This Lua module is used on a very large number of pages. To avoid large-scale disruption and unnecessary server load, any changes to this module should first be tested in its /sandbox or /testcases subpages. The tested changes can then be added to this page in one single edit. Please consider discussing any changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
This module depends on the following other modules: |
The item module provides functionality for various item-related templates.
This module is responsible for creating item boxes, various item lists, item links and other item-related tasks. In the process a lot of the input data is verified and also added as semantic property to pages; as such, any templates deriving from this module should not be used on user pages other then for temporary testing purposes.
This template is also backed by an export script in PyPoE which can be used to export item data from the game files which then can be used on the wiki. Use the export when possible,
Item templates
All templates defined in Module:Item2:
Module:Item table
All templates defined in Module:Item table:
- {{Item table}}
- {{Query base items}}
- {{Query unique items}}
- {{Item unique versions}}
- {{Area item drops}}
- {{Item table/skill gems}}
- {{Map item drops}}
- {{Prophecy description}}
- {{Simple item list}}
Module:Item link
All templates defined in Module:Item link:
- {{Item link}}
- {{Il}}
- {{Item icon link}}
Module:Item acquisition
- {{Item acquisition}}
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox and testcases pages.
Subpages of this module.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module:Item2 -- -- This module implements Template:Item and Template:Itembox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Items -- ----- -- Check if abyss jewels actually have radius modifiers -- -- Aggregate ids from skill id from modifiers -- -- -- unique items: -- 3D art -- supporter attribution -- -- Maps: -- Area level can be retrieved eventually -- -- Essence: -- type column -- monster modifier info -- -- random modifier -- -> sell price must consider random mods -- -- ---------- -- Item class -- ---------- -- -- remove the ul if name_list is not provided require('Module:No globals') local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local m_util = require('Module:Util') local m_cargo = require('Module:Cargo') local m_game = mw.loadData('Module:Game') -- Should we use the sandbox version of our submodules? local use_sandbox = m_util.misc.maybe_sandbox('Item2') -- Lazy loading local f_skill -- require('Module:Skill')._skill local f_item_link -- require('Module:Item link').item_link local f_query_area_info -- require('Module:Area').query_area_info local f_process_upgraded_from -- require('Module:Item2/upgrade').process_upgraded_from local f_append_schema -- require('Module:Item2/cargo').append_schema -- The cfg table contains all localisable strings and configuration, to make it -- easier to port this module to another wiki. local cfg = use_sandbox and mw.loadData('Module:Item2/config/sandbox') or mw.loadData('Module:Item2/config') local i18n = cfg.i18n local core = use_sandbox and require('Module:Item2/core/sandbox') or require('Module:Item2/core') -- Declare early to avoid errors local c = {} -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local h = {} -- Lazy loading for Module:Skill function h.skill(tpl_args, frame) if not f_skill then f_skill = use_sandbox and require('Module:Skill/sandbox')._skill or require('Module:Skill')._skill end return f_skill(tpl_args, frame) end -- Lazy loading for Module:Item link function h.item_link(args) if not f_item_link then f_item_link = require('Module:Item link').item_link end return f_item_link(args) end -- Lazy loading for Module:Item link function h.query_area_info(args) if not f_query_area_info then f_query_area_info = require('Module:Area').query_area_info end return f_query_area_info(args) end -- Lazy loading for Module:Item2/cargo function h.append_schema(tpl_args, frame, tables) if not f_append_schema then f_append_schema = use_sandbox and require('Module:Item2/cargo/sandbox').append_schema or require('Module:Item2/cargo').append_schema end return f_append_schema(tpl_args, frame, tables) end -- Lazy loading for Module:Item2/upgrade function h.process_upgraded_from(tpl_args, frame) if not f_process_upgraded_from then f_process_upgraded_from = use_sandbox and require('Module:Item2/upgrade/sandbox').process_upgraded_from or require('Module:Item2/upgrade').process_upgraded_from end return f_process_upgraded_from(tpl_args, frame) end function h.validate_mod(tpl_args, frame, args) -- args: -- key - implict or explicit -- i -- value local prefix = args.key .. args.i local value = tpl_args[prefix] local is_implicit = args.key == 'implicit' local out = { result=nil, -- commited to cargo at a later point id=nil, stat_text=nil, is_implicit=is_implicit, is_random=nil, } local mods_table = is_implicit and tpl_args._defined_implicit_mods or tpl_args._mods if value ~= nil then = value out.stat_text = tpl_args[prefix .. '_text'] out.is_random = false table.insert(mods_table, out) return true elseif tpl_args[prefix .. '_random_list'] then tpl_args._flags.random_mods = true value = m_util.string.split(tpl_args[prefix .. '_random_list'], ',%s*') for _, mod_id in ipairs(value) do table.insert(mods_table, { result = nil, id = mod_id, stat_text = tpl_args[prefix .. '_text'] or string.format(i18n.tooltips.random_mod, args.i), is_implicit = is_implicit, is_random = true, }) end return true elseif tpl_args[prefix .. '_text'] then value = tpl_args[prefix .. '_text'] tpl_args._flags.text_modifier = true out.result = value out.stat_text = value out.is_random = false table.insert(mods_table, out) return true end return false end function h.handle_range_args(tpl_args, frame, argument_key, field, value, fmt_options) fmt_options = mw.clone(fmt_options) fmt_options.return_color = true local html, colour = m_util.html.format_value(tpl_args, frame, value, fmt_options) tpl_args[argument_key .. '_html'] = html tpl_args[field .. '_html'] = html tpl_args[field .. '_range_colour'] = colour fmt_options = mw.clone(fmt_options) fmt_options.no_color = true tpl_args[field .. '_range_text'] = m_util.html.format_value(tpl_args, frame, value, fmt_options) end h.stat = {} function h.stat.add(value, stat_cached) value.min = value.min + stat_cached.min value.max = value.max + stat_cached.max end function h.stat.more(value, stat_cached) value.min = value.min * (1 + stat_cached.min / 100) value.max = value.max * (1 + stat_cached.max / 100) end function h.stat.more_inverse(value, stat_cached) value.min = value.min / (1 + stat_cached.min / 100) value.max = value.max / (1 + stat_cached.max / 100) end -- -- Processing -- function h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, params) tpl_args._processed_args = tpl_args._processed_args or {} for _, k in ipairs(params) do local data =[k] if data == nil then if tpl_args.debug then error(string.format(i18n.debug.invalid_argument_key, k)) end else if data.inherit ~= false then table.insert(tpl_args._base_item_args, k) end if data.func ~= nil then tpl_args[k] = data.func(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args[k]) end if tpl_args[k] == nil then if tpl_args.class_id and tpl_args._item_config.defaults ~= nil and tpl_args._item_config.defaults[k] ~= nil then -- Item defaults tpl_args[k] = tpl_args._item_config.defaults[k] elseif data.default ~= nil then -- Generic defaults if type(data.default) == 'function' then tpl_args[k] = data.default(tpl_args, frame) else tpl_args[k] = data.default end end end tpl_args._processed_args[k] = true end end end -- -- Display -- function h.strip_random_stats(tpl_args, frame, stat_text, container_type) if tpl_args._flags.random_mods and container_type == 'inline' then repeat local text = string.match(stat_text, '<th class="mw%-customtoggle%-31">(.+)</th>') if text ~= nil then stat_text = string.gsub(stat_text, '<table class="random%-modifier%-stats.