A mine (or remote mine) is a type of active skill that throws a device that can be detonated remotely to produce an effect such as delivering a spell payload, launching a volley of arrows, or teleporting the user to that location.
Throwing mines[]
When a character uses a mine skill, they throw the mine(s) to the target location. Characters have a base mine throwing speed of 0.25 seconds.[1]
Throwing a mine uses mana and reserves an amount of mana, indicated by the skill's mana reservation. The mine will continue to reserve mana until it is detonated or destroyed.
Once a thrown mine lands on the ground it becomes invisible to enemies. This is mostly relevant to PvP since there are no monsters that use mines.
All mine skills, except those supported by Blastchain Mine SupportBlastchain Mine SupportSupport, Mine
Icon: Y
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 1% reduced Mana ReservedMines from Supported Skills have 1% increased Detonation SpeedMine lasts 5 seconds
Supported Skills deal (40-33)% less Damage
Supported Skills deal 5% more Damage for each prior Mine in Detonation Sequence
Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds
Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee WeaponsThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket., create mines with an aura that becomes active while those mines are placed but not detonated. The effects of these auras stack cumulatively, up to a limit specified by the skill. These auras are affected by aura modifiers.
Mines remain active for a limited duration, after which they expire. Mine duration is specific to each mine skill. If a mine is not detonated before it expires, it is destroyed. Mine duration is not affected by skill effect duration modifiers. Likewise, mine duration modifiers do not affect the duration of skill effects created by mines.
Mines will be destroyed if they take any damage. Mines cannot be targeted directly, but they are vulnerable to area of effect damage. Mines cannot be damaged while they are travelling through the air, or while they are detonating. The passive skill, Clever Construction, can also prevent mines from being damaged for a number of seconds after being thrown.
There is a limit on the number of mines a character can have active at one time. By default, a character can have 15 mines active at once. Throwing an additional mine that would exceed the active mine limit will cause the oldest mine to be destroyed. There are passive skills that can increase this limit.
Detonating mines[]
While the player's character has any mines active, the Detonate Mines action (mapped to D by default) becomes available. Using the Detonate Mines action initiates a detonation sequence starting with the mine closest to the target location. The detonation sequence detonates the first mine instantly, then after a brief delay, another mine within a short range of the previous one will also be detonated. This continues in an accelerating fashion, where the delay between detonating the next mine decreases each time. Once there are no more mines within proximity to the last one detonated, the detonation sequence will stop.
The mine skill gem will state what its Base Mine Detonation Time is, and that time is modified by Detonation Speed modifiers. Each successive mine detonation in a given detonation sequence has 10% More Detonation Speed.
For example, Blastchain Mine SupportBlastchain Mine SupportSupport, Mine
Icon: Y
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 1% reduced Mana ReservedMines from Supported Skills have 1% increased Detonation SpeedMine lasts 5 seconds
Supported Skills deal (40-33)% less Damage
Supported Skills deal 5% more Damage for each prior Mine in Detonation Sequence
Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds
Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee WeaponsThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. has a Base Mine Detonation time of 0.25s, so here's a table showing the detonation time for each mine in a sequence if you had 30% Increased Mine Detonation Tree (e.g. from the passive tree).
Mine in Sequence | Mine Detonation Time (s) | Total Time (s) |
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0.1575 | 0.1575 |
3 | 0.14175 | 0.29925 |
4 | 0.127575 | 0.426825 |
5 | 0.1148175 | 0.5416425 |
6 | 0.10333575 | 0.64497825 |
7 | 0.093002175 | 0.737980425 |
8 | 0.0837019575 | 0.8216823825 |
9 | 0.07533176175 | 0.8970141443 |
10 | 0.06779858558 | 0.9648127298 |
11 | 0.06101872702 | 1.025831457 |
12 | 0.05491685432 | 1.080748311 |
13 | 0.04942516888 | 1.13017348 |
14 | 0.044482652 | 1.174656132 |
15 | 0.0400343868 | 1.214690519 |
16 | 0.03603094812 | 1.250721467 |
17 | 0.0324278533 | 1.28314932 |
18 | 0.02918506797 | 1.312334388 |
19 | 0.02626656118 | 1.338600949 |
20 | 0.02363990506 | 1.362240854 |
21 | 0.02127591455 | 1.383516769 |
22 | 0.0191483231 | 1.402665092 |
23 | 0.01723349079 | 1.419898583 |
24 | 0.01551014171 | 1.435408725 |
25 | 0.01395912754 | 1.449367852 |
26 | 0.01256321478 | 1.461931067 |
27 | 0.01130689331 | 1.47323796 |
28 | 0.01017620398 | 1.483414164 |
29 | 0.009158583578 | 1.492572748 |
30 | 0.00824272522 | 1.500815473 |
The Detonate Mines action is instant and can be used while performing another action, such as throwing a mine or moving. The Detonate Mines action has a 0.2 second cooldown, after which it may be used again to start another detonation sequence. A character can have multiple detonation sequences occurring simultaneously.
