesDealExtraDamageAndAreFasterRogue Exiles in the next Area will have (40-50)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Rogue Exiles in next Area will deal (21-25)% increased Damage
    Rogue Exiles in the next Area will have (15-18)% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
    anarchy_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of TethersMapRogueExileDropsAreFullyLinkedItems dropped by Rogue Exiles in next Area will be fully Linkedanarchy_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of KalandraMapRogueExileDropsAreMirroredItems dropped by Rogue Exiles in next Area will be Mirroredanarchy_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of FateMapAreaHasRandomProphecyNext Area will be modified by a random Prophecyprophecy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of SilverMapMonstersDropAdditionalSilverCoinsMonsters with Silver Coins in next Area will drop an additional Silver Coinprophecy_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of SilverMapMonstersDropAdditionalSilverCoinsMonsters with Silver Coins in next Area will drop 2 additional Silver Coinsprophecy_leaguestone 150
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapSilverCoinMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsMonsters in next Area with Silver Coins drop (2-3) additional Rare Itemsprophecy_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapSilverCoinMonstersDropAdditionalRareItemsMonsters in next Area with Silver Coins drop (4-5) additional Rare Itemsprophecy_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    of BargainsMapCadiroSpawnChanceNext Area will contain Cadiro Perandusperandus_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of the MintMapAreaContainsPerandusCoinChestNext Area will contain an additional Perandus Cofferperandus_leaguestone 1250
    default 0
    of RichesMapDoublePerandusCoinsFoundNumber of Perandus Coins dropped in next Area will be Doubledperandus_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ProtectionMapPerandusGuardsAreRarePerandus Chests in the next Area will be guarded by additional Rare monstersperandus_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    of the DynastyMapAreaContainsPerandusUniqueMonsterAt least one Perandus Chest in next Area will be guarded by a Unique Monsterperandus_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of AltarsMapLeaguestoneAdditionalShrinesNext Area will contain up to 1 additional Shrinedomination_leaguestone 2000
    default 0
    of AltarsMapLeaguestoneAdditionalShrinesNext Area will contain up to 2 additional Shrinesdomination_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    of WinterMapLeaguestoneMonstersNearShrinesAreChilledMonsters near Shrines in next Area will be Chilleddomination_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of ProtractionMapLeaguestoneIncreasedShrineEffectDuration75% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on Players in next Areadomination_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of the RedbladeMapAreaContainsWarbandOfTypeOverrideNext Area will be inhabited by Redblade Warbandswarbands_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of the MutewindMapAreaContainsWarbandOfTypeOverrideNext Area will be inhabited by Mutewind Warbandswarbands_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of the BrinerotMapAreaContainsWarbandOfTypeOverrideNext Area will be inhabited by Brinerot Warbandswarbands_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of WealthMapWarbandItemRarityQuantityWarbands in the next Area will have (20-29)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Warbands in the next Area will have (50-60)% more Quantity of Items Dropped
    warbands_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of WealthMapWarbandItemRarityQuantityWarbands in the next Area will have (30-40)% more Rarity of Items Dropped
    Warbands in the next Area will have (61-70)% more Quantity of Items Dropped
    warbands_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    of ProtractionMapIncreasedRampageDuration(10-19)% increased Rampage Streak Duration in next Arearampage_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of ProtractionMapIncreasedRampageDuration(20-29)% increased Rampage Streak Duration in next Arearampage_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of ProtractionMapIncreasedRampageDuration(30-39)% increased Rampage Streak Duration in next Arearampage_leaguestone 125
    default 0
    of MiragesMapAreaContainsAdditionalAnimatedWeaponPacksNext Area will contain 4 additional Animated Weapon Packsrampage_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of MiragesMapAreaContainsAdditionalAnimatedWeaponPacksNext Area will contain 5 additional Animated Weapon Packsrampage_leaguestone 325
    default 0
    of MiragesMapAreaContainsAdditionalAnimatedWeaponPacksNext Area will contain 6 additional Animated Weapon Packsrampage_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of EfficiencyLeaguestoneChanceToGainSecondRampageKill25% chance for Kills in next Area to count twice for Rampagerampage_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of WealthMapTormentedSpiritsDropAdditionalItemsTormented Spirits in next Area will drop 2 additional Rare Itemstorment_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    of WealthMapTormentedSpiritsDropAdditionalItemsTormented Spirits in next Area will drop 3 additional Rare Itemstorment_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    of WealthMapTormentedSpiritsDropAdditionalItemsTormented Spirits in next Area will drop 4 additional Rare Itemstorment_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of the VaalMapAreaContainsTormentedVaalCultistNext Area will contain a Tormented Vaal Cultisttorment_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of SeditionMapAreaContainsTormentedSeditionistNext Area will contain a Tormented Seditionisttorment_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of EmbezzlingMapAreaContainsTormentedEmbezzlerNext Area will contain a Tormented Embezzlertorment_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of the TroveMapAreaContainsKeepersOfTheTrovePackNext Area will contain a Keepers of the Trove Bloodline Packbloodlines_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of WealthMapAreaContainsWealthyPackNext Area will contain an additional Magic Pack of Wealthbloodlines_leaguestone 300
    default 0