+</table>', text, 1) end until text == nil end return stat_text end function h.add_to_container_from_map(tpl_args, frame, container, mapping, container_type) local statcont = mw.html.create('span') statcont :attr('class', 'item-stats') :done() local count = 0 -- Number of groups in container for _, group in ipairs(mapping) do local lines = {} if group.func == nil then for _, line in ipairs(group) do local show = true if container_type == 'inline' and line.inline == false then -- TODO: This is not used currently. Need to address what is hidden in inline view. show = false elseif == false then show = false elseif type( == 'function' then show =, frame, container_type) end if show then lines[#lines+1] = line.func(tpl_args, frame, container_type) end end else lines = group.func(tpl_args, frame, container_type) end if #lines > 0 then count = count + 1 local heading = '' if group.heading == nil then elseif type(group.heading) == 'function' then heading = group.heading() else heading = string.format('<em class="header">%s</em><br>', group.heading) end statcont :tag('span') :attr('class', 'group ' .. (group.class or '')) :wikitext(heading .. table.concat(lines, '<br>')) :done() end end -- Add groups to container if count > 0 then container:node(statcont) end end function h.make_main_container(tpl_args, frame, container_type) local container = mw.html.create('span') :attr('class', 'item-box -' .. tpl_args.frame_type) if tpl_args.class_id == 'DivinationCard' then container :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-wrapper') :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-art') :wikitext( '[[' .. tpl_args.card_art .. '|link=|alt=]]' ) :done() :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-frame') :wikitext( '[[File:Divination card frame.png|link=|alt=]]' ) :done() :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-header') :wikitext( :done() :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-stack') :wikitext(tpl_args.stack_size) :done() :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-reward') :tag('span') :wikitext(tpl_args.description) :done() :done() :tag('span') :attr('class', 'divicard-flavour text-color -flavour') :tag('span') :wikitext(tpl_args.flavour_text) :done() :done() :done() --TODO Extras? else local header_css local line_type if tpl_args.base_item and tpl_args.rarity_id ~= 'normal' then line_type = 'double' else line_type = 'single' end local name_line = if tpl_args.base_item and not tpl_args._flags.is_prophecy then name_line = name_line .. '<br>' .. tpl_args.base_item end -- Symbols - These are displayed in the item box header to indicate certain flags and/or item influences local symbols local influences = tpl_args.influences or {} if tpl_args.is_replica then symbols = {'replica', 'replica'} if #influences > 0 then symbols[2] = influences[1] end elseif #influences > 0 then symbols = {influences[1], influences[1]} if #influences > 1 then symbols[2] = influences[2] end elseif tpl_args.is_fractured then symbols = {'fractured', 'fractured'} elseif tpl_args.is_synthesised then symbols = {'synthesised', 'synthesised'} elseif tpl_args.is_veiled then symbols = {'veiled', 'veiled'} end container :tag('span') :attr( 'class', 'header -' .. line_type ) :tag('span') :attr( 'class', 'symbol' .. (symbols and ' -' .. symbols[1] or '') ) :done() :wikitext(name_line) :tag('span') :attr( 'class', 'symbol' .. (symbols and ' -' .. symbols[2] or '') ) :done() :done() h.add_to_container_from_map(tpl_args, frame, container, c.item_infobox_groups, container_type) end if tpl_args.skill_icon ~= nil then container:wikitext(string.format('[[%s]]', tpl_args.skill_icon)) end return container end -- -- Factory -- h.factory = {} function h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line(args) -- Verifies that a list of keys are present in tpl_args and that the item -- should use those keys. Returns true if all conditions are met, otherwise -- returns false. return function (tpl_args) local keys = args.keys or {} local conditions = args.conditions or {} if #keys == 0 then return false end for _, k in ipairs(keys) do if tpl_args[k] == nil then return false end local t = type(tpl_args[k]) if (t == 'table' or t == 'string') and #tpl_args[k] == 0 then return false end if conditions.processed == true and tpl_args._processed_args[k] == nil then return false end end return true end end function h.factory.display_raw_value(key) return function(tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args[key] end end function h.factory.descriptor_value(args) -- Arguments: -- key -- tbl args = args or {} return function (tpl_args, frame, value) args.tbl = args.tbl or tpl_args if args.tbl[args.key] then value = m_util.html.abbr(value, args.tbl[args.key]) end return value end end -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional configuration -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helper to loop over the range variables easier c.range_map = { min = { var = '_range_minimum', }, max = { var = '_range_maximum', }, avg = { var = '_range_average', }, } -- -- Contents here are meant to resemble the ingame infobox of items -- c.item_infobox_groups = { -- [n]: -- class: Additional css class added to group tag -- heading: Group heading text (used for extras) -- lines: -- [n]: -- show: Show line if this function returns true; Always show if boolean true. Default: Always show -- func: Function that returns line text { -- Cosmetic item type { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'cosmetic_type'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'cosmetic_type', fmt = '%s', color = 'default' }, }, }, }, -- Weapon type { show = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.class_id == nil then return false end return cfg.class_groups.weapons.keys[tpl_args.class_id] ~= nil end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local v = i18n.item_class_map[tpl_args.class_id] return m_util.html.format_value(tpl_args, frame, {min=v, max=v}, {color = 'default'}) end, }, -- Hideout item type { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.class_id == 'HideoutDoodad' end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) return i18n.item_class_map[tpl_args.class_id] end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'gem_tags'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local out = {} for i, tag in ipairs(tpl_args.gem_tags) do out[#out+1] = string.format(i18n.gem_tag_category, tag, tag) end return table.concat(out, ', ') end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'support_gem_letter_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'support_gem_letter_html', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.support_icon, }, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.skill_levels and cfg.class_groups.gems.keys[tpl_args.class_id] end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local value = { base = 1, min = 1, max = tpl_args.max_level, } local options = { color = 'value', } return string.format( i18n.tooltips.level, m_util.html.format_value(tpl_args, frame, value, options) ) end, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.skill_costs end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local parts = {} if not tpl_args.skill_costs.has_spending_cost then -- Try falling back to deprecated parameters if not tpl_args.has_reservation_mana_cost then parts[1] = { key = 'mana_cost', fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = string.format('%%s %s', m_game.constants.skill.cost_types.mana.long_upper), inline_color = 'value', } end else for i=1, #tpl_args.skill_costs do if not tpl_args.skill_costs[i].is_reservation then -- Only get spending costs local cost_type = tpl_args.skill_costs[i].type parts[#parts+1] = { key = {'costs', i, 'amount'}, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = string.format( '%%s%s %s', string.find(cost_type, 'percent', 1, true) and '%%' or '', m_game.constants.skill.cost_types[cost_type].long_upper ), inline_color = 'value', } end end end return core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = parts, sep = ', ', fmt = i18n.tooltips.cost, }(tpl_args, frame) end, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.skill_costs end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) if not tpl_args.skill_costs then return end local parts = {} if not tpl_args.skill_costs.has_reservation_cost then -- Try falling back to deprecated parameters if tpl_args.has_reservation_mana_cost then parts[1] = { key = 'mana_cost', fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = string.format( '%%s%s %s', tpl_args.has_percentage_mana_cost and '%%' or '', m_game.constants.skill.cost_types.mana.long_upper ), inline_color = 'value', } end else for i=1, #tpl_args.skill_costs do if tpl_args.skill_costs[i].is_reservation then -- Only get reservation costs local cost_type = tpl_args.skill_costs[i].type parts[#parts+1] = { key = {'costs', i, 'amount'}, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = string.format( '%%s%s %s', string.find(cost_type, 'percent', 1, true) and '%%' or '', m_game.constants.skill.cost_types[cost_type].long_upper ), inline_color = 'value', } end end end return core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = parts, sep = ', ', fmt = i18n.tooltips.reservation, }(tpl_args, frame) end, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has mana_multiplier func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'mana_multiplier', hide_default = 100, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = '%s%%', inline_color = 'value', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.mana_multiplier, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has