Mines can be detonated while in the air. It is not necessary to wait until a mine lands on the ground before it can be detonated.
Mines can also be detonated using the Detonate MinesDetonate MinesMine, Spell
Level: 1
Cooldown Time: 0.20 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 8Detonates a Mine, starting a Detonation Sequence which will detonate other Mines around it.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2AnomalousMines have 1% increased Detonation SpeedRecover 0.01% of Life for each Mine DetonatedFirst Mine Detonates Instantly
Mines get 10% more Detonation Speed for each prior Mine in Detonation SequencePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. skill gem. This skill initiates a detonation sequence, just like the Detonate Mines action. The Detonate Mines skill and the Detonate Mines action both share the same cooldown, meaning that when either one is used, both will be placed on cooldown.
Mines detonated by Skitterbots do not initiate a detonation sequence.
Mines casting spells[]
After a mine has been detonated, if the skill is a Spell, there is a delay of the spell's Cast Time, which uses the mine's casting speed modifiers. Therefore, it's possible to support mines with gems like Faster Casting SupportFaster Casting SupportSupport, Spell
Icon: f
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Requires Level 18Supports non-instant spell skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast SpeedSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Cooldown Recovery RateIgnites from Supported Skills deal Damage 0.5% fasterSupported Skills have (20-39)% increased Cast SpeedThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. to reduce the delay between the mine being detonated and the spell being cast by the mine, but in practice, this is generally not useful.
Mines as separate entities[]
Mines are separate entities from the character who throws them, but they use that character's offensive stats when applying damage and various other effects. A spell or attack unleashed by a mine is considered to have been made by the mine itself, rather than the character who threw the mine. This distinction is important to note for certain game mechanics that care about who is making the attack or casting the spell. Included among these are leech, damage reflection, and gaining effects on hit or on kill.
Through the use of ordinary leech modifiers such as X% of Damage Leeched as Life, it is not possible for a character to leech from the damage dealt by their mines. This is because these leech modifiers only apply to characters who are attacking or casting themselves, not through mines by proxy.
X% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life is an example of a leech modifier that does allow the character to leech from the damage dealt by their mines.
Damage reflection[]
Mines provide total protection from damage reflection, since it is the mines that are dealing damage, not the character who throws them.
Gaining on hit or on kill[]
Modifiers that grant the character some effect on hit or on kill simply do not work with mines. For example, a character will not gain life, mana or power charges from having their mines kill enemies cursed with Assassin's MarkAssassin's MarkSpell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (16-33) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 secRequires Level 24Curses a single enemy, making them more vulnerable to Critical Strikes. Killing the cursed enemy will grant life and mana, and a power charge. You can only have one Mark at a time.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentCursed Enemies have a 0.25% chance to grant a Power Charge when HitCursed enemies take 0.2% increased DamageHits against Cursed Enemies have +0.01% to Critical Strike ChanceBase duration is (6-9.8) seconds
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +(30-49)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Hits against Cursed Enemies have +1.5% to Critical Strike Chance
Cursed enemies grant (65-600) Life when Killed
Cursed enemies grant (25-80) Mana when Killed
Cursed enemies have a 100% chance to grant a Power Charge when slainPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.. Enemies killed by damage over time from mines such as Toxic RainToxic RainAttack, AoE, Chaos, Duration, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (7-11) Mana
Attack Damage: (50-72)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (50-73)%Requires Level 12Fire arrows into the air that rain down around the targeted area, dealing damage to enemies they hit and creating spore pods where they land. Each spore pod deals chaos damage over time to nearby enemies and slows their movement speed. The pods last for a duration before bursting, dealing area damage.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration1% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage1% reduced Debuff Effect
Fires 0.1 additional ArrowsDeals (50-72.8)% of Base Attack Damage
Base duration is 1 seconds
Deals (7.9-285.1) Base Chaos Damage per second
Fires 4 additional Arrows
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Each Spore Pod applies 10% less Movement Speed to nearby Enemies, to a maximum of 60%
Modifiers to Projectile Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. are attributed as being killed by the character.
