Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki

This table summarizes monster experience and resistances for each monster. Note that the values on this page have not been updated since 2013.


Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Twilight Strand 1 Drowned 18 63 99 0 20 0 0
Drowned 20 70 110 0 20 0 0
Sand Spitter 20 70 110 0 0 16 0
Hillock 137 0 0 0 0
The Coast 2 Cannibal 20 70 110 0 0 0 20
Gravel Eater 20 70 110 0 0 16 0
Withered Husk 18 63 99 0 20 0 0
Fire Fury 110 0 0 0 20
The Tidal Island 3 Cannibal 25 87 137 0 0 0 20
Tide Strider 30 105 165 30 0 0 0
Hailrake 247 0 0 0 20
The Mud Flats 4 Dripping Dead 34 119 187 0 20 0 0
Great Rhoa 53 185 291 0 24 0 0
Rhoa Scavenger 38 133 209 0 20 0 0
Oozeback Bloom 291 0 24 0 0
The Fetid Pool 5 Bone Rhoa 71 248 390 0 24 0 0
Dripping Dead 45 157 247 0 20 0 0
Kadavrus the Defiler 390 0 0 20 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Flooded Depths 6 Cave Crustacean 67 234 368 30 0 0 0
Siren's Spawn 36 126 198 0 30 0 0
The Deep Dweller 550 30 0 0 0
The Lower Submerged Passage 5 Cave Crustacean 51 178 280 30 0 0 0
Cursed Spawn 28 98 154 0 30 0 0
The Upper Submerged Passage 6 Flesh Eater 36 126 198 0 30 0 0
Merveil's Daughter 80 280 440 0 30 0 0
Brood Princess 440 0 30 0 0
The Ledge 7 Ancient Archer 105 367 577 0 0 0 0
Cannibal 88 308 484 0 0 0 20
Rattling Bones 88 308 484 30 0 0 0
Kuduku, the False God 484 0 0 0 0
The Climb 8 Burning Bowman 135 472 742 0 0 0 0
Dune Hellion 113 395 621 0 0 20 0
Flame Hellion 113 395 621 0 0 20 0
Goatman 113 395 621 20 0 0 0
Goatman Shaman 113 395 621 20 0 0 0
Ironpoint the Forsaken 742 30 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lower Prison 9 Brittle Poacher 169 591 929 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 141 493 775 0 0 30 0
Necromancer 197 689 1083 0 0 20 0
Rotting Damned 126 441 693 0 20 0 0
Chatters 1314 0 0 30 0
The Upper Prison 10 Axiom Frostguard 207 724 1138 14 30 14 0
Axiom Thunderguard 207 724 1138 14 14 30 0
Brittle Bleeder 207 724 1138 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 173 605 951 0 0 30 0
Diabolist 242 847 1331 0 0 20 0
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator 1903 0 0 0 0
Sawbones 1331 0 0 20 0
Prisoner's Gate 11 Bearded Devil 211 738 1160 20 0 0 0
Bearded Shaman 211 738 1160 20 0 0 0
Gravel Eater 211 738 1160 0 0 16 0
Highland Hellion 211 738 1160 0 0 20 0
The Burning Menace 2084 0 0 20 0
The Ship Graveyard 12 Merveil's Chosen 300 1050 1650 0 30 0 0
Murk Runner 350 1225 1925 0 24 0 0
Seething Brine 300 1050 1650 30 0 0 0
Spectral Corsair 250 875 1375 0 0 0 20
Captain Fairgraves 2337 30 0 0 0
The Ship Graveyard Cave 13 Cursed Mariner 297 1039 1633 0 0 0 20
Fathom Screamer 163 570 896 0 30 0 0
Merveil's Chosen 356 1246 1958 0 30 0 0
Seething Brine 356 1246 1958 30 0 0 0
Stranglecharm 1958 30 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Coves 13 Fetid Shambler 267 934 1468 0 20 0 0
Gluttonous Gull 386 1351 2123 0 20 0 0
Granite Eater 297 1039 1633 0 0 16 0
Scrabbling Menace 297 1039 1633 30 0 0 0
The Cavern of Wrath 14 Ashen Buccaneer 347 1214 1908 0 0 0 20
Merveil's Favoured 416 1456 2288 0 30 0 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 190 665 1045 0 30 0 0
Spectral Bowman 416 1456 2288 0 0 0 20
Amarissa, Daughter of Merveil 2288 0 30 0 0
The Cavern of Anger 15 Merveil's Attendant 482 1687 2651 0 30 0 0
Obsidian Eater 402 1407 2211 0 0 16 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 221 773 1215 0 30 0 0
Unstable Larvae 221 773 1215 0 30 0 0
Ambrosia, Daughter of Merveil 2651 0 30 0 0
Merveil, the Siren 2211 0 30 0 0
The Southern Forest 15 Blood Ape 261 913 1435 16 0 0 0
Blood Chieftain 603 2110 3316 30 0 0 0
The Old Fields 16 Carnage Ape 299 1046 1644 16 0 0 0
Carnage Chieftain 691 2418 3800 30 0 0 0
Kraityn's Scout 553 1935 3041 0 0 0 20
Ruined Titan 691 2418 3800 0 0 24 0
Gneiss 3800 0 0 24 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Den 17 Barrow Ape 341 1193 1875 16 0 0 0
Cave Beast 789 2761 4339 0 0 0 0
Cave Skitterer 341 1193 1875 0 0 20 0
Stalag Nightmare 789 2761 4339 0 0 24 0
The Great White Beast 5203 0 0 0 0
The Crossroads 17 Blood Chieftain 789 2761 4339 30 0 0 0
Bone Cruncher 789 2761 4339 0 0 0 0
Hulking Titan 789 2761 4339 0 0 24 0
Kraityn's Aspirant 526 1841 2893 0 0 0 20
Kraityn's Scout 631 2208 3470 0 0 0 20
Stygian Ape 341 1193 1875 16 0 0 0
Calaf, Headstaver 2893 0 0 0 20
The Broken Bridge 21 Hairy Bonecruncher 1246 4361 6853 0 0 0 0
Kraityn's Sniper 997 3489 5483 0 0 0 20
Kraityn's Thrall 831 2908 4570 0 0 0 20
Rumbling Mass 1246 4361 6853 0 0 24 0
Kraityn, Scarbearer 5483 0 30 0 0
The Crypt Level 1 21 Brittle Archer 997 3489 5483 0 0 0 0
Brittle Cleric 831 2908 4570 0 0 30 0
Crypt Weaver 831 2908 4570 0 0 20 0
Flame Priest 997 3489 5483 30 14 14 0
Frost Priest 997 3489 5483 14 30 14 0
Thunder Priest 997 3489 5483 14 14 30 0
The Crypt Level 2 22 Defiler 1289 4511 7089 0 0 20 0
Flame Bishop 1105 3867 6077 30 14 14 0
Frost Bishop 1105 3867 6077 14 30 14 0
Thunder Bishop 1105 3867 6077 14 14 30 0
Vault Guardian 921 3223 5065 0 30 0 0
Vault Hunter 1105 3867 6077 0 0 0 0
Archbishop Geofri the Abashed 8607 0 0 30 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Chamber of Sins Level 1 19 Necromancer 935 3272 5142 0 0 20 0
Sin Archer 801 2803 4405 0 0 0 0
Spindle Spider 434 1519 2387 0 0 20 0
Sutured Aberration 601 2103 3305 0 20 0 0
Plague Retch 5874 0 20 0 0
The Chamber of Sins Level 2 20 Bone Warden 897 3139 4933 0 0 30 0
Mutant Arach 748 2618 4114 0 0 20 0
Plagued Bowman 897 3139 4933 0 0 0 0
Sin Lord 1047 3664 5758 0 0 20 0
Black Death 7403 0 12 32 12
The Chamber of Sins Level 3 21 Corrupted Arach 831 2908 4570 0 0 20 0
Sin Lord 1163 4070 6396 0 0 20 0
Sparking Bones 997 3489 5483 0 0 30 0
Sparking Mage 997 3489 5483 14 14 30 0
Fidelitis, the Mourning 6853 0 0 30 0
The Riverways 16 Bramble Cobra 576 2016 3168 12 0 0 20
Callow Sniper 553 1935 3041 0 0 0 20