cooldown func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'cooldown', hide_default = 0, fmt = '%.2f ' .. m_game.units.seconds.short_lower, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.cooldown_time, }, }, { -- TODO: Combine with cooldown. Multi-use non-vaal skills display uses together with cooldown time. E.g., Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec (3 uses) show = true, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'stored_uses', hide_default = 0, fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.stored_uses, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has vaal_souls_requirement func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'vaal_souls_requirement', hide_default = 0, fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.vaal_souls_per_use, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has vaal_stored_uses func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'vaal_stored_uses', hide_default = 0, fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.stored_uses, -- TODO: Singular or plural based on number }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has vaal_soul_gain_prevention_time func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'vaal_soul_gain_prevention_time', hide_default = 0, -- Technically it rounds to nearest, but it is given in milliseconds in the data, fmt = '%i ' .. m_game.units.seconds.short_lower, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.vaal_soul_gain_prevention_time, }, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.cast_time and tpl_args.gem_tags and (m_util.table.contains(tpl_args.gem_tags, m_game.constants.item.gem_tags.spell.tag) or m_util.table.contains(tpl_args.gem_tags, m_game.constants.item.gem_tags.warcry.tag)) end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) return core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'cast_time', fmt = function (tpl_args, frame, value) if value.min == 0 then return i18n.tooltips.instant_cast_time end return '%.2f ' .. m_game.units.seconds.short_lower end, }, }, fmt = m_util.table.contains(tpl_args.gem_tags, m_game.constants.item.gem_tags.spell.tag) and i18n.tooltips.cast_time or i18n.tooltips.use_time, }(tpl_args, frame) end, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has critical_strike_chance func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'critical_strike_chance', hide_default = 0, fmt = '%.2f%%', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.critical_strike_chance, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has attack_speed_multiplier func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'attack_speed_multiplier', hide_default = 100, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = '%s%% ' .. i18n.tooltips.of_base_stat, inline_color = 'value', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.attack_speed_multiplier, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has damage_multiplier func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'damage_multiplier', hide_default = 100, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = '%s%% ' .. i18n.tooltips.of_base_stat, inline_color = 'value', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.damage_multiplier, }, }, { show = true, -- TODO: Show only if has damage_effectiveness func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'gem', parts = { { key = 'damage_effectiveness', hide_default = 100, fmt = '%i', color = false, inline = '%s%%', inline_color = 'value', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.damage_effectiveness, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'projectile_speed'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'projectile_speed', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.projectile_speed, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'radius'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'radius', func = h.factory.descriptor_value{key='radius_description'}, }, { key = 'radius_secondary', func = h.factory.descriptor_value{key='radius_secondary_description'}, }, { key = 'radius_tertiary', func = h.factory.descriptor_value{key='radius_tertiary_description'}, }, }, sep = ' / ', fmt = i18n.tooltips.radius, }, }, -- Quality is before item stats, but after gem stuff and item class { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'quality'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'quality', fmt = '+%i%%', color = 'mod', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.quality, }, }, -- Weapon only { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'physical_damage_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'physical_damage_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.physical_damage, }, }, { show = true, -- Elemental Damage func = function (tpl_args, frame) local keys = {'fire_damage_html', 'cold_damage_html', 'lightning_damage_html'} local elements = {} for _, key in ipairs(keys) do if tpl_args[key] then elements[#elements+1] = tpl_args[key] end end local text = table.concat(elements, ', ') -- returns empty string if elements is empty if text ~= '' then return string.format(i18n.tooltips.elemental_damage, text) end return end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'chaos_damage_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'chaos_damage_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- html already has color }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.chaos_damage, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'critical_strike_chance_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'critical_strike_chance_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.critical_strike_chance, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'attack_speed_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'attack_speed_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.attacks_per_second, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'weapon_range_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'weapon_range_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.weapon_range, }, }, -- Map only { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'map_area_level'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'map_area_level', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.map_level, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'map_tier'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'map_tier', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.map_tier, }, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.map_guild_character ~= nil and tpl_args.rarity_id == 'normal' end, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'map_guild_character', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.map_guild_character, }, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return tpl_args.unique_map_guild_character ~= nil and tpl_args.rarity_id == 'unique' end, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'unique_map_guild_character', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.map_guild_character, }, }, { show = true, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'stat', parts = { { key = 'map_item_drop_quantity_+%', fmt = '+%i%%', color = 'mod', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.item_quantity, }, }, { show = true, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'stat', parts = { { key = 'map_item_drop_rarity_+%', fmt = '+%i%%', color = 'mod', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.item_rarity, }, }, { show = true, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ type = 'stat', parts = { { key = 'map_pack_size_+%', fmt = '+%i%%', color = 'mod', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.monster_pack_size, }, }, -- Jewel Only { show = true, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'item_limit', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.limited_to, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'jewel_radius_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'jewel_radius_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- html already has color }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.radius, }, }, -- Flask only { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'flask_mana_html', 'flask_duration_html'}, }, --func = core.factory.display_flask('flask_mana'), func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'flask_mana_html', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'flask_duration_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.flask_mana_recovery, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'flask_life_html', 'flask_duration_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'flask_life_html', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'flask_duration_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.flask_life_recovery, }, }, { -- don't