Other interactions[]
Trigger effects[]
Mines cannot be thrown by any trigger effects. Mine skills cannot be supported by trigger gems, such as Cast when Damage Taken SupportCast when Damage Taken SupportSupport, Spell, Trigger
Icon: !
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 250%
Cooldown Time: 0.25 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)Requires Level 38Each supported spell skill will track damage you take, and be triggered when the total damage taken reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills deal 0.5% increased DamageSupported Skills have 1% increased Skill Effect DurationSupported Skills require 1% reduced amount of Damage taken to TriggerTrigger Supported Spells when you take a total of (528-3272) Damage
Supported Skills deal (-70-6)% more Damage
This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (38-70) or lower
You cannot Cast Supported Triggerable Spells directlyThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket..
Self-cast support gems[]
Mine skills cannot be supported by support gems that require spells to be cast, such as Spell Echo SupportSpell Echo SupportSpell, Support
Icon: k
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%Requires Level 38Supports spell skills, making them repeat when cast. Cannot support Vaal skills, totem skills, channelling skills, triggered skills, instant skills, or skills which reserve mana.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell DamageSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast SpeedSupported Skills deal 1% less Damage
Final Repeat of Supported Skills deals 3% more DamageSupported Skills Repeat an additional time
Supported Skills have (40-54)% more Cast Speed
Supported Skills deal 10% less DamageThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket..
Traps and totems[]
Rather bizarrely, mines can create traps and totems. For example, Siege BallistaSiege BallistaAttack, Projectile, Totem, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-11) Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Projectile Speed: 3260Requires Level 12Summons a ballista totem that attacks with piercing arrows.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal1% increased Projectile DamageFires 0.1 additional Projectiles
1% reduced Attack Speed1% increased Projectile Speed1% chance to Impale Enemies on HitDeals (100-145)% of Base Attack Damage
Totem lasts 8 seconds
+(2-3) to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Arrows Pierce (6-9) additional TargetsPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. supported by Trap SupportTrap SupportSupport, Trap
Icon: T
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a trap that will use the skill for you when an enemy walks near it. Traps cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Trap Throwing SpeedSupported Skills deal 0.5% increased DamageSupported Skills have 1% increased Trap Trigger Area of EffectTrap lasts 4 seconds
Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee Weapons
Supported Skills have (0-19)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
Supported Skills deal (0-38)% increased Trap DamageThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. and Blastchain Mine SupportBlastchain Mine SupportSupport, Mine
Icon: Y
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 1% reduced Mana ReservedMines from Supported Skills have 1% increased Detonation SpeedMine lasts 5 seconds
Supported Skills deal (40-33)% less Damage
Supported Skills deal 5% more Damage for each prior Mine in Detonation Sequence
Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds
Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee WeaponsThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. will result in a skill that throws a mine. When detonated, the mine lays a trap. When triggered, the trap places a Siege Ballista totem.
