The Exiled Templar
The Templar is a strength/intelligence hybrid character class.
The armors associated with the Templar's strength and intelligence are Chainmail Coifs/Helmets, Chainmail/Ringmail, Mesh/Chain Gloves, Mesh/Chain Boots, and Kite Shields.
Base stats[]
Stat | Value |
Intelligence | 23 |
Dexterity | 14 |
Strength | 23 |
Life | 62 |
Mana | 52 |
Damage per second | 4 |
Chance to hit | 83% |
Attacks per second* | 1.2 |
Main hand total combined damage | 2-6 |
Main hand physical damage | 2-6 |
Main hand accuracy rating | 28 |
Main hand critical strike damage multiplier* | 150% |
Endurance charges* | 0/3 |
Physical damage reduction per endurance charge* | 4% |
Additional elemental reduction per endurance charge* | 4% |
Frenzy charges* | 0/3 |
Attack speed increase per frenzy charge* | 4% |
Cast speed increase per frenzy charge* | 4% |
Damage modifier per frenzy charge* | 4% more |
Power charges* | 0/3 |
Critical strike chance increase per power charge* | 50% |
Evasion rating | 58 |
Chance to evade* | 32% |
Fire resistance* | 0% |
Cold resistance* | 0% |
Lightning resistance* | 0% |
Chaos resistance* | 0% |
Mana regen per second | 0.9 |
* Same for all classes as of 2.1.1d
Ascendancy classes[]
Templars can specialise into one of these three Ascendancy classes:
![]() Inquisitor |
![]() Hierophant |
![]() Guardian |
Text and Speech[]
The Templar is voiced by New Zealand actor, Kevin Harty.
Intro Speech[]
Dominus, to the Templar:
"You swore, sinew and soul, to serve God and the Order of the Templar. For years you built a life upon Faith, only to smite it asunder with one sinful blow.
And is that not the greatest folly of all? To lose faith when it's all you have left?
You were once the chosen of God. A Templar. You are now the chosen of Wraeclast. An exile."
Web intro[]
The following text was appeared in the official website, but removed due to the website overhaul:[1]
He is wizened and gray, but don't let that fool you. His humble clothing hides a powerful, sinuous physique, honed by many years of hard labor and asceticism. Age has granted the Templar an older man's wisdom and tact, qualities he combines with surprisingly well-preserved physical strength.
The mighty Templar bests his foes with weapons of steel, and a shield of righteousness. His great bravery and purpose drive him headlong into the fray, disdaining risk with dogged zeal. Some might look upon the Templar's bravado as foolhardiness, but they simply do not know what it means to be a man of faith. On Wraeclast, where faith and hope are dim, he is a shining, towering beacon.
The Templar is Path of Exile's Strength/Intelligence hybrid, a perfect balance of brawn and wits. He is a skillful fighter, trained in an array of weapons, from the sharpest cutlass to the heaviest two-handed mace. He's also comfortable wielding a shield, either for additional protection or as a deadly bludgeon. In combat, this pious warrior is expert at augmenting his substantial offense with a wide range of magical abilities. The Templar is also adept at taking punishment, and he's happy to be up at the front lines, serving as a martyr and champion for his ranged companions.
Intro Speech (legacy version)[]
"I fought, wept and bled for God and the Order. I would have died for my Templar brothers, every single one. And how do they reward my piety, my devotion? They exile me to the land of the damned. To Wraeclast.
I know now that my brethren are merely God's tools. He has given me this path to walk, so I shall muster my strength and my power... and my faith. It is my shield against the darkness to come."
General Dialogue[]
Achieving Level 2: "It would seem that my God has no need for my company just yet."
Achieving Level 3: "My prayers are thus answered."
Achieving Level 5: "The path becomes clearer with each bloody step."
Achieving Level 10: "Your humble servant thanks you, my God."
Achieving Level 15: "Your trust is the only reward I need, my Lord of light."
Achieving Level 20: "The night must give way to the day."
Achieving Level 30: "I was born to this land, delivered to this task. I will prevail."
Full inventory: "I'm no beast of burden."
Using skills in town: "This is neither the time nor the place."
Out of mana: "My mana is spent."
Not enough Strength: "I have not the brawn to use this yet."
Not enough Dexterity: "I'll need to be lighter on my feet to use this."
Not enough Intelligence: "I'm baffled by this at the moment."