Callow Thug 461 1613 2535 0 0 0 20
Stygian Ape 299 1046 1644 16 0 0 0
Stygian Silverback 691 2418 3800 30 0 0 0
The Blackwood 18 Devourer 1192 4172 6556 0 20 0 0
Ink Spinner 596 2086 3278 0 0 20 0
Merciless Killer 715 2502 3932 0 0 0 20
Night Adder 745 2607 4097 12 0 0 20
Shadow Archer 715 2502 3932 0 0 0 20
Shadow Stalker 596 2086 3278 0 0 0 20
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Western Forest 21 Alira's Blood Guard 831 2908 4570 0 0 0 20
Alira's Deadeye 997 3489 5483 0 0 0 20
Alira's Martyr 831 2908 4570 0 0 0 20
Blackguard Soldier 831 2908 4570 8 8 8 0
Alira Darktongue 5483 0 0 30 0
Captain Arteri 6853 20 20 20 0
The Weaver's Chambers 20 Hatchling 486 1701 2673 0 0 20 0
Leaping Spider 748 2618 4114 0 0 20 0
Lurking Venom 748 2618 4114 0 0 20 0
The Weaver 9460 0 12 32 12
The Vaal Ruins Level 1 21 Vaal Construct 1163 4070 6396 0 0 0 0
Vaal Fallen 831 2908 4570 30 0 0 0
Vaal Recluse 831 2908 4570 0 0 20 0
The Vaal Ruins Level 2 22 Ancient Construct 1289 4511 7089 0 0 0 0
Serpentine Construct 1151 4028 6330 12 0 0 20
Vaal Fallen 921 3223 5065 30 0 0 0
The Wetlands 23 Boiling Ambusher 1215 4252 6682 30 0 0 0
Bramble Cobra 1266 4431 6963 12 0 0 20
Hairy Bonecruncher 1519 5316 8354 0 0 0 0
Oak's Devoted 1013 3545 5571 0 0 0 20
Oak, Skullbreaker 6682 30 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Dread Thicket 24 Dread Primate 723 2530 3976 16 0 0 0
Glade Mamba 1391 4868 7650 12 0 0 20
Thicket Hulk 1669 5841 9179 0 0 0 0
Aidan the Frenzied 3976 16 0 0 0
Nadia the Soothing 3976 16 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 1 24 Shaggy Monstrosity 1669 5841 9179 0 0 0 0
Venomous Spawn 612 2142 3366 0 30 0 0
Vexing Archer 1335 4672 7342 0 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 2 25 Ancient Construct 1702 5957 9361 0 0 0 0
Armour Cruncher 1824 6384 10032 0 0 0 0
Flame Archmage 1459 5106 8024 30 14 14 0
Flame Guardian 1459 5106 8024 30 0 0 0
Frost Archmage 1459 5106 8024 14 30 14 0
Frost Guardian 1459 5106 8024 0 30 0 0
Phantom Occultist 1459 5106 8024 0 0 0 20
Slimy Nemesis 668 2338 3674 0 30 0 0
Thunder Archmage 1459 5106 8024 14 14 30 0
Thunder Guardian 1459 5106 8024 0 0 30 0
The Ancient Pyramid 26 Bone Warden 1590 5565 8745 0 0 30 0
Cairn Annihilator 1855 6492 10202 0 0 0 0
Crypt Stalker 1656 5796 9108 12 0 0 20
Flame Champion 1590 5565 8745 30 0 0 0
Flame Harbinger 1590 5565 8745 30 14 14 0
Frost Champion 1590 5565 8745 0 30 0 0
Frost Harbinger 1590 5565 8745 14 30 14 0
Thunder Harbinger 1590 5565 8745 14 14 30 0
The Fellshrine Ruins 18 Ancient Archer 715 2502 3932 0 0 0 0
Ancient Bonestalker 596 2086 3278 30 0 0 0
Disturbed Corpse 536 1876 2948 0 20 0 0
Hulking Titan 894 3129 4917 0 0 24 0
Shambling Cadaver 536 1876 2948 0 20 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The City of Sarn 26 Carrion Swarmer 927 3244 5098 0 0 0 0
Flayed Warrior 1325 4637 7287 30 0 0 0
Restless Archer 1590 5565 8745 0 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 1325 4637 7287 0 0 12 0
Perpetus 7287 0 0 12 0
The Slums 27 Carrion Minion 1005 3517 5527 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 2011 7038 11060 0 0 0 0
Guard 1437 5029 7903 8 8 8 0
Spine Serpent 1796 6286 9878 12 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 1437 5029 7903 0 0 12 0
Guard Captain 11852 20 20 20 0
The Crematorium 28 Ash Prophet 2184 7644 12012 0 0 20 0
Blackguard Elite 1872 6552 10296 12 12 12 0
Blackguard Mage 1560 5460 8580 0 0 20 0
Blackguard Soldier 1560 5460 8580 8 8 8 0
Cinder Elemental 2340 8190 12870 24 0 0 0
Incinerated Mage 1872 6552 10296 30 14 14 0
Scorched Guard 1872 6552 10296 30 0 0 0
Undying Incinerator 1560 5460 8580 0 0 0 0
Undying Wretch 1560 5460 8580 12 12 12 12
Hatebeat 12870 24 0 0 0
Piety 13728 0 0 20 0
The Warehouse District 29 Barb Serpent 2106 7371 11583 12 0 0 0
Flayed Archer 2022 7077 11121 0 0 0 0
Restless Labourer 1685 5897 9267 0 30 0 0
Undying Grappler 1685 5897 9267 12 12 12 12
Undying Outcast 1685 5897 9267 0 0 12 0
Undying Untouchable 1685 5897 9267 12 12 12 12
Undying Worker 1685 5897 9267 12 12 12 12
The Marketplace 29 Carrion Minion 1179 4126 6484 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 2359 8256 12974 0 0 0 0
Undying Impaler 1685 5897 9267 0 0 12 0
Marceus the Defaced 13898 0 0 0 20
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Catacombs 30 Bleak Aspirant 2174 7609 11957 0 30 0 0
Bleak Vicar 2174 7609 11957 14 30 14 0
Crypt Arachnid 1812 6342 9966 0 0 20 0
Death Bishop 2536 8876 13948 0 0 20 0
Enlightened Vicar 2174 7609 11957 14 30 14 0
Undying Cultist 1812 6342 9966 12 12 12 12
The Battlefront 30 Assault Ribbon 1268 4438 6974 0 20 0 0
Blackguard Mage 1812 6342 9966 0 0 20 0
Blackguard Scout 1812 6342 9966 8 8 8 0
Blackguard Soldier 1812 6342 9966 8 8 8 0
Galvanic Ribbon 2174 7609 11957 0 20 0 0
Captain Aurelianus 11957 12 12 12 0
The Solaris Temple Level 1 30 Assault Ribbon 1268 4438 6974 0 20 0 0
Flame Sentinel 2174 7609 11957 0 20 0 0
The Infernal Seal 11957 0 20 0 0
The Voltaic Seal 11957 0 20 0 0
The Solaris Temple Level 2 31 Assault Ribbon 1365 4777 7507 0 20 0 0
Flame Sentinel 2340 8190 12870 0 20 0 0
Galvanic Ribbon 2340 8190 12870 0 20 0 0
Holy Water 2340 8190 12870 30 0 0 0
Banner of Action 7507 0 20 0 0
Banner of Knowledge 7507 0 20 0 0
Banner of Passion 7507 0 20 0 0
The Docks 32 Brittle Corsair 2089 7311 11489 30 0 0 0
Brittle Longshoreman 2506 8771 13783 0 0 0 0
Dockhand Wraith 2089 7311 11489 0 0 0 20
Dockhand Wraith 2506 8771 13783 0 0 0 20
Undying Worker 2089 7311 11489 12 12 12 12
Voidbearer 2297 8039 12633 16 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Slums Sewers 28 Fetid Maw 1560 5460 8580 0 0 0 0
Sewage Crawler 1560 5460 8580 0 0 16 0
Stinking Undying 1560 5460 8580 12 12 12 12
Undying Alchemist 1560 5460 8580 0 0 0 0
The Warehouse Sewers 29 Fetid Maw 1685 5897 9267 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 1685 5897 9267 12 12 12 12