display for mana/life flasks show = function (tpl_args, frame) for _, k in ipairs({'flask_life_html', 'flask_mana_html'}) do if tpl_args[k] ~= nil then return false end end return tpl_args['flask_duration_html'] ~= nil end, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'flask_duration_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.flask_duration, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'charges_per_use_html', 'charges_max_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'charges_per_use_html', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'charges_max_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.flask_charges_per_use, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'buff_stat_text'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'buff_stat_text', color = 'mod', }, }, }, }, -- Armor only { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'block_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'block_html', fmt = '%s', hide_default = 0, hide_default_key = 'block', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.chance_to_block, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'armour_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'armour_html', fmt = '%s', hide_default = 0, hide_default_key = 'armour', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.armour, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'evasion_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'evasion_html', fmt = '%s', hide_default = 0, hide_default_key = 'evasion', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.evasion, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'energy_shield_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'energy_shield_html', fmt = '%s', hide_default = 0, hide_default_key = 'energy_shield', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.energy_shield, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'ward_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'ward_html', fmt = '%s', hide_default = 0, hide_default_key = 'ward', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.ward, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'movement_speed'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'movement_speed', fmt = '%s%%', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.movement_speed, }, }, -- Amulet only { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'talisman_tier'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'talisman_tier', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.talisman_tier, }, }, -- Misc { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'stack_size'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'stack_size', fmt = '%i', hide_default = 1, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.stack_size, }, }, -- Essence stuff { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'essence_level'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'essence_level', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.essence_level, }, }, -- Blight items { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'blight_item_tier'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'blight_item_tier', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.blight_item_tier, }, }, -- Harvest seeds (upper section) { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_tier'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'seed_tier', fmt = '%i', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.seed_tier, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_tier'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, value) return i18n.tooltips.seed_monster end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_type_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'seed_type_html', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.seed_lifeforce_gained, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_growth_cycles'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'seed_growth_cycles', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.seed_growth_cycles, }, }, -- Heist { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'heist_required_npcs'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'heist_required_npcs', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.heist_required_npc, }, }, }, -- Requirements { -- Instead of item level, show drop level if any { show = true, -- Requires... func = function (tpl_args, frame) local parts = { { key = 'required_level_final_html', hide_default = 1, hide_default_key = 'required_level_final', inline = i18n.tooltips.level_inline, inline_color = false, }, } for _, attr in ipairs(m_game.constants.attribute_order) do parts[#parts+1] = { key = string.format('required_%s_html', attr), hide = function (tpl_args, frame, value) local min = m_game.constants.characters.minimum_attributes[m_game.constants.attributes[attr].arg] return value.min <= min and value.max <= min end, hide_key = string.format('required_%s', attr), inline = ', %s ' .. m_game.constants.attributes[attr].short_upper, inline_color = false, } end local requirements = core.factory.infobox_line{parts = parts}(tpl_args, frame) if requirements == nil then -- return early return end requirements = string.gsub(requirements, '^, ', '') return string.format(i18n.tooltips.requires, requirements) end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'heist_required_job', 'heist_required_job_level'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'heist_required_job_level', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'heist_required_job', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.heist_required_job, }, }, }, -- Gem description { class = 'tc -gemdesc', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'gem_description'}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('gem_description'), }, }, -- Gem Quality Stats { class = 'tc -mod', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'skill_quality'}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local span = mw.html.create('span') span :addClass('quality') local span2 = span:tag('span') span2 :addClass('quality-header') :tag('span') :wikitext(m_util.html.poe_color('default', i18n.tooltips.gem_quality)) for i, quality_data in ipairs(tpl_args.skill_quality) do local span_inner = span2:tag('span') span_inner :addClass('quality-section-select') :addClass('quality-' .. i) :wikitext(i) :tag('span') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips['gem_quality_' .. i]) if i == 1 then span_inner:addClass('quality-selected') end end for i, quality_data in ipairs(tpl_args.skill_quality) do local span_inner = span:tag('span') span_inner :addClass('quality-box') :addClass('quality-' .. i) :wikitext(quality_data.stat_text) if i == 1 then span_inner:addClass('quality-selected') end end return tostring(span) end, }, }, -- Gem Implicit Stats { class = 'tc -mod', { show = function (tpl_args, frame) return cfg.class_groups.gems.keys[tpl_args.class_id] and tpl_args.stat_text end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local lines = {} lines[#lines+1] = tpl_args.stat_text for _, tag in ipairs(tpl_args.gem_tags) do if tag == m_game.constants.item.gem_tags.vaal.tag then lines[#lines+1] = i18n.tooltips.corrupted break end end return table.concat(lines, '<br>') end, }, }, -- Implicit Stats { class = 'tc -mod', func = function (tpl_args, frame, container_type) if tpl_args.implicit_stat_text then return {h.strip_random_stats(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args.implicit_stat_text, container_type)} else return {} end end, }, -- Stats { class = 'tc -mod', func = function (tpl_args, frame, container_type) if tpl_args.explicit_stat_text then return {h.strip_random_stats(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args.explicit_stat_text, container_type)} else return {} end end, }, -- Experience --[[{ { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'experience'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'experience', fmt = '%i', }, }, }, }, },]]-- -- Harvest seeds (lower section) { class = 'tc -mod', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_consumed_wild_lifeforce_percentage'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.seed_consumed_wild_lifeforce_percentage > 0 then return string.format(i18n.tooltips.seed_lifeforce_consumed, tpl_args.seed_consumed_wild_lifeforce_percentage, m_util.html.poe_color('wild', m_game.seed_types.wild)) end end }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_consumed_vivid_lifeforce_percentage'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.seed_consumed_vivid_lifeforce_percentage > 0 then return string.format(i18n.tooltips.seed_lifeforce_consumed, tpl_args.seed_consumed_vivid_lifeforce_percentage, m_util.html.poe_color('vivid', m_game.seed_types.vivid)) end