Occasionally, after killing a rare mob: "Go with God."
Occasionally, after killing a rare mob: "Death to sin!"
Occasionally, after killing a rare mob: "Purity will prevail!"
Act 1 Dialogue[]
On the Terraces: "My nightmares...they were prophecy."
On the Lower Prison: "In this cage, evil claws at the bars and howls for freedom."
On The Ship Graveyard: "This is a mortuary for lost children, hidden from the eyes of their Father."
Having killed the Hungry Corpse: "Even death gives no solace in this tortured land."
Having killed Brutus: "Rest now, tormented soul."
Having killed Merveil: "A woman corrupted from her humanity. I must cure this plague before it sickens all of God's creation."
Nessa's Introduction: "I know you, The blasphemer. That's what my father called you. God saw fit to drown my father, and everyone else I ever loved. I wonder what fate He has in store for you. I'm Nessa, and I suppose I should thank you for ridding us of Hillock, that putrid giant you felled out there. You know, back in Oriath, I was taught that God loved me. He has a funny way of showing His love, doesn't He, Templar?
Bessel's Introduction: A tyrannical Templar, to be tested and tempered in the straights of Wraeclast. That's the first line of the poem I'm writing about you, exile. Easy, mate. You could damn a bloke with a look like that. The name's Bestel, captain of the good ship 'Merry Gull'. Alas, my Merry Gull is gone. My crew is gone. But my wits remain... after a fashion."
Act 2 Dialogue[]
On the Chamber of Sins: "The lair of a toy maker, with pretensions of Godhood."
Having killed Kraityn: "You're nothing, thief. Not even the life you wasted on spite and avarice."
Having killed Alira: "You are thus blessed, daughter of God. He will show you what true friendship is."
Having killed Oak: "You dare to speak for peace outlaw? There's the peace your lies have earned you."
On releasing the darkness: "I beg of you God, help me lead this world back into the light."
Having killed the Vaal Oversoul: "Back where you belong, nightmare. The faithful need not fear your kind."
Act 3 Dialogue[]
Hargan's Introduction: "A Templar... in exile? Now I've seen it all. Has Dominus run out of scum like me to banish already? Ah well, since you're here, Your Worship, you might be able to help us out. We've lost some doe-eyed lovers. Clarissa and Tolman. Last I saw, they were headed out for the slums. May God above light your way in their salvation, brother."
On the Solaris Temple: "Something eternal remains of this empire. The question is, how?"
On the Crematorium: "Life in his right hand, and death in his left. And then there are those who fell through God's fingers."
On The Catacombs: "I shall wipe the filth from this house of God."
On the Lunaris Temple: "And so, I take my first steps into damnation and condemnation."
General Gravicius, to the Templar: "You're God's greatest disappointment, heretic."
Having killed General Gravicius: "You chose the road, old friend. God put me at the end of it."
Having killed Piety: "Rest while you can, mistress of suffering. Judgment will not go easy on you."
Upon finishing the A Swig of Hope quest: "The longer you run from God, Fairgraves, the more damned you become."
On The Sceptre of God: "Every stone placed for the glory of God. Beautiful!"
Dominus, to the Templar: "Exile has tested you, my brother. Now let's see what God has to say."
Having killed Dominus: "By exiling me you were my Genesis, Dominus. And now, here I stand, countless miles and murders later, honoured to be your Revelation!"
Act 4 Dialogue[]
On the Aqueduct: "May these waters wash away my sins and baptise me anew."
Kira's Introduction:
"Dominus was High Templar in Oriath, was he not? Your God needs to be more careful when He chooses His servants.
Then again, perhaps He learns from His mistakes. We shall see."
Petarus and Vanja's Introduction:
"Petarus: My lord Templar, I can't tell you how good it is to meet a man so willing and able to put the Order back on the road to Faith...
Vanja: ...oh my god, Petarus!
Petarus: Vanja!
Vanja: I've just seen too many foul deeds done in the name of Faith.
Petarus: Committed by those who talked of God while they acted for themselves.
Vanja: Fine, Petarus, fine."
Tasuni's Introduction: "Your holy mantle is stained with the blood of the countless, Templar. A sacrifice worthy of a God... just not to the god you had in mind."
Oyun's Introduction:
"Whether it is our gods or your god who have brought you to Highgate, the consequence is the same.
You believe blindly in the divine, and a blind man is never lost in the darkness. You will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.