Undying Alchemist 1685 5897 9267 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 1685 5897 9267 12 12 12 12
The Market Sewers 30 Fetid Maw 1812 6342 9966 0 0 0 0
Scum Crawler 1268 4438 6974 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 1812 6342 9966 12 12 12 12
Undying Alchemist 1812 6342 9966 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 1812 6342 9966 12 12 12 12
The Sewer Waterway 32 Fetid Maw 2089 7311 11489 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 2089 7311 11489 12 12 12 12
Undying Alchemist 2089 7311 11489 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 2089 7311 11489 12 12 12 12
The Ebony Barracks 32 Blackguard Arcmage 2089 7311 11489 0 0 20 0
Blackguard Elite 2506 8771 13783 12 12 12 0
Blackguard Firemage 2089 7311 11489 0 0 20 0
Blackguard Soldier 2089 7311 11489 8 8 8 0
Gravicius Elite Guard 2506 8771 13783 12 12 12 0
General Gravicius 22979 8 8 8 14
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lunaris Temple Level 1 32 Blackguard Elite 2506 8771 13783 12 12 12 0
Blackguard Soldier 2089 7311 11489 8 8 8 0
Mortality Experimenter 2506 8771 13783 0 0 0 20
Reanimator 2506 8771 13783 0 0 0 20
Fleshrend, Grand Inquisitor 13783 0 0 0 20
The Lunaris Temple Level 2 33 Blood Elemental 2682 9387 14751 0 30 0 0
Burned Miscreation 2235 7822 12292 20 0 0 0
Drenched Miscreation 2235 7822 12292 0 20 0 0
Mortality Experimenter 2682 9387 14751 0 0 0 20
Piety's Miscreation 2235 7822 12292 8 8 8 0
Shocked Miscreation 2235 7822 12292 0 0 20 0
Kole 24585 0 0 0 0
The Lunaris Temple Level 3 34 Flesh Sculptor 2863 10020 15746 0 0 0 20
Piety's Miscreation 2386 8351 13123 8 8 8 0
Shocked Miscreation 2386 8351 13123 0 0 20 0
Tentacle Miscreation 2863 10020 15746 20 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 2624 9184 14432 0 0 20 0
Piety 26246 14 14 14 14
Spinecrack 14432 0 0 20 0
The Imperial Gardens 33 Avian Retch 3129 10951 17209 0 20 0 0
Devourer 4470 15645 24585 0 20 0 0
Porcupine Goliath 2682 9387 14751 0 20 0 0
Thistlesage 14751 0 20 0 0
The Hedge Maze 34 Avian Retch 3340 11690 18370 0 20 0 0
Devourer 4772 16702 26246 0 20 0 0
Glade Mamba 2982 10437 16401 12 0 0 20
Porcupine Goliath 2863 10020 15746 0 20 0 0
The Conqueror Wurm 23617 0 20 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Library 33 Ancient Bonestalker 2235 7822 12292 30 0 0 0
Bone Rhoa 3129 10951 17209 0 24 0 0
Colossal Bonestalker 4023 14080 22126 0 30 0 0
Frost Keeper 2682 9387 14751 14 30 14 0
Thunder Keeper 2682 9387 14751 14 14 30 0
Undying Archivist 2235 7822 12292 12 12 12 12
The Archives 34 Frost Keeper 2863 10020 15746 14 30 14 0
Thunder Keeper 2863 10020 15746 14 14 30 0
Undying Archivist 2386 8351 13123 12 12 12 12
Trinian, Intellectus Prime 18370 16 16 16 12
The Sceptre of God 35 Croaking Chimeral 3178 11123 17479 0 10 10 0
Plumed Chimeral 3178 11123 17479 0 10 10 0
Undying Aristocrat 2797 9789 15383 12 12 12 12
Undying Evangelist 3560 12460 19580 16 16 16 12
Caliga, Imperatrix 19580 16 16 16 12
The Upper Sceptre of God 36 Croaking Chimeral 3381 11833 18595 0 18 18 0
Miscreation 3246 11361 17853 15 15 15 0
Plumed Chimeral 3381 11833 18595 0 18 18 0
Praetorian Guard 3246 11361 17853 22 22 22 0
Tentacle Miscreation 3246 11361 17853 37 0 0 0
Undying Aristocrat 2975 10412 16362 22 22 22 22
Undying Evangelist 3787 13254 20828 30 30 30 22
Voidbearer 2975 10412 16362 30 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 2975 10412 16362 0 0 37 0
Compulsor Octavia Sparkfist 17853 0 0 37 0
Dominus, High Templar 29755 22 22 30 22
Draconarius Wilhelm Flamebrand 17853 22 22 22 0
Imperator Stantinus Bitterblade 17853 22 22 22 0
Paradisae Venenum 18595 0 18 18 0


Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Twilight Strand 35 Drowned 2288 8008 12584 0 20 0 0
Drowned 2543 8900 13986 0 20 0 0
Sand Spitter 2543 8900 13986 0 0 16 0
Hillock 17479 0 0 0 0
The Coast 35 Cannibal 2543 8900 13986 0 0 0 20
Gravel Eater 2543 8900 13986 0 0 16 0
Withered Husk 2288 8008 12584 0 20 0 0
Fire Fury 13986 0 0 0 20
The Tidal Island 38 Cannibal 3045 10657 16747 0 0 0 37
Tide Strider 3654 12789 20097 56 0 0 0
Hailrake 30145 0 0 0 37
The Mud Flats 36 Dripping Dead 2434 8519 13387 0 37 0 0
Great Rhoa 3787 13254 20828 0 45 0 0
Rhoa Scavenger 2705 9467 14877 0 37 0 0
Oozeback Bloom 20828 0 45 0 0
The Fetid Pool 40 Bone Rhoa 4769 16691 26229 0 45 0 0
Dripping Dead 3066 10731 16863 0 37 0 0
Kadavrus the Defiler 26229 0 0 37 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Flooded Depths 38 Cave Crustacean 3045 10657 16747 56 0 0 0
Siren's Spawn 1674 5859 9207 0 56 0 0
The Deep Dweller 25118 56 0 0 0
The Lower Submerged Passage 36 Cave Crustacean 2705 9467 14877 56 0 0 0
Cursed Spawn 1487 5204 8178 0 56 0 0
The Upper Submerged Passage 36 Flesh Eater 1487 5204 8178 0 56 0 0
Merveil's Daughter 3246 11361 17853 0 56 0 0
Brood Princess 17853 0 56 0 0
The Ledge 37 Ancient Archer 3447 12064 18958 0 0 0 0
Cannibal 2873 10055 15801 0 0 0 37
Rattling Bones 2873 10055 15801 56 0 0 0
Kuduku, the False God 15801 0 0 0 0
The Climb 37 Burning Bowman 3447 12064 18958 0 0 0 0
Dune Hellion 2873 10055 15801 0 0 37 0
Flame Hellion 2873 10055 15801 0 0 37 0
Goatman 2873 10055 15801 37 0 0 0
Goatman Shaman 2873 10055 15801 37 0 0 0
Ironpoint the Forsaken 18958 56 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lower Prison 37 Brittle Poacher 3447 12064 18958 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 2873 10055 15801 0 0 56 0
Necromancer 4022 14077 22121 0 0 37 0
Rotting Damned 2585 9047 14217 0 37 0 0
Chatters 26862 0 0 56 0
The Upper Prison 38 Axiom Frostguard 3654 12789 20097 26 56 26 0
Axiom Thunderguard 3654 12789 20097 26 26 56 0
Brittle Bleeder 3654 12789 20097 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 3045 10657 16747 0 0 56 0
Diabolist 4263 14920 23446 0 0 37 0
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator 33495 0 0 0 0
Sawbones 23446 0 0 37 0
Prisoner's Gate 38 Bearded Devil 3045 10657 16747 37 0 0 0
Bearded Shaman 3045 10657 16747 37 0 0 0