end }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_consumed_primal_lifeforce_percentage'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.seed_consumed_primal_lifeforce_percentage > 0 then return string.format(i18n.tooltips.seed_lifeforce_consumed, tpl_args.seed_consumed_primal_lifeforce_percentage, m_util.html.poe_color('primal', m_game.seed_types.primal)) end end }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_required_nearby_seed_tier', 'seed_type_html', 'seed_required_nearby_seed_amount'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'seed_required_nearby_seed_amount', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'seed_type_html', fmt = '%s', }, { key = 'seed_required_nearby_seed_tier', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.seed_required_seeds, color = 'mod', }, }, }, { class = 'tc -crafted', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seed_effect'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('seed_effect'), }, }, -- Description (currency, doodads) { class = 'tc -mod', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'description'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('description'), }, --[[{ show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'plant_booster_additional_crafting_options'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'plant_booster_additional_crafting_options', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.plant_booster_additional_crafting_options, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'plant_booster_extra_chances'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'plant_booster_extra_chances', fmt = '%s%%', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.plant_booster_extra_chances, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'plant_booster_lifeforce'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'plant_booster_lifeforce', fmt = '%s%%', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.plant_booster_lifeforce, }, },]] }, { class = 'tc -crafted', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'incubator_effect'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('incubator_effect'), }, }, -- Variations (for doodads) { class = 'tc -mod', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'variation_count'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local txt if tpl_args.variation_count == 1 then txt = i18n.tooltips.variation_singular else txt = i18n.tooltips.variation_plural end return string.format('%i %s', tpl_args.variation_count, txt) end, }, }, -- Flavour Text { class = 'tc -flavour', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'flavour_text'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('flavour_text'), }, }, -- Prophecy text { class = 'tc -value', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'prediction_text'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('prediction_text'), }, }, -- Can not be traded or modified { class = 'tc -canttradeormodify', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'cannot_be_traded_or_modified'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.cannot_be_traded_or_modified == true then return i18n.tooltips.cannot_be_traded_or_modified end end, }, }, -- Help text { class = 'tc -help', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'help_text'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('help_text'), }, }, } -- -- This is meant to show additional information about the item in a separate infobox -- c.extra_display_groups = { { heading = i18n.tooltips.extra_info, class = '', { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'atlas_connections'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local fields = { [false] = { value = '✗', sort = 0, class = 'table-cell-xmark', }, [true] = { value = '✓', sort = 1, class = 'table-cell-checkmark', }, } local tbl = mw.html.create('table') tbl :attr('class', 'wikitable') :attr('style', 'width:100%;') :tag('tr') :tag('th') :attr('colspan', 6) :attr('style', 'text-decoration: underline;') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.header_overall) :done() :done() :tag('tr') :tag('th') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.header_upgrades) :done() :tag('th') :wikitext(0) :done() :tag('th') :wikitext(1) :done() :tag('th') :wikitext(2) :done() :tag('th') :wikitext(3) :done() :tag('th') :wikitext(4) :done() :done() for _, vtype in ipairs({'tier', 'level'}) do local tr = tbl:tag('tr') tr :tag('th') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips['header_map_' .. vtype]) :done() for i=0,4 do local value = tpl_args['atlas_map_tier' .. i] if value == 0 then value = fields[false].value elseif vtype == 'level' then value = value + 67 end tr :tag('td') :wikitext(value) :done() end tr:done() end tbl :tag('tr') :tag('th') :attr('colspan', 6) :attr('style', 'text-decoration: underline;') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.header_connections) :done() :done() -- sort alphabetically local sorted = {} for key, value in pairs(tpl_args.atlas_connections) do sorted[#sorted+1] = key end table.sort(sorted) for _, key in ipairs(sorted) do local tr = tbl:tag('tr') tr :tag('th') :wikitext(key) :done() for i=0,4 do local field = fields[tpl_args.atlas_connections[key]['region' .. i]] tr :tag('td') :attr('data-sort-value', field.sort) :attr('class', field.class) :wikitext(field.value) :done() end tr:done() end return tostring(tbl) end }, }, -- Acquisition { heading = i18n.tooltips.acquisition, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'drop_level'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'drop_level', fmt = '%i', }, { key = 'drop_level_maximum', fmt = '%i', hide_default = 100, }, }, sep = ' / ', fmt = i18n.tooltips.area_level, }, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.drop_enabled == false then return true end return false end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local span = mw.html.create('span') span :attr('class', 'infobox-disabled-drop') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.drop_disabled) :done() return tostring(span) end, }, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) if tpl_args.is_drop_restricted == true and tpl_args.drop_enabled ~= false then return true end return false end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local span = mw.html.create('span') span :attr('class', 'infobox-restricted-drop') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.drop_restricted) :done() return tostring(span) end, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'drop_leagues'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) return string.format(i18n.tooltips.league_restriction, m_util.html.poe_color('value', table.concat(tpl_args.drop_leagues, ', '))) end }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'drop_areas_html'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('drop_areas_html'), }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'drop_text'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = h.factory.display_raw_value('drop_text'), }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'master', 'master_level_requirement'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local master for _, v in ipairs(m_game.constants.masters) do if tpl_args.master == v.full then master = v break end end local text = string.format('[[%s|%s]] ', master.full, master.short_upper) .. string.format(i18n.tooltips.master_level, tpl_args.master_level_requirement) return string.format(i18n.tooltips.master, m_util.html.poe_color('value', text)) end }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'master', 'master_favour_cost'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'master_favour_cost', color = 'currency', hide_default = 0, }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.favour_cost, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'seal_cost'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'seal_cost', fmt = function (tpl_args, frame, value) return string.format('%s %s', i18n.fmt.item_count, h.item_link{metadata_id='Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencySilverCoin', html=''}) end, color = 'currency', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.seal_cost, }, }, }, { -- Vendor prices heading = i18n.tooltips.purchase_costs, { show = function (tpl_args, frame) for rarity, data in pairs(tpl_args.purchase_costs) do if #data > 0 then return true end end return false end, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local tbl = mw.html.create('table') tbl --:attr('class', 'wikitable') :attr('style', 'width: 100%; margin-top: 0px;') for _, rarity_id in ipairs(m_game.constants.rarity_order) do local data = tpl_args.purchase_costs[rarity_id] if #data > 0 then local tr = tbl:tag('tr') tr :tag('td') :wikitext(m_game.constants.rarities[rarity_id].long_upper) local td = tr:tag('td') for _, purchase_data in ipairs(data) do td:wikitext(string.format('%dx [[%s]]<br />', purchase_data.amount, end end end return tostring(tbl) end, }, }, { -- Vendor offer heading = i18n.tooltips.sell_price, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'sell_price_order'}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) local out = {} if #tpl_args.sell_price_order > 0 then for _, item_name in ipairs(tpl_args.sell_price_order) do out[#out+1] = string.format('%dx [[%s]]', tpl_args.sell_prices[item_name], item_name) end end return table.concat(out, '<br />') end, }, }, -- Damage per second { heading = i18n.tooltips.damage_per_second, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'physical_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'physical_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.physical_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'fire_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'fire_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.fire_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'cold_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'cold_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.cold_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'lightning_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'lightning_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.lightning_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'chaos_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'chaos_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.chaos_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'elemental_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'elemental_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.elemental_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'poison_dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'poison_dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.poison_dps, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'dps_html'}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'dps_html', fmt = '%s', color = false, -- the html already contains the colour }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.dps, }, }, }, { heading = i18n.tooltips.metadata, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'class'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'class', fmt = '%s', }, }, fmt = i18n.tooltips.item_class, }, }, { show = h.factory.maybe_show_infobox_line{ keys = {'metadata_id'}, conditions = {processed = true}, }, func = function (tpl_args, frame) return core.factory.infobox_line{ parts = { { key = 'metadata_id', fmt = '%s', inline = m_util.html.abbr('%s', tpl_args.metadata_id), }, }, fmt = tostring( mw.html.create('span') :addClass('u-truncate-line') :wikitext(i18n.tooltips.metadata_id) ), }(tpl_args, frame) end, }, }, } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Subroutines -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local s = {} -- Subroutines for p.item. These exist to declutter the main function. Each one of these is only called once. function s.get_item_config(tpl_args, frame) -- Returns primary item configuration, based on item class local config = { tables = {}, -- Table names that data may be stored to args = {}, -- Args to process early late_args = {}, -- Args to process late defaults = {}, -- Defaults based on item class } for _, v in ipairs(cfg.tables) do table.insert(config.tables, v) end for _, v in ipairs(cfg.default_args) do table.insert(config.args, v) end for _, v in ipairs(cfg.late_args) do table.insert(config.late_args, v) end -- Process class_id h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, {'class_id'}) local extend_keys = {'tables', 'args', 'late_args'} -- We will do defaults separately to preserve order of args for _, row in pairs(cfg.class_groups) do if row.keys[tpl_args.class_id] then for _, k in ipairs(extend_keys) do if row[k] then for _, v in ipairs(row[k]) do table.insert(config[k], v) end end end if row['defaults'] then for k, v in pairs(row['defaults']) do config['defaults'][k] = v end end break end end local class_specifics = cfg.class_specifics[tpl_args.class_id] if class_specifics then for _, k in ipairs(extend_keys) do if class_specifics[k] then for _, v in ipairs(class_specifics[k]) do table.insert(config[k], v) end end end if class_specifics['defaults'] then for k, v in pairs(class_specifics['defaults']) do config['defaults'][k] = v end end end return config end function s.process_quest_rewards(tpl_args, frame) local rid = 1 local continue tpl_args.quest_rewards = {} tpl_args.vendor_rewards = {} repeat continue = true local prefix = string.format('quest_reward%s_', rid) local input_args = { shared = { ['type'] = true, ['quest'] = false, ['quest_id'] = false, ['act'] = true, ['class_ids'] = false, }, vendor = { ['npc'] = true, }, quest = { ['sockets'] = false, ['item_level'] = false, ['rarity_id'] = false, ['notes'] = false, }, } local rdata = {} for key, is_required in pairs(input_args.shared) do rdata[key] = tpl_args[prefix .. key] if is_required then if rdata[key] == nil then continue = false break end end end if == nil or rdata.quest_id == nil then continue = false end if continue and rdata.type == 'vendor' or rdata.type == 'quest' then for key, is_required in pairs(input_args[rdata.type]) do rdata[key] = tpl_args[prefix .. key] if is_required then if rdata[key] == nil then continue = false break end end end else continue = false end if continue then rdata.classes = {} if rdata.class_ids ~= nil then rdata.class_ids = m_util.string.split(rdata.class_ids, ',%s*') for index, class_id in ipairs(rdata.class_ids) do local class = m_game.constants.characters[class_id] if class == nil then error(string.format('Class id %s is invalid', class_id)) else rdata.class_ids[index] = class.str_id rdata.classes[index] = end end end if rdata.item_level then rdata.item_level = m_util.cast.number(rdata.item_level) end if rdata.rarity_id then if m_game.constants.rarities[rdata.rarity_id] == nil then error(string.format(i18n.errors.invalid_rarity_id, tostring(rdata.rarity_id))) end end rdata._table = rdata.type .. '_rewards' rdata.type = nil tpl_args[rdata._table] = rdata, rdata) -- TODO: Verify quests and quest ids? end rid = rid + 1 until continue == false end function s.process_base_item(tpl_args, frame) local where if tpl_args.base_item_id ~= nil then where = string.format('items.metadata_id="%s"', tpl_args.base_item_id) elseif tpl_args.base_item_page ~= nil then where = string.format('items._pageName="%s"' , tpl_args.base_item_page) elseif tpl_args.base_item ~= nil then where = string.format('"%s"' , tpl_args.base_item) elseif tpl_args.rarity_id ~= 'normal' then error(i18n.errors.missing_base_item) else return end if where ~= nil and tpl_args.rarity_id == 'normal' and not tpl_args._flags.is_prophecy then error(i18n.errors.missing_rarity) end where = string.format('%s AND items.class_id="%s" AND items.rarity_id="normal"', where, tpl_args.class_id) local join = {} for _, table_name in ipairs(tpl_args._item_config.tables) do if table_name ~= 'items' then join[#join+1] = string.format('items._pageID=%s._pageID', table_name) end end local fields = { 'items._pageName', '', 'items.metadata_id', } for _, k in ipairs(tpl_args._base_item_args) do local data =[k] if data.field ~= nil then fields[#fields+1] = string.format('%s.%s', data.table, data.field) end end local result = m_cargo.query( tpl_args._item_config.tables, fields, { where=where, join=table.concat(join, ','), groupBy='items._pageID', } ) if #result > 1 then error(i18n.errors.duplicate_base_items) -- TODO be more explicit in the error? elseif #result == 0 then error(i18n.errors.base_item_not_found) end result = result[1] tpl_args.base_item_data = result h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, {'base_item', 'base_item_page', 'base_item_id'}) --Copy values.. for _, k in ipairs(tpl_args._base_item_args) do local data =[k] if data.field ~= nil and data.func_fetch == nil then local value = result[string.format('%s.