Active skill gems[]
There are 6 active skill gems with the Mine gem tag:
Skill gem | ||||
Smoke MineSmoke MineMine, Spell, AoE, Duration, Movement, Travel, Blink Level: (1-20) Cost: (6-13) Mana Reservation: (6-13) Mana Cooldown Time: 2.50 sec Can Store 3 Use(s) Cast Time: 0.50 secRequires Level 10Throws a mine that will teleport you to it when detonated. It covers both your escape and arrival with a cloud of smoke that blinds enemies, and gives you a temporary buff to movement speed. Shares a cooldown with other Blink skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent2% increased Area of Effect1% increased Skill Effect DurationBuff grants 0.5% increased Attack and Cast SpeedMine lasts 8 seconds Base duration is (4-5) seconds Buff grants (10-29)% increased Movement Speed Base secondary duration is (4-5) seconds Only one Mine of this type can Detonate in each Detonation Sequence Mine Detonation is Instant Increases and Reductions to Mine Duration also apply to this Skill's Buff Duration Mines cannot be Re-armed (0-76)% increased Area of Effect (0-57)% increased Cooldown Recovery RatePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 10 | ||
Icicle MineIcicle MineMine, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE Level: (1-20) Cost: (3-6) Mana Reservation: (3-6) Mana Cast Time: 0.75 sec Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%Requires Level 12Throws a mine that fires projectiles around it when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearingPer 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent1% increased Projectile SpeedFires 0.1 additional Projectiles1% increased Critical Strike ChanceDeals (16-514) to (24-771) Cold Damage Mine lasts 5 seconds Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.3 seconds Each Mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500% Fires 4 additional Projectiles Fires Projectiles in a circle Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation SequencePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 12 | ||
Pyroclast MinePyroclast MineMine, Spell, Projectile, Fire, AoE, Aura, Nova Level: (1-20) Cost: (4-6) Mana Reservation: (4-6) Mana Cast Time: 0.18 sec Critical Strike Chance: 5.50% Effectiveness of Added Damage: 80% Radius: 30Requires Level 28Throws a mine that deals damage in an area when detonated, then launches fiery projectiles that rain down around it, each dealing damage in a smaller area.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal1% increased Area of Effect5% increased Burning Damage 1% chance to Ignite enemies1% increased effect of Aura2% increased Damage if firing at least 7 ProjectilesDeals (26-240) to (39-361) Fire Damage Mine lasts 5 seconds Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.35 seconds Each Mine Adds (1-12) to (2-18) Fire Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of (64-601) to (96-901) Fires 2 additional Projectiles Fires an additional Projectile for every 4 prior Mines in Detonation SequencePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 28 | ||
Stormblast MineStormblast MineMine, Spell, AoE, Lightning, Aura, Nova Level: (1-20) Cost: (2-6) Mana Reservation: (2-6) Mana Cast Time: 0.75 sec Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%Throws a mine that deals damage in an area when detonated.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% chance to Shock enemies 0.5% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments0.5% increased Area of Effect1% increased effect of Aura1% increased Lightning DamageDeals (2-334) to (7-1002) Lightning Damage Mine lasts 5 seconds Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.25 seconds Each Mine applies 3% increased Damage Taken to Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 150% 20% chance to Shock enemies (20-39)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments +(0-5) to radiusPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 1 | ||
Summon SkitterbotsSummon SkitterbotsTrap, Mine, Spell, Minion, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Aura Level: (1-20) Reservation: 35% Mana Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 16Summon a Chilling Skitterbot and a Shocking Skitterbot, which will trigger your traps and detonate your mines. Mines detonated by Skitterbots will re-arm and can then be detonated again. The Skitterbots grant you more trap and mine damage, and cannot be targeted or damaged.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent2% increased Minion Movement SpeedMinions have 1% increased Area of EffectMinions have 0.5% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on EnemiesSkitterbots grant 10% more Trap and Mine Damage Maximum 1 Summoned Skitterbot of each type Shocking Skitterbot's Aura Shocks Enemies near it Chilling Skitterbot's Aura Chills Enemies near it Minions have (0-19)% increased Shock Effect Minions have (0-19)% increased Chill Effect (0-76)% increased Minion Movement SpeedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 16 | ||