Gravel Eater 3045 10657 16747 0 0 30 0
Highland Hellion 3045 10657 16747 0 0 37 0
The Burning Menace 30145 0 0 37 0
The Ship Graveyard 38 Merveil's Chosen 3654 12789 20097 0 56 0 0
Murk Runner 4263 14920 23446 0 45 0 0
Seething Brine 3654 12789 20097 56 0 0 0
Spectral Corsair 3045 10657 16747 0 0 0 37
Captain Fairgraves 28468 56 0 0 0
The Ship Graveyard Cave 40 Cursed Mariner 3407 11924 18738 0 0 0 37
Fathom Screamer 1873 6555 10301 0 56 0 0
Merveil's Chosen 4088 14308 22484 0 56 0 0
Seething Brine 4088 14308 22484 56 0 0 0
Stranglecharm 22484 56 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Coves 39 Fetid Shambler 2904 10164 15972 0 37 0 0
Gluttonous Gull 4195 14682 23072 0 37 0 0
Granite Eater 3227 11294 17748 0 0 30 0
Scrabbling Menace 3227 11294 17748 56 0 0 0
The Cavern of Wrath 39 Ashen Buccaneer 3227 11294 17748 0 0 0 37
Merveil's Favoured 3872 13552 21296 0 56 0 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 1774 6209 9757 0 56 0 0
Spectral Bowman 3872 13552 21296 0 0 0 37
Amarissa, Daughter of Merveil 21296 0 56 0 0
The Cavern of Anger 40 Merveil's Attendant 4088 14308 22484 0 56 0 0
Obsidian Eater 3407 11924 18738 0 0 30 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 1873 6555 10301 0 56 0 0
Unstable Larvae 1873 6555 10301 0 56 0 0
Ambrosia, Daughter of Merveil 22484 0 56 0 0
Merveil, the Siren 18738 0 56 0 0
The Southern Forest 40 Blood Ape 2214 7749 12177 30 0 0 0
Blood Chieftain 5110 17885 28105 56 0 0 0
The Old Fields 41 Carnage Ape 2338 8183 12859 30 0 0 0
Carnage Chieftain 5395 18882 29672 56 0 0 0
Kraityn's Scout 4316 15106 23738 0 0 0 37
Ruined Titan 5395 18882 29672 0 0 45 0
Gneiss 29672 0 0 45 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Den 43 Barrow Ape 2595 9082 14272 30 0 0 0
Cave Beast 5989 20961 32939 0 0 0 0
Cave Skitterer 2595 9082 14272 0 0 37 0
Stalag Nightmare 5989 20961 32939 0 0 45 0
The Great White Beast 39528 0 0 0 0
The Crossroads 41 Blood Chieftain 5395 18882 29672 56 0 0 0
Bone Cruncher 5395 18882 29672 0 0 0 0
Hulking Titan 5395 18882 29672 0 0 45 0
Kraityn's Aspirant 3597 12589 19783 0 0 0 37
Kraityn's Scout 4316 15106 23738 0 0 0 37
Stygian Ape 2338 8183 12859 30 0 0 0
Calaf, Headstaver 19783 0 0 0 37
The Broken Bridge 43 Hairy Bonecruncher 5989 20961 32939 0 0 0 0
Kraityn's Sniper 4791 16768 26350 0 0 0 37
Kraityn's Thrall 3993 13975 21961 0 0 0 37
Rumbling Mass 5989 20961 32939 0 0 45 0
Kraityn, Scarbearer 26350 0 56 0 0
The Crypt Level 1 43 Brittle Archer 4791 16768 26350 0 0 0 0
Brittle Cleric 3993 13975 21961 0 0 56 0
Crypt Weaver 3993 13975 21961 0 0 37 0
Flame Priest 4791 16768 26350 56 26 26 0
Frost Priest 4791 16768 26350 26 56 26 0
Thunder Priest 4791 16768 26350 26 26 56 0
The Crypt Level 2 44 Defiler 5884 20594 32362 0 0 37 0
Flame Bishop 5043 17650 27736 56 26 26 0
Frost Bishop 5043 17650 27736 26 56 26 0
Thunder Bishop 5043 17650 27736 26 26 56 0
Vault Guardian 4203 14710 23116 0 56 0 0
Vault Hunter 5043 17650 27736 0 0 0 0
Archbishop Geofri the Abashed 39297 0 0 56 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Chamber of Sins Level 1 42 Necromancer 5314 18599 29227 0 0 37 0
Sin Archer 4555 15942 25052 0 0 0 0
Spindle Spider 2467 8634 13568 0 0 37 0
Sutured Aberration 3416 11956 18788 0 37 0 0
Plague Retch 33401 0 37 0 0
The Chamber of Sins Level 2 42 Bone Warden 4555 15942 25052 0 0 56 0
Mutant Arach 3796 13286 20878 0 0 37 0
Plagued Bowman 4555 15942 25052 0 0 0 0
Sin Lord 5314 18599 29227 0 0 37 0
Black Death 37576 0 22 60 22
The Chamber of Sins Level 3 43 Corrupted Arach 3993 13975 21961 0 0 37 0
Sin Lord 5590 19565 30745 0 0 37 0
Sparking Bones 4791 16768 26350 0 0 56 0
Sparking Mage 4791 16768 26350 26 26 56 0
Fidelitis, the Mourning 32939 0 0 56 0
The Riverways 41 Bramble Cobra 4496 15736 24728 22 0 0 37
Callow Sniper 4316 15106 23738 0 0 0 37
Callow Thug 3597 12589 19783 0 0 0 37
Stygian Ape 2338 8183 12859 30 0 0 0
Stygian Silverback 5395 18882 29672 56 0 0 0
The Blackwood 42 Devourer 7592 26572 41756 0 37 0 0
Ink Spinner 3796 13286 20878 0 0 37 0
Merciless Killer 4555 15942 25052 0 0 0 37
Night Adder 4745 16607 26097 22 0 0 37
Shadow Archer 4555 15942 25052 0 0 0 37
Shadow Stalker 3796 13286 20878 0 0 0 37
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Western Forest 43 Alira's Blood Guard 3993 13975 21961 0 0 0 37
Alira's Deadeye 4791 16768 26350 0 0 0 37
Alira's Martyr 3993 13975 21961 0 0 0 37
Blackguard Soldier 3993 13975 21961 15 15 15 0
Alira Darktongue 26350 0 0 56 0
Captain Arteri 32939 37 37 37 0
The Weaver's Chambers 42 Hatchling 2467 8634 13568 0 0 37 0
Leaping Spider 3796 13286 20878 0 0 37 0
Lurking Venom 3796 13286 20878 0 0 37 0
The Weaver 48015 0 22 60 22
The Vaal Ruins Level 1 44 Vaal Construct 5884 20594 32362 0 0 0 0
Vaal Fallen 4203 14710 23116 56 0 0 0
Vaal Recluse 4203 14710 23116 0 0 37 0
The Vaal Ruins Level 2 44 Ancient Construct 5884 20594 32362 0 0 0 0
Serpentine Construct 5253 18385 28891 22 0 0 37
Vaal Fallen 4203 14710 23116 56 0 0 0
The Wetlands 45 Boiling Ambusher 5298 18543 29139 56 0 0 0
Bramble Cobra 5518 19313 30349 22 0 0 37
Hairy Bonecruncher 6622 23177 36421 0 0 0 0
Oak's Devoted 4415 15452 24282 0 0 0 37
Oak, Skullbreaker 29139 56 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Dread Thicket 47 Dread Primate 3155 11042 17352 30 0 0 0
Glade Mamba 6067 21234 33368 22 0 0 37
Thicket Hulk 7281 25483 40045 0 0 0 0
Aidan the Frenzied 17352 30 0 0 0
Nadia the Soothing 17352 30 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 1 45 Shaggy Monstrosity 6622 23177 36421 0 0 0 0
Venomous Spawn 2428 8498 13354 0 56 0 0
Vexing Archer 5298 18543 29139 0 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 2 45 Ancient Construct 6181 21633 33995 0 0 0 0
Armour Cruncher 6622 23177 36421 0 0 0 0
Flame Archmage 5298 18543 29139 56 26 26 0
Flame Guardian 5298 18543 29139 56 0 0 0
Frost Archmage 5298 18543 29139 26 56 26 0
Frost Guardian 5298 18543 29139 0 56 0 0
