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Path of Exile Wiki

Lurcher is a monster type. Unlike the real world meaning, According to in-game Bestiary, Lurcher is a genus of Crustaceans group (akin to subfamily of the real world biology) of The Deep family.

The name probably refers to the lurking behaviour of this monster type. This monster type may burrows into the ground and emerge elsewhere. (e.g. NessaCrabTriggeredEarthquake of Brinecrack)

Lurchers are placed in a cage known as "Cave Crabs" in the Menagerie Depths.

Monsters[ | ]

These versions are much smaller than other lurchers


List of lurchers[ | ]

The following list is auto-generated using cargo query:

Monster names internal ids monster type id skill ids
Blight Lurcher Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBlight/Generic/NessaCrab BlightNessaCrab Melee MonsterQuickGuard
Brinecrack Metadata/Monsters/NessaCrab/NessaCrab NessaCrab Melee NessaCrabWhirlingBlades NessaCrabTriggeredEarthquake
Brinespawn Metadata/Monsters/BrineKing/BrineKingMinion_ BrineKingMinion Melee
Clobberclaw Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBlight/Generic/NessaCrabBoss BlightNessaCrabBoss Melee BlightNessaCrabSteelskin
Craiceann, First of the Deep Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBestiary/NessaCrabBestiarySpiritBoss NessaCrabSpiritBoss Melee CrabSpiritBurrowPath CrabSpiritCharge CrabSpiritChargeWall EnduranceChargeSlamBestiaryCrabBoss EmptyActionSpellBestiaryCrabBossRoar BestiaryCrabBossSummonMinions BestiaryCrabWallRockstorm
Craiceann, First of the Deep Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBestiary/NessaCrabBestiarySpiritBossMenagerie NessaCrabSpiritBoss Melee CrabSpiritBurrowPath CrabSpiritCharge CrabSpiritChargeWall EnduranceChargeSlamBestiaryCrabBoss EmptyActionSpellBestiaryCrabBossRoar BestiaryCrabBossSummonMinions
Primal Crushclaw Metadata/Monsters/LeagueHarvest/Blue/HarvestNessaCrabT3 HarvestNessaCrab MeleeCold HarvestCrabDashSlam GAHarvestCrabDashSlam HarvestNessaCrabScreech HarvestCrabAbyssSlam EASHarvestEmerge
Primal Crushclaw Metadata/Monsters/LeagueHarvest/Blue/HarvestNessaCrabT3Spectre HarvestNessaCrab MeleeCold HarvestCrabDashSlam GAHarvestCrabDashSlam HarvestNessaCrabScreech HarvestCrabAbyssSlam EASHarvestEmerge
Salt Lurcher Metadata/Monsters/LeagueSynthesis/NessaCrabSpawned SynthesisNessaCrab WalkEmergeSynthesis Melee
Sulphurspawn Metadata/Monsters/BrineKing/BrineKingMinionBleached BrineKingMinionBleached Melee
Waste Lurcher Metadata/Monsters/BrineKing/BrineKingMinionBleachedDelve NessaCrabMob Melee
Waste Lurcher Metadata/Monsters/CrabMonsters/DelveNessaCrabEncounter NessaCrabMob Melee
Waste Lurcher Metadata/Monsters/NessaCrab/NessaCrabBleached NessaCrabMob Melee

The monster type of this table refers to the internal monster types, which in turn affects the monster resistances, armour rating and other parameters.

Abilities[ | ]

In-game crustaceans usually resist fire damage, so does Waste Lurcher, Salt Lurcher and Blight Lurcher.

However, Brinecrack and Sulphurspawn resist cold damage.

While Craiceann, First of the Deep and Clobberclaw are map bosses which resists both elemental and chaos damage. Primal Crushclaw is a harvestable monster, which resists elemental damage.

Brinespawn does not have any resistance.

Version history[ | ]

Version Changes
  • Introduced to game