Mod Id EnchantmentPhaseRunPercentChanceToNotConsumeFrenzyCharges2 Name Enchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 2 Group SkillEnchantment Mod type EnchantmentPhaseRunPercentChanceToNotConsumeFrenzyCharges Mod domain Item (Id: 1) Generation type Enchantment (Id: 10) Req. Level 75 Effect 30% chance for Phase Run to increase Duration without removing Frenzy Charges Granted Buff Id Granted Buff Value Granted Skill Tags frenzy_charge Tier Text
Stats # Stat Id Minimum Maximum 1 phase_run_%_chance_to_not_consume_frenzy_charges 30 30
Spawn weights # Tag Weight 1 helmet 100 2 default 0
Generation weights # Tag Weight
EnchantmentPhaseRunPercentChanceToNotConsumeFrenzyCharges2 is the internal id of modifier Enchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 2 .