Phantom Occultist 5298 18543 29139 0 0 0 37
Slimy Nemesis 2428 8498 13354 0 56 0 0
Thunder Archmage 5298 18543 29139 26 26 56 0
Thunder Guardian 5298 18543 29139 0 0 56 0
The Ancient Pyramid 46 Bone Warden 5560 19460 30580 0 0 56 0
Cairn Annihilator 6487 22704 35678 0 0 0 0
Crypt Stalker 5792 20272 31856 22 0 0 37
Flame Champion 5560 19460 30580 56 0 0 0
Flame Harbinger 5560 19460 30580 56 26 26 0
Frost Champion 5560 19460 30580 0 56 0 0
Frost Harbinger 5560 19460 30580 26 56 26 0
Thunder Harbinger 5560 19460 30580 26 26 56 0
The Fellshrine Ruins 42 Ancient Archer 4555 15942 25052 0 0 0 0
Ancient Bonestalker 3796 13286 20878 56 0 0 0
Disturbed Corpse 3416 11956 18788 0 37 0 0
Hulking Titan 5694 19929 31317 0 0 45 0
Shambling Cadaver 3416 11956 18788 0 37 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The City of Sarn 46 Carrion Swarmer 3243 11350 17836 0 0 0 0
Flayed Warrior 4634 16219 25487 56 0 0 0
Restless Archer 5560 19460 30580 0 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 4634 16219 25487 0 0 22 0
Perpetus 25487 0 0 22 0
The Slums 46 Carrion Minion 3243 11350 17836 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 6487 22704 35678 0 0 0 0
Guard 4634 16219 25487 15 15 15 0
Spine Serpent 5792 20272 31856 22 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 4634 16219 25487 0 0 22 0
Guard Captain 38230 37 37 37 0
The Crematorium 47 Ash Prophet 6795 23782 37372 0 0 37 0
Blackguard Elite 5824 20384 32032 22 22 22 0
Blackguard Mage 4854 16989 26697 0 0 37 0
Blackguard Soldier 4854 16989 26697 15 15 15 0
Cinder Elemental 7281 25483 40045 45 0 0 0
Incinerated Mage 5824 20384 32032 56 26 26 0
Scorched Guard 5824 20384 32032 56 0 0 0
Undying Incinerator 4854 16989 26697 0 0 0 0
Undying Wretch 4854 16989 26697 22 22 22 22
Hatebeat 40045 45 0 0 0
Piety 42713 0 0 37 0
The Warehouse District 47 Barb Serpent 6067 21234 33368 22 0 0 0
Flayed Archer 5824 20384 32032 0 0 0 0
Restless Labourer 4854 16989 26697 0 56 0 0
Undying Grappler 4854 16989 26697 22 22 22 22
Undying Outcast 4854 16989 26697 0 0 22 0
Undying Untouchable 4854 16989 26697 22 22 22 22
Undying Worker 4854 16989 26697 22 22 22 22
The Marketplace 48 Carrion Minion 3560 12460 19580 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 7120 24920 39160 0 0 0 0
Undying Impaler 5086 17801 27973 0 0 22 0
Marceus the Defaced 41959 0 0 0 37
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Catacombs 53 Bleak Aspirant 7588 26558 41734 0 56 0 0
Bleak Vicar 7588 26558 41734 26 56 26 0
Crypt Arachnid 6324 22134 34782 0 0 37 0
Death Bishop 8853 30985 48691 0 0 37 0
Enlightened Vicar 7588 26558 41734 26 56 26 0
Undying Cultist 6324 22134 34782 22 22 22 22
The Battlefront 49 Assault Ribbon 3722 13027 20471 0 37 0 0
Blackguard Mage 5318 18613 29249 0 0 37 0
Blackguard Scout 5318 18613 29249 15 15 15 0
Blackguard Soldier 5318 18613 29249 15 15 15 0
Galvanic Ribbon 6381 22333 35095 0 37 0 0
Captain Aurelianus 35095 22 22 22 0
The Solaris Temple Level 1 49 Assault Ribbon 3722 13027 20471 0 37 0 0
Flame Sentinel 6381 22333 35095 0 37 0 0
The Infernal Seal 35095 0 37 0 0
The Voltaic Seal 35095 0 37 0 0
The Solaris Temple Level 2 50 Assault Ribbon 3892 13622 21406 0 37 0 0
Flame Sentinel 6673 23355 36701 0 37 0 0
Galvanic Ribbon 6673 23355 36701 0 37 0 0
Holy Water 6673 23355 36701 56 0 0 0
Banner of Action 21406 0 37 0 0
Banner of Knowledge 21406 0 37 0 0
Banner of Passion 21406 0 37 0 0
The Docks 50 Brittle Corsair 5561 19463 30585 56 0 0 0
Brittle Longshoreman 6673 23355 36701 0 0 0 0
Dockhand Wraith 5561 19463 30585 0 0 0 37
Dockhand Wraith 6673 23355 36701 0 0 0 37
Undying Worker 5561 19463 30585 22 22 22 22
Voidbearer 6117 21409 33643 30 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Slums Sewers 46 Fetid Maw 4634 16219 25487 0 0 0 0
Sewage Crawler 4634 16219 25487 0 0 30 0
Stinking Undying 4634 16219 25487 22 22 22 22
Undying Alchemist 4634 16219 25487 0 0 0 0
The Warehouse Sewers 48 Fetid Maw 5086 17801 27973 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 5086 17801 27973 22 22 22 22
Undying Alchemist 5086 17801 27973 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 5086 17801 27973 22 22 22 22
The Market Sewers 49 Fetid Maw 5318 18613 29249 0 0 0 0
Scum Crawler 3722 13027 20471 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 5318 18613 29249 22 22 22 22
Undying Alchemist 5318 18613 29249 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 5318 18613 29249 22 22 22 22
The Sewer Waterway 50 Fetid Maw 5561 19463 30585 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 5561 19463 30585 22 22 22 22
Undying Alchemist 5561 19463 30585 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 5561 19463 30585 22 22 22 22
The Ebony Barracks 51 Blackguard Arcmage 5808 20328 31944 0 0 37 0
Blackguard Elite 6969 24391 38329 22 22 22 0
Blackguard Firemage 5808 20328 31944 0 0 37 0
Blackguard Soldier 5808 20328 31944 15 15 15 0
Gravicius Elite Guard 6969 24391 38329 22 22 22 0
General Gravicius 63888 15 15 15 26
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lunaris Temple Level 1 51 Blackguard Elite 6969 24391 38329 22 22 22 0
Blackguard Soldier 5808 20328 31944 15 15 15 0
Mortality Experimenter 6969 24391 38329 0 0 0 37
Reanimator 6969 24391 38329 0 0 0 37
Fleshrend, Grand Inquisitor 38329 0 0 0 37
The Lunaris Temple Level 2 51 Blood Elemental 6969 24391 38329 0 56 0 0
Burned Miscreation 5808 20328 31944 37 0 0 0
Drenched Miscreation 5808 20328 31944 0 37 0 0
Mortality Experimenter 6969 24391 38329 0 0 0 37
Piety's Miscreation 5808 20328 31944 15 15 15 0
Shocked Miscreation 5808 20328 31944 0 0 37 0
Kole 63888 0 0 0 0
The Lunaris Temple Level 3 52 Flesh Sculptor 7276 25466 40018 0 0 0 37
Piety's Miscreation 6064 21224 33352 15 15 15 0
Shocked Miscreation 6064 21224 33352 0 0 37 0
Tentacle Miscreation 7276 25466 40018 37 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 6670 23345 36685 0 0 37 0
Piety 66704 26 26 26 26