Detonate MinesDetonate MinesMine, Spell Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 0.20 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: InstantRequires Level 8Detonates a Mine, starting a Detonation Sequence which will detonate other Mines around it.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2AnomalousMines have 1% increased Detonation SpeedRecover 0.01% of Life for each Mine DetonatedFirst Mine Detonates Instantly Mines get 10% more Detonation Speed for each prior Mine in Detonation SequencePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. | 8 |
Support gems[]
There are 6 support skill gems with the Mine gem tag:
Skill gem | ||||
Swift Assembly SupportSwift Assembly SupportSupport, Trap, Mine Icon: Z Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports skills which throw Traps or Mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing Speed Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Trap Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 2% reduced Trap DurationSupported Skills have 0.1% increased Trap Throwing Speed per Frenzy Charge Supported Skills have 0.1% increased Mine Throwing Speed per Frenzy ChargeSupported Skills have (9-18)% chance to throw up to 1 additional Trap or Mine Supported Skills have (6-12)% chance to throw up to 2 additional Traps or Mines Supported Skills have (3-6)% chance to throw up to 3 additional Traps or MinesThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 1 | ||
Trap and Mine Damage SupportTrap and Mine Damage SupportSupport, Trap, Mine Icon: W Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Requires Level 18Supports skills which throw Traps or Mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills deal 0.5% increased DamageSupported Skills have 0.5% reduced Mana Cost Supported Skills have 0.5% reduced Mana ReservedSupported Skills deal 0.1% increased Damage per Power ChargeSupported Skills deal (30-49)% more Trap and Mine Damage Supported Skills have 10% less Trap Throwing Speed Supported Skills have 10% less Mine Throwing SpeedThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 18 | ||
Blastchain Mine SupportBlastchain Mine SupportSupport, Mine Icon: Y Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 1% reduced Mana ReservedMines from Supported Skills have 1% increased Detonation SpeedMine lasts 5 seconds Supported Skills deal (40-33)% less Damage Supported Skills deal 5% more Damage for each prior Mine in Detonation Sequence Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee WeaponsThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 8 | ||
Charged Mines SupportCharged Mines SupportSupport, Mine Icon: F Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Requires Level 31Supports skills which throw mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Mine Damage0.5% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when a Mine from Supported Skills is Detonated targeting an Enemy 0.5% chance to gain a Power Charge when a Mine from Supported Skills is Detonated targeting an EnemySupported Skills have 0.2% increased Projectile Speed per Frenzy Charge when used by a Mine(20-30)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when a Mine from Supported Skills is Detonated targeting an Enemy (20-30)% chance to gain a Power Charge when a Mine from Supported Skills is Detonated targeting an Enemy Supported Skills have 10% increased Mine Throwing Speed per Frenzy Charge Supported Skills have 25% increased Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge when used by MinesThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 31 | ||
High-Impact Mine SupportHigh-Impact Mine SupportMine, Support, AoE, Aura Icon: Y Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 50%Requires Level 31Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a mine that will use the skill for you when you detonate it. Mines cannot use channelling skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have +0.25% to Critical Strike MultiplierSupported Skills have 0.5% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdMine lasts 5 seconds Each Mine from Supported Skills applies 2% chance to deal Double Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 100% Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds Supported Skills deal (35-28)% less Damage Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee WeaponsThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 31 | ||
Minefield SupportMinefield SupportSupport, Mine Icon: M Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%Requires Level 38Supports skills which throw mines.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Throwing SpeedSupported Skills have 0.2% chance to throw up to 1 additional MineSupported Skills can have up to 0.2 additional Remote Mines placed at a timeSupported Skills throw up to 4 additional Mines Supported Skills have (65-60)% less Mine Throwing Speed Supported Skills can have up to 4 additional Remote Mines placed at a timeThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket. | N/A | 38 |
Unique items[]
Item | Stats | |||
