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Maligaro, The Inquisitor

Inquisitor Maligaro

Maligaro was a thaumaturgist shortly before the Cataclysm.


He worked for Malachai in the Chamber of Sins [1] as one of his Godless Three, along with his apprentice Doedre Stamatis.[2] It was Maligaro who invented the idea of making humans even more connected with virtue gems than gemlings, extracting the very essence of the gem and inserting it into the body .[3] He found his work very creative and was considered an artist .[4] Another of Maligaro's creations is a synthetic virtue gem. In his private life, he was quite eccentric, maintaining a homosexual relationship with his slave Raulo.[5] When the Purity Rebellion overthrew the Emperor, the new Emperor Voll had burned Maligaro at the stake.[2]


Maligaro is battled by the player several times in the storyline:

The following map monsters or bosses are based on Maligaro:

  • Prodigy of Pain (Core Map (Ritual) inventory iconCore MapCore MapMap Level: 81
    Map Tier: 14
    Guild Character: û
    Black monstrous bridges cross oily rivers, leading nowhere. Nothing as it should be.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Core Map (Ritual) inventory icon
    , based on Maligaro, The Inquisitor)
  • Visceris (Overgrown Ruin Map (Ritual) inventory iconOvergrown Ruin MapOvergrown Ruin MapMap Level: 70
    Map Tier: 3
    Guild Character: ]
    Only fear remains unforgotten, where once magnificent rites drew important crowds.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Overgrown Ruin Map (Ritual) inventory icon
    , based on Maligaro, the Artist)
  • Maligaro the Mutilator (Overgrown Shrine Map (Ritual) inventory iconOvergrown Shrine MapOvergrown Shrine MapMap Level: 76
    Map Tier: 9
    Guild Character: ¾
    A once great monument, now a forgotten memorial.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Overgrown Shrine Map (Ritual) inventory icon
    , based on Maligaro, The Broken)
  • Amalgam of Nightmares (Carcass Map (Ritual) inventory iconCarcass MapCarcass MapMap Level: 72
    Map Tier: 5
    Guild Character: §
    Life's wet, reproductive stink abates, relenting to death's chaste ritual of decay.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Carcass Map (Ritual) inventory icon
    , based on The Depraved Trinity)

Related items[]

Maligaro is attributed to the following:

ItemStatsFlavour Text
Maligaro's VirtuosityMaligaro's Virtuosity inventory iconMaligaro's Virtuosity
Deerskin Gloves
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (127-142)
Requires Level 21, 33 Dex+(20-30) to Dexterity
5% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(60-80)% increased Evasion Rating
Your Critical Strike Multiplier is 300%
Maligaro operated effortlessly,
with great speed and terrible consequences.
Maligaro's Virtuosity inventory icon
+(20-30) to Dexterity
5% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(60-80)% increased Evasion Rating
Your Critical Strike Multiplier is 300%
Maligaro operated effortlessly,
with great speed and terrible consequences.
Maligaro's SpikeMaligaro's Spike inventory iconMaligaro's SpikeMaligaro loved his tools, and took great
pains to keep them excruciatingly sharp.
Maligaro's Spike inventory icon
N/AMaligaro loved his tools, and took great
pains to keep them excruciatingly sharp.
Maligaro's RestraintMaligaro's Restraint inventory iconMaligaro's Restraint
Chain Belt
Requires Level 44+(9-20) to maximum Energy ShieldAdds 1 to (30-50) Lightning Damage to Attacks
100% increased Shock Duration on you
Shocks you cause are reflected back to you
60% increased Damage while Shocked
15% increased Movement Speed while Shocked
"Our genius will pave the way forward.
May all who are worthy be improved!"
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's Restraint inventory icon
+(9-20) to maximum Energy ShieldAdds 1 to (30-50) Lightning Damage to Attacks
100% increased Shock Duration on you
Shocks you cause are reflected back to you
60% increased Damage while Shocked
15% increased Movement Speed while Shocked
"Our genius will pave the way forward.
May all who are worthy be improved!"
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's LensMaligaro's Lens inventory iconMaligaro's Lens
Compound Spiked Shield
Quality: +20%
Chance to Block: 25%
Evasion: 146
Energy Shield: 28
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 45, 58 Dex, 58 Int2% chance to Dodge Spell Hits(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(10-20)% increased maximum Life
-50% to all Elemental Resistances
10% increased Area of Effect
Nearby allies Recover 1% of your Maximum Life when you Die
"Look around you. What do you see?
Corruption, perversion, sin?
No. It is progress.
You simply lack the means to see it."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's Lens inventory icon
2% chance to Dodge Spell Hits(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(10-20)% increased maximum Life
-50% to all Elemental Resistances
10% increased Area of Effect
Nearby allies Recover 1% of your Maximum Life when you Die
"Look around you. What do you see?
Corruption, perversion, sin?
No. It is progress.
You simply lack the means to see it."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's MapMaligaro's Map inventory iconMaligaro's Map"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's Map inventory icon
N/A"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's CrueltyMaligaro's Cruelty inventory iconMaligaro's Cruelty
Turquoise Amulet
Requires Level 20+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence(4-8)% increased maximum Life
(25-30)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by at least 5 Poisons
(12-15)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by fewer than 5 Poisons
10% increased Damage with Poison per Frenzy Charge
3% increased Poison Duration per Power Charge
"He does not love. He does not feel regret or remorse.
He does not think about consequences, only possibilities.
If that does not describe a monster, tell me: what does?"
- Archbishop Geofri
Maligaro's Cruelty inventory icon
+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence(4-8)% increased maximum Life
(25-30)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by at least 5 Poisons
(12-15)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by fewer than 5 Poisons
10% increased Damage with Poison per Frenzy Charge
3% increased Poison Duration per Power Charge
"He does not love. He does not feel regret or remorse.
He does not think about consequences, only possibilities.
If that does not describe a monster, tell me: what does?"
- Archbishop Geofri


  1. The inscription on the broken map device in Chamber of Sins
  2. 2.0 2.1 Piety's dialogue in The Harvest: Piety of Theopolis#The Godless Three
  3. The comments of NPCs about Maligaro's Spike
  4. Malachai's Dedication in The Harvest, also the flavour text on Divination card inventory iconThe ArtistThe Artist card artDivination card frameThe Artist11Level 4 Enhance Support inventory iconEnhanceEnhance Support inventory icon
    "Paint, metal, flesh... A true artist does not limit himself." - Malachai the Soulless
    Divination card inventory icon
    divination card.
  5. Hargan tells this

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game as monster
  • Introduced to the game as lore (Maligaro's Spike inventory iconMaligaro's SpikeMaligaro's SpikeMaligaro loved his tools, and took great
    pains to keep them excruciatingly sharp.
    Maligaro's Spike inventory icon
    and Sharp and Cruel quest icon Sharp and Cruel)