Spinecrack 36685 0 0 37 0
The Imperial Gardens 51 Avian Retch 8131 28458 44720 0 37 0 0
Devourer 11616 40656 63888 0 37 0 0
Porcupine Goliath 6969 24391 38329 0 37 0 0
Thistlesage 38329 0 37 0 0
The Hedge Maze 52 Avian Retch 8489 29711 46689 0 37 0 0
Devourer 12128 42448 66704 0 37 0 0
Glade Mamba 7580 26530 41690 22 0 0 37
Porcupine Goliath 7276 25466 40018 0 37 0 0
The Conqueror Wurm 60032 0 37 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Library 51 Ancient Bonestalker 5808 20328 31944 56 0 0 0
Bone Rhoa 8131 28458 44720 0 45 0 0
Colossal Bonestalker 10454 36589 57497 0 56 0 0
Frost Keeper 6969 24391 38329 26 56 26 0
Thunder Keeper 6969 24391 38329 26 26 56 0
Undying Archivist 5808 20328 31944 22 22 22 22
The Archives 52 Frost Keeper 7276 25466 40018 26 56 26 0
Thunder Keeper 7276 25466 40018 26 26 56 0
Undying Archivist 6064 21224 33352 22 22 22 22
Trinian, Intellectus Prime 46689 30 30 30 22
The Sceptre of God 53 Croaking Chimeral 7905 27667 43477 0 18 18 0
Plumed Chimeral 7905 27667 43477 0 18 18 0
Undying Aristocrat 6956 24346 38258 22 22 22 22
Undying Evangelist 8853 30985 48691 30 30 30 22
Caliga, Imperatrix 48691 30 30 30 22
The Upper Sceptre of God 54 Croaking Chimeral 8231 28808 45270 0 18 18 0
Miscreation 7902 27657 43461 15 15 15 0
Plumed Chimeral 8231 28808 45270 0 18 18 0
Praetorian Guard 7902 27657 43461 22 22 22 0
Tentacle Miscreation 7902 27657 43461 37 0 0 0
Undying Aristocrat 7243 25350 39836 22 22 22 22
Undying Evangelist 9219 32266 50704 30 30 30 22
Voidbearer 7243 25350 39836 30 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 7243 25350 39836 0 0 37 0
Compulsor Octavia Sparkfist 43461 0 0 37 0
Dominus, High Templar 72435 22 22 30 22
Draconarius Wilhelm Flamebrand 43461 22 22 22 0
Imperator Stantinus Bitterblade 43461 22 22 22 0
Paradisae Venenum 45270 0 18 18 0


Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Twilight Strand 52 Drowned 5457 19099 30013 0 37 0 0
Drowned 6064 21224 33352 0 37 0 0
Sand Spitter 6064 21224 33352 0 0 30 0
Hillock 41690 0 0 0 0
The Coast 52 Cannibal 6064 21224 33352 0 0 0 37
Gravel Eater 6064 21224 33352 0 0 30 0
Withered Husk 5457 19099 30013 0 37 0 0
Fire Fury 33352 0 0 0 37
The Tidal Island 58 Cannibal 7703 26960 42366 0 0 0 65
Tide Strider 9243 32350 50836 97 0 0 0
Hailrake 76257 0 0 0 65
The Mud Flats 52 Dripping Dead 5457 19099 30013 0 37 0 0
Great Rhoa 8489 29711 46689 0 45 0 0
Rhoa Scavenger 6064 21224 33352 0 37 0 0
Oozeback Bloom 46689 0 45 0 0
The Fetid Pool 58 Bone Rhoa 10784 37744 59312 0 78 0 0
Dripping Dead 6932 24262 38126 0 65 0 0
Kadavrus the Defiler 59312 0 0 65 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Flooded Depths 58 Cave Crustacean 7703 26960 42366 97 0 0 0
Siren's Spawn 4236 14826 23298 0 97 0 0
The Deep Dweller 63547 97 0 0 0
The Lower Submerged Passage 53 Cave Crustacean 6324 22134 34782 56 0 0 0
Cursed Spawn 3478 12173 19129 0 56 0 0
The Upper Submerged Passage 53 Flesh Eater 3478 12173 19129 0 56 0 0
Merveil's Daughter 7588 26558 41734 0 56 0 0
Brood Princess 41734 0 56 0 0
The Ledge 53 Ancient Archer 7588 26558 41734 0 0 0 0
Cannibal 6324 22134 34782 0 0 0 37
Rattling Bones 6324 22134 34782 56 0 0 0
Kuduku, the False God 34782 0 0 0 0
The Climb 54 Burning Bowman 7902 27657 43461 0 0 0 0
Dune Hellion 6585 23047 36217 0 0 37 0
Flame Hellion 6585 23047 36217 0 0 37 0
Goatman 6585 23047 36217 37 0 0 0
Goatman Shaman 6585 23047 36217 37 0 0 0
Ironpoint the Forsaken 43461 56 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lower Prison 54 Brittle Poacher 7902 27657 43461 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 6585 23047 36217 0 0 56 0
Necromancer 9219 32266 50704 0 0 37 0
Rotting Damned 5926 20741 32593 0 37 0 0
Chatters 61567 0 0 56 0
The Upper Prison 54 Axiom Frostguard 7902 27657 43461 26 56 26 0
Axiom Thunderguard 7902 27657 43461 26 26 56 0
Brittle Bleeder 7902 27657 43461 0 0 0 0
Brittle Thief 6585 23047 36217 0 0 56 0
Diabolist 9219 32266 50704 0 0 37 0
Brutus, Lord Incarcerator 72435 0 0 0 0
Sawbones 50704 0 0 37 0
Prisoner's Gate 55 Bearded Devil 6859 24006 37724 65 0 0 0
Bearded Shaman 6859 24006 37724 65 0 0 0
Gravel Eater 6859 24006 37724 0 0 52 0
Highland Hellion 6859 24006 37724 0 0 65 0
The Burning Menace 67903 0 0 65 0
The Ship Graveyard 55 Merveil's Chosen 8230 28805 45265 0 97 0 0
Murk Runner 9602 33607 52811 0 78 0 0
Seething Brine 8230 28805 45265 97 0 0 0
Spectral Corsair 6859 24006 37724 0 0 0 65
Captain Fairgraves 64130 97 0 0 0
The Ship Graveyard Cave 59 Cursed Mariner 7996 27986 43978 0 0 0 65
Fathom Screamer 4397 15389 24183 0 97 0 0
Merveil's Chosen 9595 33582 52772 0 97 0 0
Seething Brine 9595 33582 52772 97 0 0 0
Stranglecharm 52772 97 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Coves 55 Fetid Shambler 6173 21605 33951 0 65 0 0
Gluttonous Gull 8916 31206 49038 0 65 0 0
Granite Eater 6859 24006 37724 0 0 52 0
Scrabbling Menace 6859 24006 37724 97 0 0 0
The Cavern of Wrath 55 Ashen Buccaneer 6859 24006 37724 0 0 0 65
Merveil's Favoured 8230 28805 45265 0 97 0 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 3772 13202 20746 0 97 0 0
Spectral Bowman 8230 28805 45265 0 0 0 65
Amarissa, Daughter of Merveil 45265 0 97 0 0
The Cavern of Anger 56 Merveil's Attendant 8560 29960 47080 0 97 0 0
Obsidian Eater 7134 24969 39237 0 0 52 0
Slimy Bloodsucker 3923 13730 21576 0 97 0 0
Unstable Larvae 3923 13730 21576 0 97 0 0
Ambrosia, Daughter of Merveil 47080 0 97 0 0
Merveil, the Siren 39237 0 97 0 0
The Southern Forest 57 Blood Ape 4818 16863 26499 52 0 0 0
Blood Chieftain 11119 38916 61154 97 0 0 0
The Old Fields 57 Carnage Ape 4818 16863 26499 52 0 0 0
Carnage Chieftain 11119 38916 61154 97 0 0 0
Kraityn's Scout 8895 31132 48922 0 0 0 65
Ruined Titan 11119 38916 61154 0 0 78 0
Gneiss 61154 0 0 78 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Den 61 Barrow Ape 5593 19575 30761 52 0 0 0
Cave Beast 12907 45174 70988 0 0 0 0
Cave Skitterer 5593 19575 30761 0 0 65 0
