Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki
Path of Exile Wiki

Walking, running, slithering or crawling. If it moves on Wraeclast, it's almost certainly dangerous.

Monsters are hostile creatures that reside in almost all areas, except for towns and hideouts. Slaying monsters is the primary source of gaining experience.


Monsters have life and energy shield, and associated regeneration rates, just like player characters. These can be seen by the monsters health bar. Monsters also have armour and evasion ratings and resistances. Armour and evasion cannot be seen in the interface. The monster's list of skills will indicate if it has positive resistances to specific elements, but not the value of that resistance. Negative resistances will also be listed as vulnerabilities.

Monsters do not have mana and will use special abilities and monster skills at a set rate or randomly according to their AI behaviour.

Monster rarity[]

Monsters come in four rarities:

  • Normal: The most common, and spawn in large groups.
  • Magic: Increased statistics, and given one monster affix. They appear in smaller groups.
  • Rare: Greatly increased statistics, and given three monster affixes. They spawn by themselves or with a group of normal monsters, but multiple rares may still be close together.
  • Unique: Custom monsters that appear in certain areas. This includes bosses.

The statistics increased by monster rarity are life, damage, experience gained on death, item drop rarity and quantity, and flask charges gained on death. Monsters of higher rarity drop items of higher item level. Magic mobs drop items one ilevel higher than the area's monster level, and Rare and Unique mobs drop items two ilevels higher.[1]

Shared stats[]

The following stats are shared by monsters. Please take note that individual monsters may have different stats.

Base Stats[]




There are certain categories of monsters that only spawn in specific locations or situations:

Monster types[]

Monsters in Wraeclast are divided into types which generally have a common appearance, behaviour and abilities.

Type Category Found
Ape Animal Outdoors in act 2
Bandit Humanoid Outdoors in act 2
Beast Animal Act 2
Birdman Outdoors in all acts
Blackguard Humanoid Act 3
Cannibal Humanoid Outdoors in act 1
Carrion Animal All acts
Chimeral Animal Indoors in act 3
Construct Indoors in act 2
Devourer Animal Outdoors in acts 2 and 3
Experimenter Humanoid Act 3
Goatman Humanoid Outdoors in act 1
Ghost Act 1
Hellion Animal Outdoors in act 1
Maw Animal Indoors in act 3
Miscreation Demon Act 3
Necromancer Humanoid Indoors in act 2
Plummeting Ursa Animal Outdoors in act 2
Rhoa Animal Outdoors in act 1
Ribbon Construct Act 3
Rock Golem Construct Act 2
Shield Crab Animal Act 1
Siren's Daughter Demon Indoors in act 1
Skeleton Undead All acts
Snake Animal Acts 2 and 3
Spider Animal Indoors in all acts
Spiker Animal Outdoors in act 3
Spitter Animal Act 1
Statue Construct Act 3
Totem Construct Indoors in acts 2 and 3
Undying Demon Act 3
Voidbearer Animal Act 3
Watcher Demon Indoors in acts 1 and 3
Zombie Undead Acts 1 and 2


Main page: the Bestiary

Beasts are the capturable wildlife of Wraeclast. They can be hunted down with the help of Einhar Frey. The hunting and collecting progress is kept in the Bestiary.

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where various objects (including enemies) could be invisible.
  • Due to a number of changes making it much easier to reliably stun tough enemies, many bosses are now immune to stun while stunned and for a short time after the stun ends.
  • The base distance an enemy is knocked back by knockback effects is now based on the enemy's size. Smaller enemies are knocked farther back than large enemies.
  • The Man-Tracker monster in Hunter Influenced Maps now spread their spit attacks out (rather than all spitting at once). It is now correctly categorised as an attack, and will be mitigated as such.
  • Monsters which deal extra Chaos damage (many of whom are encountered in a Breach) now say so beneath their nameplate. Note that this does not change the balance of these monsters.
  • Fixed a bug where some non-monsters (such as Nemesis mod Lightning Clones) could get Delirium modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the area of effect of Lightning Whip used by several monsters to get way too big.
  • Fixed a number of cases where monster skills could potentially hit players that were not in line of sight.