Coated ShrapnelCoated Shrapnel Crimson JewelRadius: SmallTraps and Mines have a 25% chance to Poison on Hit Passive Skills in Radius also grant: Traps and Mines deal (2-3) to (4-6) added Physical DamageThe Ezomytes have a saying: Take everything and waste nothing.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. | 1 | Traps and Mines have a 25% chance to Poison on Hit Passive Skills in Radius also grant: Traps and Mines deal (2-3) to (4-6) added Physical Damage | ||
MegalomaniacMegalomaniac Medium Cluster JewelAdds 4 Passive Skills Added Small Passive Skills grant Nothing <3 Random notable mods> CorruptedIf you're going to act like you're better than everyone else, make sure you are.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. | 1 | Adds 4 Passive Skills Added Small Passive Skills grant Nothing
Corrupted | ||
Curtain CallCurtain Call Plague MaskQuality: +20% Evasion: 34 Energy Shield: 8Requires Level 20+23 to maximum Life (15-10)% reduced Mine Throwing Speed Mines have (40-50)% increased Detonation Speed Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Dexterity Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 IntelligenceSing with me one last duet, the curtain closes nigh. Join me in a quiet song, before we all must die. | 20 | +23 to maximum Life (15-10)% reduced Mine Throwing Speed Mines have (40-50)% increased Detonation Speed Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Dexterity Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Intelligence | ||
MireboughMirebough Gnarled BranchStaff Quality: +20% Physical Damage: 10.8-22.8 Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Attacks per Second: 1.30 Weapon Range: 13Requires Level 32+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Cluster Trap Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap And Mine Damage (40-50)% increased Global Damage (10-20)% increased maximum Life (10-20)% increased maximum Mana"Cut down the tallest tree, and another becomes the tallest." - Old Ezomyte saying | 32 | +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a StaffSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Cluster Trap Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap And Mine Damage (40-50)% increased Global Damage (10-20)% increased maximum Life (10-20)% increased maximum Mana | ||
Tremor RodTremor Rod Military StaffWarstaff Quality: +20% Physical Damage: 45.6-136.8 Critical Strike Chance: 6.60% Attacks per Second: 1.25 Weapon Range: 13Requires Level 41, 72 Str, 72 Int+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+2 to Level of Socketed Spell Gems Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Blastchain Mine (40-60)% increased Spell Damage (15-20)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold Mines can be Detonated an additional timeThe best way to gain the element of surprise, is to let your enemy learn your plans, and execute them - twice. | 41 | +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff+2 to Level of Socketed Spell Gems Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Blastchain Mine (40-60)% increased Spell Damage (15-20)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold Mines can be Detonated an additional time | ||
Machina MittsMachina Mitts Murder MittsQuality: +20% Evasion: (387-447) Energy Shield: (76-88)Requires Level 67, 51 Dex, 51 Int(200-250)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield 1% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life (30-20)% reduced Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield 5% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Power Charge Lose a Power Charge each second if you have not Detonated Mines RecentlyBiology is but a machine, begetting effusion of energies; death is but a curse, that can be given... or reversed. | 67 | (200-250)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield 1% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life (30-20)% reduced Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield 5% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Power Charge Lose a Power Charge each second if you have not Detonated Mines Recently | ||
The Hungry LoopThe Hungry Loop Unset RingRequires Level 70Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems Has not Consumed any Gems <Consumed support gem modifier>Be careful where you put your finger. | 70 | Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems Has not Consumed any Gems
| ||
ShadowstitchShadowstitch Sacrificial GarbQuality: +20% Armour: (1217-1546) Evasion: (1217-1546) Energy Shield: (236-300) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 72, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int<2 Random corrupted implicit modifiers>Has an additional Implicit Mod +(20-30) to all Attributes (250-350)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield Recover (3-5)% of Life on Kill Recover (3-5)% of Energy Shield on Kill -(6-4)% to all Resistances for each Corrupted Item Equipped 8% increased Maximum Energy Shield for each Corrupted Item Equipped 6% increased Maximum Life for each Corrupted Item Equipped Item has 6 Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden) CorruptedDestined for sacrifice, they were dressed in garments that blurred the lines between this world and the next. | 72 |