Stalag Nightmare 12907 45174 70988 0 0 78 0
The Great White Beast 85189 0 0 0 0
The Crossroads 57 Blood Chieftain 11119 38916 61154 97 0 0 0
Bone Cruncher 11119 38916 61154 0 0 0 0
Hulking Titan 11119 38916 61154 0 0 78 0
Kraityn's Aspirant 7413 25945 40771 0 0 0 65
Kraityn's Scout 8895 31132 48922 0 0 0 65
Stygian Ape 4818 16863 26499 52 0 0 0
Calaf, Headstaver 40771 0 0 0 65
The Broken Bridge 58 Hairy Bonecruncher 11554 40439 63547 0 0 0 0
Kraityn's Sniper 9243 32350 50836 0 0 0 65
Kraityn's Thrall 7703 26960 42366 0 0 0 65
Rumbling Mass 11554 40439 63547 0 0 78 0
Kraityn, Scarbearer 50836 0 97 0 0
The Crypt Level 1 60 Brittle Archer 9957 34849 54763 0 0 0 0
Brittle Cleric 8298 29043 45639 0 0 97 0
Crypt Weaver 8298 29043 45639 0 0 65 0
Flame Priest 9957 34849 54763 97 45 45 0
Frost Priest 9957 34849 54763 45 97 45 0
Thunder Priest 9957 34849 54763 45 45 97 0
The Crypt Level 2 61 Defiler 12047 42164 66258 0 0 65 0
Flame Bishop 10326 36141 56793 97 45 45 0
Frost Bishop 10326 36141 56793 45 97 45 0
Thunder Bishop 10326 36141 56793 45 45 97 0
Vault Guardian 8605 30117 47327 0 97 0 0
Vault Hunter 10326 36141 56793 0 0 0 0
Archbishop Geofri the Abashed 80454 0 0 97 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Chamber of Sins Level 1 58 Necromancer 10784 37744 59312 0 0 65 0
Sin Archer 9243 32350 50836 0 0 0 0
Spindle Spider 5006 17521 27533 0 0 65 0
Sutured Aberration 6932 24262 38126 0 65 0 0
Plague Retch 67782 0 65 0 0
The Chamber of Sins Level 2 58 Bone Warden 9243 32350 50836 0 0 97 0
Mutant Arach 7703 26960 42366 0 0 65 0
Plagued Bowman 9243 32350 50836 0 0 0 0
Sin Lord 10784 37744 59312 0 0 65 0
Black Death 76257 0 39 104 39
The Chamber of Sins Level 3 59 Corrupted Arach 7996 27986 43978 0 0 65 0
Sin Lord 11194 39179 61567 0 0 65 0
Sparking Bones 9595 33582 52772 0 0 97 0
Sparking Mage 9595 33582 52772 45 45 97 0
Fidelitis, the Mourning 65967 0 0 97 0
The Riverways 57 Bramble Cobra 9266 32431 50963 39 0 0 65
Callow Sniper 8895 31132 48922 0 0 0 65
Callow Thug 7413 25945 40771 0 0 0 65
Stygian Ape 4818 16863 26499 52 0 0 0
Stygian Silverback 11119 38916 61154 97 0 0 0
The Blackwood 57 Devourer 14826 51891 81543 0 65 0 0
Ink Spinner 7413 25945 40771 0 0 65 0
Merciless Killer 8895 31132 48922 0 0 0 65
Night Adder 9266 32431 50963 39 0 0 65
Shadow Archer 8895 31132 48922 0 0 0 65
Shadow Stalker 7413 25945 40771 0 0 0 65
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Western Forest 58 Alira's Blood Guard 7703 26960 42366 0 0 0 65
Alira's Deadeye 9243 32350 50836 0 0 0 65
Alira's Martyr 7703 26960 42366 0 0 0 65
Blackguard Soldier 7703 26960 42366 26 26 26 0
Alira Darktongue 50836 0 0 97 0
Captain Arteri 63547 65 65 65 0
The Weaver's Chambers 58 Hatchling 5006 17521 27533 0 0 65 0
Leaping Spider 7703 26960 42366 0 0 65 0
Lurking Venom 7703 26960 42366 0 0 65 0
The Weaver 97438 0 39 104 39
The Vaal Ruins Level 1 58 Vaal Construct 10784 37744 59312 0 0 0 0
Vaal Fallen 7703 26960 42366 97 0 0 0
Vaal Recluse 7703 26960 42366 0 0 65 0
The Vaal Ruins Level 2 59 Ancient Construct 11194 39179 61567 0 0 0 0
Serpentine Construct 9995 34982 54972 39 0 0 65
Vaal Fallen 7996 27986 43978 97 0 0 0
The Wetlands 59 Boiling Ambusher 9595 33582 52772 97 0 0 0
Bramble Cobra 9995 34982 54972 39 0 0 65
Hairy Bonecruncher 11994 41979 65967 0 0 0 0
Oak's Devoted 7996 27986 43978 0 0 0 65
Oak, Skullbreaker 52772 97 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Dread Thicket 62 Dread Primate 5797 20289 31883 52 0 0 0
Glade Mamba 11148 39018 61314 39 0 0 65
Thicket Hulk 13378 46823 73579 0 0 0 0
Aidan the Frenzied 31883 52 0 0 0
Nadia the Soothing 31883 52 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 1 60 Shaggy Monstrosity 12447 43564 68458 0 0 0 0
Venomous Spawn 4563 15970 25096 0 97 0 0
Vexing Archer 9957 34849 54763 0 0 0 0
The Caverns Level 2 60 Ancient Construct 11617 40659 63893 0 0 0 0
Armour Cruncher 12447 43564 68458 0 0 0 0
Flame Archmage 9957 34849 54763 97 45 45 0
Flame Guardian 9957 34849 54763 97 0 0 0
Frost Archmage 9957 34849 54763 45 97 45 0
Frost Guardian 9957 34849 54763 0 97 0 0
Phantom Occultist 9957 34849 54763 0 0 0 65
Slimy Nemesis 4563 15970 25096 0 97 0 0
Thunder Archmage 9957 34849 54763 45 45 97 0
Thunder Guardian 9957 34849 54763 0 0 97 0
The Ancient Pyramid 60 Bone Warden 9957 34849 54763 0 0 97 0
Cairn Annihilator 11617 40659 63893 0 0 0 0
Crypt Stalker 10372 36302 57046 39 0 0 65
Flame Champion 9957 34849 54763 97 0 0 0
Flame Harbinger 9957 34849 54763 97 45 45 0
Frost Champion 9957 34849 54763 0 97 0 0
Frost Harbinger 9957 34849 54763 45 97 45 0
Thunder Harbinger 9957 34849 54763 45 45 97 0
The Fellshrine Ruins 59 Ancient Archer 9595 33582 52772 0 0 0 0
Ancient Bonestalker 7996 27986 43978 97 0 0 0
Disturbed Corpse 7196 25186 39578 0 65 0 0
Hulking Titan 11994 41979 65967 0 0 78 0
Shambling Cadaver 7196 25186 39578 0 65 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The City of Sarn 61 Carrion Swarmer 6023 21080 33126 0 0 0 0
Flayed Warrior 8605 30117 47327 97 0 0 0
Restless Archer 10326 36141 56793 0 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 8605 30117 47327 0 0 39 0
Perpetus 47327 0 0 39 0
The Slums 61 Carrion Minion 6023 21080 33126 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 12047 42164 66258 0 0 0 0
Guard 8605 30117 47327 26 26 26 0
Spine Serpent 10756 37646 59158 39 0 0 0
Undying Outcast 8605 30117 47327 0 0 39 0
Guard Captain 70988 65 65 65 0
The Crematorium 61 Ash Prophet 12047 42164 66258 0 0 65 0
Blackguard Elite 10326 36141 56793 39 39 39 0
Blackguard Mage 8605 30117 47327 0 0 65 0
Blackguard Soldier 8605 30117 47327 26 26 26 0
Cinder Elemental 12907 45174 70988 78 0 0 0
Incinerated Mage 10326 36141 56793 97 45 45 0
Scorched Guard 10326 36141 56793 97 0 0 0
Undying Incinerator 8605 30117 47327 0 0 0 0
Undying Wretch 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
Hatebeat 70988 78 0 0 0
Piety 75724 0 0 65 0