%s', data.table, data.field)] if value ~= nil then local default = type(data.default) == 'function' and data.default(tpl_args, frame) or data.default -- Inherit value from base item if derived item value is not equal to the default value. -- This verbose comparison is needed since two empty tables are not considered equal to one another. if tpl_args[k] == data.default or (type(tpl_args[k]) == 'table' and #tpl_args[k] == 0 and type(data.default) == 'table' and #data.default == 0) then tpl_args[k] = value if data.func ~= nil then tpl_args[k] = data.func(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args[k]) end if data.func_copy ~= nil then data.func_copy(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args[k]) end elseif tpl_args.debug then mw.log(string.format(i18n.debug.field_value_mismatch, k, tostring(tpl_args[k]))) end elseif tpl_args.debug then mw.log(string.format(i18n.debug.base_item_field_not_found, data.table, data.field)) end elseif data.func_fetch ~= nil then data.func_fetch(tpl_args, frame) end end end function s.process_mods(tpl_args, frame) for _, k in ipairs({'implicit', 'explicit'}) do local success = true local i = 1 while success do success = h.validate_mod(tpl_args, frame, {key=k, i=i}) i = i + 1 end end -- If the item does not have its own implicit mods, fall back to the implicit mods on the base item. local implicit_mods = tpl_args._defined_implicit_mods if #implicit_mods == 0 then implicit_mods = tpl_args._base_implicit_mods end for _, v in ipairs(implicit_mods) do table.insert(tpl_args._mods, v) end if #tpl_args._mods > 0 then local mods = {} local mod_ids = {} local non_random_mod_ids = {} for _, mod_data in ipairs(tpl_args._mods) do if mod_data.result == nil then mods[] = mod_data mod_ids[#mod_ids+1] = if not mod_data.is_random then table.insert(non_random_mod_ids, end end tpl_args._subobjects[#tpl_args._subobjects+1] = { _table = 'item_mods', id =, text = mod_data.stat_text, is_implicit = mod_data.is_implicit, is_random = mod_data.is_random, } end local results = m_cargo.array_query{ tables={'mods'}, fields={'mods._pageName', '', 'mods.required_level', 'mods.stat_text'}, id_field='', id_array=mod_ids, } for _, data in ipairs(results) do local mod_data = mods[data['']] mod_data.result = data if mod_data.is_random == false then -- update item level requirement local keys = {'required_level_final'} -- only update base item requirement if this is an implicit if mod_data.key == 'implicit' then keys[#keys+1] = 'required_level' end for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local req = math.floor(tonumber(data['mods.required_level']) * cfg.item_required_level_modifier_contribution) if req > tpl_args[key] then tpl_args[key] = req end end end end -- fetch stats results = m_cargo.query( {'mods', 'mod_stats'}, {'', '', 'mod_stats.min', 'mod_stats.max'}, { join='mods._pageID=mod_stats._pageID', where=string.format(' IS NOT NULL AND IN ("%s")', table.concat(mod_ids, '", "')), } ) for _, data in ipairs(results) do -- Stat subobject local mod_data = mods[data['']] if mod_data.result.stats == nil then mod_data.result.stats = {data, } else mod_data.result.stats[#mod_data.result.stats+1] = data end local id = data[''] local value = { min = tonumber(data['mod_stats.min']), max = tonumber(data['mod_stats.max']), } value.avg = (value.min+value.max)/2 local prefix = '' if mod_data.is_random then prefix = '_random' end core.stats_update(tpl_args, id, value, mod_data.result[''], prefix .. '_stats') if mod_data.is_implicit then core.stats_update(tpl_args, id, value, mod_data.result[''], prefix .. '_implicit_stats') else core.stats_update(tpl_args, id, value, mod_data.result[''], prefix .. '_explicit_stats') end end if tpl_args.is_sellable == true and tpl_args._flags.sell_prices_override ~= true then -- fetch sell prices results = m_cargo.query( {'mods', 'mod_sell_prices'}, {'', 'mod_sell_prices.amount', ''}, { join='mods._pageID=mod_sell_prices._pageID', -- must be non random mods to avoid accumulating sell prices of randomized modifiers where=string.format('mod_sell_prices.amount IS NOT NULL AND IN ("%s")', table.concat(non_random_mod_ids, '", "')), } ) for _, data in ipairs(results) do local mod_data = mods[data['']] if not mod_data.is_implicit then local values = { name = data[''], amount = tonumber(data['mod_sell_prices.amount']), } -- sell_prices is defined in tpl_args.sell_prices[] = (tpl_args.sell_prices[] or 0) + values.amount end end end end if tpl_args.is_sellable == true and tpl_args._flags.sell_prices_override ~= true then local missing_sell_price = true for _, _ in pairs(tpl_args.sell_prices) do missing_sell_price = false break end if missing_sell_price then tpl_args.sell_prices[i18n.tooltips.default_vendor_offer] = 1 end -- Set sell price on page for name, amount in pairs(tpl_args.sell_prices) do -- sell_price_order is defined in tpl_args.sell_price_order[#tpl_args.sell_price_order+1] = name tpl_args._subobjects[#tpl_args._subobjects+1] = { _table = 'item_sell_prices', amount = amount, name = name, } end table.sort(tpl_args.sell_price_order) end end function s.process_stats(tpl_args, frame) -- Add stats - this is for when mods are not set, but we still need stats to calcuate new armour values etc m_util.args.stats(tpl_args, {prefix='extra_'}) for _, stat in ipairs(tpl_args.extra_stats) do if stat.value ~= nil then stat.min = stat.value stat.max = stat.value stat.avg = stat.value end core.stats_update(tpl_args,, stat, nil, '_stats') core.stats_update(tpl_args,, stat, nil, '_explicit_stats') end -- Transpose stats into cargo data for _, random_prefix in ipairs({'', '_random'}) do for _, type_prefix in ipairs({'', '_implicit', '_explicit'}) do for id, data in pairs(tpl_args[random_prefix .. type_prefix .. '_stats']) do local is_implicit if type_prefix == '_implicit' then is_implicit = true elseif type_prefix == '_explicit' then is_implicit = false end tpl_args._subobjects[#tpl_args._subobjects+1] = { _table = 'item_stats', id = id, min = data.min, max = data.max, avg = data.avg, is_implicit = is_implicit, is_random = random_prefix == '_random', } end end end -- Handle extra stats (for gems) if cfg.class_groups.gems.keys[tpl_args.class_id] then h.skill(tpl_args, frame) end -- -- Handle local stats increases/reductions/additions -- local skip = {} -- general stats for k, data in pairs(core.stat_map) do local value = tpl_args[k] if value ~= nil and skip[k] == nil then value = {min=value, max=value, base=value} -- If stats are overriden we scan save some CPU time here local overridden = false if data.stats_override ~= nil then for stat_id, override_value in pairs(data.stats_override) do local stat_value = tpl_args._stats[stat_id] if stat_value ~= nil then -- Use the value of stat if override_value == true then value.min = stat_value.min value.max = stat_value.max overridden = true elseif stat_value ~= 0 then value.min = override_value.min value.max = override_value.max overridden = true end end end end if overridden == false then -- The simple cases; this must be using ipairs as "add" must apply before for _, operator in ipairs({'add', 'more'}) do local st = data['stats_' .. operator] if st ~= nil then for _, statid in ipairs(st) do if tpl_args._stats[statid] ~= nil then h.stat[operator](value, tpl_args._stats[statid]) end end end end -- For increased stats we need to add them up first for stat_key, stat_func in pairs({increased=h.stat.more, increased_inverse=h.stat.more_inverse}) do local st = data['stats_' .. stat_key] if st ~= nil then local total_increase = {min=0, max=0} for _, statid in ipairs(st) do if tpl_args._stats[statid] ~= nil then for var, current_value in pairs(total_increase) do total_increase[var] = current_value + tpl_args._stats[statid][var] end end end stat_func(value, total_increase) end end if data.minimum ~= nil then for _, key in ipairs({'min', 'max'}) do if value[key] < data.minimum then value[key] = data.minimum end end end else end value.avg = (value.min + value.max) / 2 -- don't add the properties unless we need to if (data.default ~= nil and (value.min ~= data.default or value.max ~= data.default)) or data.default == nil then for short_key, range_data in pairs(c.range_map) do tpl_args[data.field .. range_data.var] = value[short_key] end -- process to HTML to use on list pages or other purposes h.handle_range_args(tpl_args, frame, k, data.field, value, data.html_fmt_options or {}) end for short_key, range_data in pairs(c.range_map) do tpl_args[k .. range_data.var] = value[short_key] end end end end function s.process_weapon_dps(tpl_args, frame) for key, data in pairs(core.dps_map) do local damage = { min = {}, max = {}, } for var_type, value in pairs(damage) do -- covers the min/max/avg range for short_key, range_data in pairs(c.range_map) do value[short_key] = 0 for _, damage_key in ipairs(data.damage_args) do value[short_key] = value[short_key] + (tpl_args[string.format('%s_%s%s', damage_key, var_type, range_data.var)] or 0) end end end local value = {} for short_key, range_data in pairs(c.range_map) do local result = (damage.min[short_key] + damage.max[short_key]) / 2 * tpl_args[string.format('attack_speed%s', range_data.var)] value[short_key] = result tpl_args[string.format('%s%s', data.field, range_data.var)] = result end if value.avg > 0 then h.handle_range_args(tpl_args, frame, key, data.field, value, data.html_fmt_options or {}) end end end function s.get_categories(tpl_args, frame) local cats = {} if tpl_args.rarity_id == 'unique' then cats[#cats+1] = string.format(i18n.categories.unique_affix, tpl_args.class) elseif tpl_args._flags.is_prophecy