+(20-30) to all Attributes (250-350)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield Recover (3-5)% of Life on Kill Recover (3-5)% of Energy Shield on Kill -(6-4)% to all Resistances for each Corrupted Item Equipped 8% increased Maximum Energy Shield for each Corrupted Item Equipped 6% increased Maximum Life for each Corrupted Item Equipped Item has 6 Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden) Corrupted |
Passive skills[]
The damage of mines is affected by passive skills according to their other keywords (e.g. Fire) as normal. Additionally the following passive skills affect mines specifically:
Mine damage[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Damage | 14% increased Mine Damage [1] |
Mine Damage and Area of Effect | 6% increased Mine Damage Skills used by Mines have 6% increased Area of Effect [1] [2] |
Mine Damage and Duration | 10% increased Mine Damage 20% increased Mine Duration [1] |
Mine Damage and Reduced Mana Reservation | 8% increased Mine Damage 5% reduced Mana Reservation of Skills that throw Mines [1] [2] |
Mine Damage and Reduced Reservation | 10% increased Mine Damage 5% reduced Reservation of Skills that throw Mines [1] [2] |
Mine Damage and Throwing Speed | 10% increased Mine Damage 3% increased Mine Throwing Speed [1] |
Trap and Mine Damage | 16% increased Trap Damage 16% increased Mine Damage [1] [2] 10% increased Trap Damage 10% increased Mine Damage [4] [5] [6] 14% increased Trap Damage 14% increased Mine Damage [5] [6] |
Trap and Mine Damage and Throwing Speed | 3% increased Trap Throwing Speed 3% increased Mine Throwing Speed 8% increased Trap Damage 8% increased Mine Damage [1] [2] |
Clever Construction | Traps cannot be Damaged for 5 seconds after being Thrown Mines cannot be Damaged for 5 seconds after being thrown 20% increased Trap Damage 20% increased Mine Damage [1] |
Efficient Explosives | 25% increased Mine Damage 15% reduced Mana Reservation of Skills that throw Mines Mines have a 10% chance to be Detonated an Additional Time [1] |
Saboteur | 30% increased Trap Damage 30% increased Mine Damage Can have up to 2 additional Traps placed at a time Can have up to 2 additional Remote Mines placed at a time [1] |
Mine critical strike chance[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Critical Strike Chance | 30% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines [1] |
Mine Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier | 15% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines +8% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] |
Trap and Mine Critical Strike Chance | 20% increased Critical Strike Chance with Traps 20% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines [1] 25% increased Critical Strike Chance with Traps 25% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines [3] [4] |
Devastating Devices | 50% increased Critical Strike Chance with Traps 50% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] |
Mine critical strike multiplier[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier | 15% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines +8% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] |
Mine Critical Strike Multiplier | +15% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] |
Trap and Mine Critical Strike Multiplier | +15% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +15% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] +10% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +10% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [2] |
Blast Cascade | +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines 15% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy 10% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Mine is Detonated targeting an Enemy [1] |
Devastating Devices | 50% increased Critical Strike Chance with Traps 50% increased Critical Strike Chance with Mines +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines [1] |
Mine throwing speed[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Damage and Throwing Speed | 10% increased Mine Damage 3% increased Mine Throwing Speed [1] |
Mine Throwing and Detonation Speed | 4% increased Mine Throwing Speed Mines have 10% increased Detonation Speed [1] [2] |
Mine Throwing Speed | 5% increased Mine Throwing Speed [1] |
Trap and Mine Damage and Throwing Speed | 3% increased Trap Throwing Speed 3% increased Mine Throwing Speed 8% increased Trap Damage 8% increased Mine Damage [1] [2] |
Trap and Mine Throwing Speed | 4% increased Trap Throwing Speed 4% increased Mine Throwing Speed [1] |
Destructive Apparatus | 10% increased Mine Throwing Speed 40% increased Mine Duration Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10% [1] |
Mine detonation speed[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Throwing and Detonation Speed | 4% increased Mine Throwing Speed Mines have 10% increased Detonation Speed [1] [2] |