The Warehouse District 61 Barb Serpent 10756 37646 59158 39 0 0 0
Flayed Archer 10326 36141 56793 0 0 0 0
Restless Labourer 8605 30117 47327 0 97 0 0
Undying Grappler 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
Undying Outcast 8605 30117 47327 0 0 39 0
Undying Untouchable 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
Undying Worker 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
The Marketplace 61 Carrion Minion 6023 21080 33126 0 0 0 0
Carrion Queen 12047 42164 66258 0 0 0 0
Undying Impaler 8605 30117 47327 0 0 39 0
Marceus the Defaced 70988 0 0 0 65
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Catacombs 67 Bleak Aspirant 12649 44271 69569 0 97 0 0
Bleak Vicar 12649 44271 69569 45 97 45 0
Crypt Arachnid 10541 36893 57975 0 0 65 0
Death Bishop 14757 51649 81163 0 0 65 0
Enlightened Vicar 12649 44271 69569 45 97 45 0
Undying Cultist 10541 36893 57975 39 39 39 39
The Battlefront 62 Assault Ribbon 6243 21850 34336 0 65 0 0
Blackguard Mage 8919 31216 49054 0 0 65 0
Blackguard Scout 8919 31216 49054 26 26 26 0
Blackguard Soldier 8919 31216 49054 26 26 26 0
Galvanic Ribbon 10702 37457 58861 0 65 0 0
Captain Aurelianus 58861 39 39 39 0
The Solaris Temple Level 1 62 Assault Ribbon 6243 21850 34336 0 65 0 0
Flame Sentinel 10702 37457 58861 0 65 0 0
The Infernal Seal 58861 0 65 0 0
The Voltaic Seal 58861 0 65 0 0
The Solaris Temple Level 2 62 Assault Ribbon 6243 21850 34336 0 65 0 0
Flame Sentinel 10702 37457 58861 0 65 0 0
Galvanic Ribbon 10702 37457 58861 0 65 0 0
Holy Water 10702 37457 58861 97 0 0 0
Banner of Action 34336 0 65 0 0
Banner of Knowledge 34336 0 65 0 0
Banner of Passion 34336 0 65 0 0
The Docks 62 Brittle Corsair 8919 31216 49054 97 0 0 0
Brittle Longshoreman 10702 37457 58861 0 0 0 0
Dockhand Wraith 8919 31216 49054 0 0 0 65
Dockhand Wraith 10702 37457 58861 0 0 0 65
Undying Worker 8919 31216 49054 39 39 39 39
Voidbearer 9810 34335 53955 52 0 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Slums Sewers 61 Fetid Maw 8605 30117 47327 0 0 0 0
Sewage Crawler 8605 30117 47327 0 0 52 0
Stinking Undying 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
Undying Alchemist 8605 30117 47327 0 0 0 0
The Warehouse Sewers 61 Fetid Maw 8605 30117 47327 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
Undying Alchemist 8605 30117 47327 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 8605 30117 47327 39 39 39 39
The Market Sewers 63 Fetid Maw 9237 32329 50803 0 0 0 0
Scum Crawler 6465 22627 35557 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 9237 32329 50803 39 39 39 39
Undying Alchemist 9237 32329 50803 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 9237 32329 50803 39 39 39 39
The Sewer Waterway 63 Fetid Maw 9237 32329 50803 0 0 0 0
Stinking Undying 9237 32329 50803 39 39 39 39
Undying Alchemist 9237 32329 50803 0 0 0 0
Undying Grappler 9237 32329 50803 39 39 39 39
The Ebony Barracks 64 Blackguard Arcmage 9563 33470 52596 0 0 65 0
Blackguard Elite 11475 40162 63112 39 39 39 0
Blackguard Firemage 9563 33470 52596 0 0 65 0
Blackguard Soldier 9563 33470 52596 26 26 26 0
Gravicius Elite Guard 11475 40162 63112 39 39 39 0
General Gravicius 105193 26 26 26 45
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Lunaris Temple Level 1 65 Blackguard Elite 11876 41566 65318 39 39 39 0
Blackguard Soldier 9897 34639 54433 26 26 26 0
Mortality Experimenter 11876 41566 65318 0 0 0 65
Reanimator 11876 41566 65318 0 0 0 65
Fleshrend, Grand Inquisitor 65318 0 0 0 65
The Lunaris Temple Level 2 65 Blood Elemental 11876 41566 65318 0 97 0 0
Burned Miscreation 9897 34639 54433 65 0 0 0
Drenched Miscreation 9897 34639 54433 0 65 0 0
Mortality Experimenter 11876 41566 65318 0 0 0 65
Piety's Miscreation 9897 34639 54433 26 26 26 0
Shocked Miscreation 9897 34639 54433 0 0 65 0
Kole 108867 0 0 0 0
The Lunaris Temple Level 3 66 Flesh Sculptor 12277 42969 67523 0 0 0 65
Piety's Miscreation 10231 35808 56270 26 26 26 0
Shocked Miscreation 10231 35808 56270 0 0 65 0
Tentacle Miscreation 12277 42969 67523 65 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 11254 39389 61897 0 0 65 0
Piety 112541 45 45 45 45
Spinecrack 61897 0 0 65 0
The Imperial Gardens 66 Avian Retch 14323 50130 78776 0 65 0 0
Devourer 20462 71617 112541 0 65 0 0
Porcupine Goliath 12277 42969 67523 0 65 0 0
Thistlesage 67523 0 65 0 0
The Hedge Maze 67 Avian Retch 14757 51649 81163 0 65 0 0
Devourer 21082 73787 115951 0 65 0 0
Glade Mamba 13176 46116 72468 39 0 0 65
Porcupine Goliath 12649 44271 69569 0 65 0 0
The Conqueror Wurm 104351 0 65 0 0
Area Level Monster Xp Resist
The Library 67 Ancient Bonestalker 10541 36893 57975 97 0 0 0
Bone Rhoa 14757 51649 81163 0 78 0 0
Colossal Bonestalker 18973 66405 104351 0 97 0 0
Frost Keeper 12649 44271 69569 45 97 45 0
Thunder Keeper 12649 44271 69569 45 45 97 0
Undying Archivist 10541 36893 57975 39 39 39 39
The Archives 67 Frost Keeper 12649 44271 69569 45 97 45 0
Thunder Keeper 12649 44271 69569 45 45 97 0
Undying Archivist 10541 36893 57975 39 39 39 39
Trinian, Intellectus Prime 81163 52 52 52 39
The Sceptre of God 67 Croaking Chimeral 13176 46116 72468 0 32 32 0
Plumed Chimeral 13176 46116 72468 0 32 32 0
Undying Aristocrat 11595 40582 63772 39 39 39 39
Undying Evangelist 14757 51649 81163 52 52 52 39
Caliga, Imperatrix 81163 52 52 52 39
The Upper Sceptre of God 68 Croaking Chimeral 13556 47446 74558 0 32 32 0
Miscreation 13014 45549 71577 26 26 26 0
Plumed Chimeral 13556 47446 74558 0 32 32 0
Praetorian Guard 13014 45549 71577 39 39 39 0
Tentacle Miscreation 13014 45549 71577 65 0 0 0
Undying Aristocrat 11929 41751 65609 39 39 39 39
Undying Evangelist 15183 53140 83506 52 52 52 39
Voidbearer 11929 41751 65609 52 0 0 0
Whipping Miscreation 11929 41751 65609 0 0 65 0
Compulsor Octavia Sparkfist 71577 0 0 65 0
Dominus, High Templar 119295 39 39 52 39
Draconarius Wilhelm Flamebrand 71577 39 39 39 0
Imperator Stantinus Bitterblade 71577 39 39 39 0
Paradisae Venenum 74558 0 32 32 0