then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.prophecies elseif tpl_args._flags.is_blight_item then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.blight_item elseif tpl_args.is_talisman then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.talismans elseif tpl_args.is_essence then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.essences elseif tpl_args.class_id == 'Map' then cats[#cats+1] = string.format('%s %s', tpl_args.map_series, tpl_args.class) else cats[#cats+1] = tpl_args.class end if tpl_args.rarity_id ~= 'normal' or tpl_args.base_item_id == 'Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencyItemisedProphecy' then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.derived_items else cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.base_items end for _, attr in ipairs(m_game.constants.attribute_order) do if tpl_args[attr .. '_percent'] then cats[#cats+1] = string.format('%s %s', m_game.constants.attributes[attr].long_upper, tpl_args.class) end end local affix if tpl_args.class_id == 'Active Skill Gem' or tpl_args.class_id == 'Support Skill Gem' then affix = i18n.categories.gem_tag_affix end if affix ~= nil then for _, tag in ipairs(tpl_args.gem_tags) do cats[#cats+1] = string.format(affix, tag) end end if #tpl_args._defined_implicit_mods > 0 and tpl_args.rarity_id ~= 'normal' then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.implicit_modifier_override end if #tpl_args.alternate_art_inventory_icons > 0 then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.alternate_artwork end if tpl_args.release_version == nil then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.missing_release_version end if tpl_args._flags.text_modifier and not tpl_args.suppress_improper_modifiers_category then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.improper_modifiers end -- for _, k in ipairs({'broken_upgraded_from_reference', 'duplicate_upgraded_from_reference', 'duplicate_query_area_ids', 'sell_prices_override'}) do if tpl_args._flags[k] then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories[k] end end if tpl_args._flags.has_deprecated_skill_parameters then cats[#cats+1] = i18n.categories.deprecated_skill_parameters end return cats end -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exported functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} -- -- Template:Item -- function p.item(frame) local t = os.clock() -- Start time (for logging) local tpl_args = getArgs(frame, { parentFirst = true }) frame = m_util.misc.get_frame(frame) tpl_args._flags = {} tpl_args._base_item_args = {} tpl_args._base_implicit_mods = {} tpl_args._defined_implicit_mods = {} tpl_args._mods = {} for _, k in ipairs({'', '_random'}) do for _, prefix in ipairs({'', '_implicit', '_explicit'}) do tpl_args[k .. prefix .. '_stats'] = {} end end tpl_args._subobjects = {} tpl_args._properties = {} tpl_args._errors = {} -- Item configuration tpl_args._item_config = s.get_item_config(tpl_args, frame) -- Add table names to and append range fields. h.append_schema(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args._item_config.tables) -- Using general purpose function to handle release and removal versions m_util.args.version(tpl_args, {frame=frame, set_properties=true}) -- Must validate some argument early. It is required for future things h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args._item_config.args) -- Base item s.process_base_item(tpl_args, frame) -- Prophecies are considered currency items, but they have their own schema if tpl_args._flags.is_prophecy then h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, cfg.prophecy_args) end -- Mods s.process_mods(tpl_args, frame) -- Stats s.process_stats(tpl_args, frame) -- Calculate and handle weapon dps if cfg.class_groups.weapons.keys[tpl_args.class_id] then s.process_weapon_dps(tpl_args, frame) end -- Late argument processing h.process_arguments(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args._item_config.late_args) -- Handle upgrade from restrictions/info h.process_upgraded_from(tpl_args, frame) -- Quest reward info s.process_quest_rewards(tpl_args, frame) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Infobox handling -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Store the infobox so it can be accessed with ease on other pages tpl_args.html = tostring(h.make_main_container(tpl_args, frame, 'inline')) local container = h.make_main_container(tpl_args, frame, 'infobox') if tpl_args.inventory_icon ~= nil and tpl_args.class_id ~= 'DivinationCard' then container:tag('span') :addClass('images') :wikitext(string.format( '[[%s|%sx%spx]]', tpl_args.inventory_icon, cfg.image_size_full * tpl_args.size_x, cfg.image_size_full * tpl_args.size_y )) end -- -- Secondary infobox -- tpl_args.extra_infobox = mw.html.create('span') :attr( 'class', 'item-box -' .. tpl_args.frame_type) h.add_to_container_from_map(tpl_args, frame, tpl_args.extra_infobox, c.extra_display_groups) -- -- Output -- local infobox = mw.html.create('span') infobox :attr('class', 'infobox-page-container') :node(container) :node(tpl_args.extra_infobox) -- skill_screenshot is set in skill module if tpl_args.skill_screenshot then infobox:wikitext(string.format('<br>[[%s|300px]]', tpl_args.skill_screenshot)) end local out = tostring(infobox) tpl_args.html_extra = out local cats = s.get_categories(tpl_args, frame) out = out .. m_util.misc.add_category(cats, {ignore_blacklist=tpl_args.debug}) -- -- Misc -- -- Also show the infobox for areas right away for maps, since they're both on the same page -- if tpl_args.map_series ~= i18n.misc.betrayal then local query_id if tpl_args.rarity_id == 'normal' and tpl_args.map_area_id ~= nil then query_id = tpl_args.map_area_id elseif tpl_args.rarity_id == 'unique' and tpl_args.unique_map_area_id ~= nil then query_id = tpl_args.unique_map_area_id end if query_id then out = out .. h.query_area_info{cats=true, where=string.format('"%s"', query_id)} end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Store cargo data -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Map argument values for cargo storage for _, table_name in ipairs(tpl_args._item_config.tables) do tpl_args._subobjects[table_name] = { _table = table_name, } end for k, v in pairs(tpl_args) do local data =[k] if data ~= nil then if data.table ~= nil and data.field ~= nil then if data.type == 'Integer' then v = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", v)) if v ~= tpl_args[k] then mw.log(string.format('Float value "%s" for integer field "%s.%s"', tpl_args[k], data.table, data.field)) end end tpl_args._subobjects[data.table][data.field] = v elseif data.table ~= nil and data.field == nil then error(string.format('Missing field for table "%s", key "%s", \nvalue:\n "%s" \ndata:\n%s', data.table, k, mw.dumpObject(v), mw.dumpObject(data))) elseif data.table == nil and data.field ~= nil then mw.log(string.format('Possibly redundant argument "%s", value:\n "%s"', k, mw.dumpObject(v))) end end end -- Don't store cargo data in testing mode if not tpl_args.test then local attach = {} for _, data in pairs(tpl_args._subobjects) do if attach[data._table] == nil then local i = 0 for _, _ in pairs(data) do i = i + 1 -- Don't attach to tables we don't store data to. _table is always present so we need to check for 2 or more entries. if i > 1 then attach[data._table] = true -- Keeping this here in case it might be useful in the future. -- Recreating table is very slow and doing anything while the queue is running just creates a big mess. frame:expandTemplate{title=string.format('Template:Item/cargo/attach/%s', data._table), args={}} break end end end, data, { debug=tpl_args.debug, sep={ name_list='�', }, }) end end -- Show additional error messages in console to help fixing them if #tpl_args._errors > 0 then mw.log(table.concat(tpl_args._errors, '\n')) end if tpl_args.debug then mw.log(os.clock() - t) mw.log('Start logging tpl_args.') mw.logObject(tpl_args) mw.log('Stop logging tpl_args.') mw.log('Start logging') mw.logObject( mw.log('Stop logging') end if tpl_args.test then tpl_args.out = out return tpl_args end return out end p.itembox = p.item -- Apparently this is still used somewhere??? -- -- Template:Itembox -- function p.query_itembox(frame) --[[ Queries for an item box. Examples -------- =p.query_itembox{page='Beach Map (Betrayal)'} ]] local tpl_args = getArgs(frame, { parentFirst = true }) frame = m_util.misc.get_frame(frame) local results = m_cargo.query( {'items', 'maps', 'areas'}, {'items.html_extra', 'maps.area_id', '', 'areas.infobox_html'}, { join='items._pageID=maps._pageID,', where=string.format('items._pageName="%s"',, } ) if #results == 0 then error(i18n.errors.no_results_found) end local out = { results[1]['items.html_extra'], results[1]['areas.infobox_html'], } return table.concat(out, '') end return p