    of the VoidMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsVoidspawnOfAbaxothBloodlineNext Area will contain a Voidspawn of Abaxoth Bloodline Packbloodlines_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    of the GuardianMapLeaguestoneAreaContainsBearersOfTheGuardianBloodlineNext Area will contain a Bearers of the Guardian Bloodline Packbloodlines_leaguestone 750
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapTempestItemQuantity(20-30)% increased Quantity of Items found in next Areatempest_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapTempestItemRarity(30-40)% increased Rarity of Items found in next Areatempest_leaguestone 800
    default 0
    of the MonsoonMapIncreasedTempestFrequency(30-50)% increased frequency of Tempest effects in next Areatempest_leaguestone 200
    default 0
    of WorshipMapMonsterWillSummonBeyondBossA Monster in next Area will summon a Unique Monster from Beyond when Slainbeyond_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of the CircleMapSummonBeyondBossOnBeyondBossDeathChanceUnique Monsters from Beyond in next Area have a 20% chance to Summon another Unique Monster from Beyond when Slainbeyond_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of the CallMapIncreasedBeyondPortalChanceMonsters in next Area have 40% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portalbeyond_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of the CallMapIncreasedBeyondPortalChanceMonsters in next Area have 60% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portalbeyond_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of the CallMapIncreasedBeyondPortalChanceMonsters in next Area have 80% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portalbeyond_leaguestone 50
    default 0
    of SlayingMapGainOnslaughtFor4SecondsOnKillPlayers in next Area will have a 20% chance to gain Onslaught on Kill For 4 seconds
    Players in next Area will have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed while they have Onslaught
    onslaught_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ShimmeringMapLeaguestonePlayerSpellDodgePlayers in next Area will have (12-16)% chance to Dodge Spell Hitsonslaught_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of the WindMapLeaguestonePlayerMovementSpeedPlayers in the next Area will have (6-10)% increased Movement Speedonslaught_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapAreaContainsAdditionalRareMonstersNext Area will contain additional Rare Monstersnemesis_leaguestone 1250
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapAreaContainsAdditionalRareMonstersNext Area will contain additional Rare Monstersnemesis_leaguestone 600
    default 0
    of the PrismMapRareMonstersDropRarePrismaticRingChanceRare Monsters in next Area will have a 25% chance to drop a Rare Prismatic Ringnemesis_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    of WardingMapLeaguestoneRareMonsterDamageRare Monsters in next Area will be Hindered, with 40% reduced Movement Speednemesis_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapInvasionBossItemQuantityAndRarityInvasion Bosses in next Area will have (30-40)% more Quantity and Rarity of dropped Itemsinvasion_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapInvasionBossItemQuantityAndRarityInvasion Bosses in next Area will have (41-50)% more Quantity and Rarity of dropped Itemsinvasion_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of AbundanceMapInvasionBossItemQuantityAndRarityInvasion Bosses in next Area will have (51-60)% more Quantity and Rarity of dropped Itemsinvasion_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of ManyMapInvasionBossGuardedByMagicPacksInvasion Bosses in next Area will be guarded by 2 Magic Packsinvasion_leaguestone 1500
    default 0
    of the TwinsMapLeaguestoneInvasionBossesAreTwinnedInvasion Bosses in next Area will be Duplicatedinvasion_leaguestone 400
    default 0
    of HollowsMapInvasionBossDropsItemsWithAdditionalSocketItems dropped by Invasion Bosses in next Area will have 2 additional Socketsinvasion_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    of TethersMapInvasionBossDropsFullyLinkedItemsItems dropped by Invasion Bosses in next Area will be fully Linkedinvasion_leaguestone 100
    default 0
    of ProtectionMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRareMonstersFromStrongboxThe first Strongbox Opened in next Area will be guarded by 3 additional Rare Monstersambush_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRareItemsFromStrongboxStrongboxes in next Area will each contain (1-2) additional random Rare Itemsambush_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRareItemsFromStrongboxStrongboxes in next Area will each contain (3-4) additional random Rare Itemsambush_leaguestone 500
    default 0
    of ExcellenceMapLeaguestoneAdditionalRareItemsFromStrongboxStrongboxes in next Area will each contain (5-6) additional random Rare Itemsambush_leaguestone 250
    default 0
    of WhispersMapLeaguestoneStrongboxRarityStrongboxes in next Area will be Magicambush_leaguestone 1000
    default 0
    of RunesMapLeaguestoneStrongboxRarityStrongboxes in next Area will be Rareambush_leaguestone 250
    default 0

    Version history[]

    Version Changes
    • Fixed a bug introduced in 2.6.0h where the Map and Zana mods for Beyond also included the benefit of a Beyond Leaguestone, even if there wasn't one active.
    • Fixed a bug where Beyond Leaguestones did not stack correctly with other modifiers that offered a chance to spawn Beyond portals.
    • Fixed a bug where the Flooded Depths could not have more than two room-based special features from Leaguestones.
    • Re-enabled the Singular prefix and the of Protection suffix for Ambush Leaguestones.
    • The Leaguestone progress bar now appears red when the leaguestone has not activated because it is underleveled for the area that the player is in.
    • Added minimum generation levels to some mods on Leaguestones where they could drop before that content could spawn.
    • Perandus Leaguestones that drop after this patch will now have a 20% chance to spawn Cadiro in the next area.
    • Onslaught Leaguestones that drop after this patch will now have 20% increased Quantity of Items found in the next area.
    • The Aspect of Ruination unique monster from the Luring Rampage Leaguestone mod now does 20% less damage.
    • Disabled the 'Singular' mod for Ambush Leaguestones that failed to generate unique Strongboxes.
    • Fixed a bug where specific Strongboxes added by Leaguestone mods would not be upgraded in rarity by other Leaguestone mods.
    • Fixed a terrain-out-of-sync instance crash that can happen in outdoor areas with a Talisman Leaguestone active.
    • Introduced to the game