Volatile Mines | Mines have 20% increased Detonation Speed Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10% Can have up to 2 additional Remote Mines placed at a time [1] |
Mine duration[]
Name | Stats |
Mine Damage and Duration | 10% increased Mine Damage 20% increased Mine Duration [1] |
Destructive Apparatus | 10% increased Mine Throwing Speed 40% increased Mine Duration Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10% [1] |
High Explosives | Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Elemental Resistances Mine Damage Penetrates 10% Elemental Resistances 30% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect 30% increased Mine Duration [1] |
Maximum number of mines allowed[]
Name | Stats |
Saboteur | 30% increased Trap Damage 30% increased Mine Damage Can have up to 2 additional Traps placed at a time Can have up to 2 additional Remote Mines placed at a time [1] |
Volatile Mines | Mines have 20% increased Detonation Speed Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10% Can have up to 2 additional Remote Mines placed at a time [1] |
Name | Stats |
Mine Damage and Area of Effect | 6% increased Mine Damage Skills used by Mines have 6% increased Area of Effect [1] [2] |
Mine Damage and Reduced Mana Reservation | 8% increased Mine Damage 5% reduced Mana Reservation of Skills that throw Mines [1] [2] |
Mine Damage and Reduced Reservation | 10% increased Mine Damage 5% reduced Reservation of Skills that throw Mines [1] [2] |
Blast Cascade | +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Traps +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Mines 15% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy 10% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Mine is Detonated targeting an Enemy [1] |
Blast Waves | Skills used by Mines deal 30% increased Area Damage if you Detonated a Mine Recently Skills used by Mines have 10% increased Area of Effect Skills used by Mines have 10% increased Area of Effect if you Detonated a Mine Recently [1] |
Clever Construction | Traps cannot be Damaged for 5 seconds after being Thrown Mines cannot be Damaged for 5 seconds after being thrown 20% increased Trap Damage 20% increased Mine Damage [1] |
Destructive Apparatus | 10% increased Mine Throwing Speed 40% increased Mine Duration Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10% [1] |
Efficient Explosives | 25% increased Mine Damage 15% reduced Mana Reservation of Skills that throw Mines Mines have a 10% chance to be Detonated an Additional Time [1] |
High Explosives | Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Elemental Resistances Mine Damage Penetrates 10% Elemental Resistances 30% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect 30% increased Mine Duration [1] |
Successive Detonations | 10% increased Critical Strike Chance for each Mine Detonated Recently, up to 100% +4% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each Mine Detonated Recently, up to 40% [1] |
Volatile Mines | Mines have 20% increased Detonation Speed Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10% Can have up to 2 additional Remote Mines placed at a time [1] |
Ascendancy passives[]
Ascendancy Class | Name | Stats |
Ascendant | Saboteur | 25% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit Damage Penetrates 8% of Enemy Elemental Resistances 30% increased Area of Effect Regenerate 2% of Life per second for each Mine Detonated Recently, up to 10% per second Regenerate 2% of Life per Second for each Trap Triggered Recently, up to 10% per second [1] |
Saboteur | Trap and Mine Damage, Elemental Resistances | 10% increased Trap Damage 10% increased Mine Damage +6% to all Elemental Resistances [1] |
Saboteur | Trap and Mine Damage, Mine Throwing Speed | 10% increased Trap Damage 10% increased Mine Damage 5% increased Mine Throwing Speed [1] [2] |
Saboteur | Trap and Mine Damage, Movement Speed | 10% increased Trap Damage 10% increased Mine Damage 4% increased Movement Speed [1] [2] |
Saboteur | Trap and Mine Damage, Trap Throwing Speed | 10% increased Trap Damage 10% increased Mine Damage 5% increased Trap Throwing Speed [1] [2] |
Saboteur | Bomb Specialist | You gain 5% increased Area of Effect for each Mine 25% increased Mine Throwing Speed if you Detonated Mines Recently Mines have 25% increased Detonation Speed [1] |
Saboteur | Demolitions Specialist | 150% increased Effect of Auras from Mines Mines Hinder Enemies near them for 2 seconds when they Land, reducing Movement Speed by 40% [1] |
Saboteur | Pyromaniac | Immune to Ignite and Shock Regenerate 2% of Life per second for each Mine Detonated Recently, up to 10% per second Regenerate 2% of Life per Second for each Trap Triggered Recently, up to 10% per second [1] |
Version history[]
Version | Changes |
3.11.0 |
3.8.0 |
3.3.0 |
3.0.0 |
2.3.1 |
2.2.2 |
- ↑ Natalia_GGG (August 29, 2019). "New Mine Skills in Path of Exile: Blight". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved March 6, 2020.