She has much faith in you, Templar. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?"
On the Dried Lake: I am sorry, God. We must learn not to abuse your creations."
Having killed Voll: "You're free now, Voll. Go with God."
On the Mines Level 1: "The earth here trembles with the fear of judgment."
On the Mines Level 2: "Corruption eats away at the roots of this mountain."
After freeing Deshret: "No soul should suffer as you have, Deshret."
On the Crystal Veins: "This land is teetering on the brink of Cataclysm."
Having killed Daresso: "We give our fallen heroes more glory than they ever earned in life."
On Kaom's Dream: "The air here burns with wrath."
Having killed Kaom: "Your Way led to damnation, Kaom. Find another."
On the Belly of the Beast Level 1: "This is not Creation. This is perversion."
Piety, the Abomination, in the Belly of the Beast: "You see, heretic? My God takes good care of me."
Piety, the Abomination, after being defeated: "I may have misjudged that God of yours..."
Piety, after being restored:
"Twice now you've baptised me in my own blood, Templar. So believe me when I tell you that I've had all the divine revelations that I can stand.
When we shared our 'moment' back in the Lunaris, part of me wishes I'd died at your feet as intended. The little girl within me that shies from darkness, from greatness."
On the Harvest: "Piety, my God? I am sure you will reveal your purpose in time."
Having killed Doedre: "Embrace death, Doedre, for your flesh was your undoing."
Having killed Maligaro: "Your God-given talents were wasted, Maligaro."
Having killed Shavronne: "You were imprisoned by your own vanity, Shavronne."
Piety, about to open the Black Core:
"So tell me heretic, is yours a compassionate God? I doubt even He has room in his divine heart for such an unusually talented sinner as me.
Just so that we're clear about this. I'm not doing this for Him, anyway."
Malachai's introduction: "I actually find myself admiring you in this moment, Templar. You and I will create the most beautiful of Nightmares together. Rather the hallmark of God, isn't it? Let me show you what a real god can do!"
Piety, after being killed by Malachai: "This is what I get for trying to be a bloody saviour. I've seen, felt... been things that you can't imagine, heretic, and I don't regret a damned moment of it. So go. Finish what we have started. And when I find out if this God of yours is real or not, I'll be sure to let you know."
Replying to Piety: "No need, Piety. Just you go and see for yourself."
Having killed Malachai: "You fought against Death your whole life, Malachai, when it was the one thing that would grant you true immortality."
Kira after Malachai's death:
"What do we call you now? Saviour? Messiah?
Just remember this, Templar. Your 'Faith' didn't kill the Nightmare. You did."
Petarus and Vanja after Malachai's death:
"Petarus: I am proud to be part of the Order. Your order, my Lord.
Vanja: And I am sorry. I should have had more Faith. I've always believed in God. It's just that, until now, I didn't think the Templar did.
Petarus: I guess sometimes it takes a miracle, something to prove we're not on our own in this world.
Vanja: True. Thank you, Templar, for reminding me what it's like to believe. It's a luxury that I haven't been able to afford.
Petarus: Yet it's something that all of Wraeclast can have now."
Tasuni after Malachai's death:
"You're going to tell me that you didn't kill the Beast, that it was simply your God acting through you.
Please don't say it. I fear I might be ill upon your self-righteous toes. No, Templar. You did this. The oh-so-ordinary man who shall be heralded as 'the chosen one' by the adoring sheep of Oriath.
Yes, Oriath. Upon the mountain high, a gateway has opened, one that shall lead you back to your flock. Hurry, for as the death throes of Beast soften and still, I see the gate beginning to close.
Continue to believe in those lies, Templar. It brings out the best in you."
Lady Dialla after Malachai's death:
"'The righteous shall inherit.' Voll said that, in a candlelit sermon on the eve of cataclysm. The only smart thing that idiot ever said. The only time God actually agreed with him.
My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... The Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead."
Act 5 Dialogue[]
- On The Slave Pens: "My return marks judgement for those of hollow faith."
- Having killed Overseer Krow: "Your hateful scorn has no place in God's land."
- Utula's introduction:
"Templar murders Templar. Not a pretty sight, but it was enough to get this sorry lot up and fighting.
- The Tormented One promised us a sign. You're not quite what I expected, but then who am I to argue with Kitava, the immortal slave. He speaks through you, Templar. He tells us that we shall be free.
- Utula Makora is what they call me and I've the miserable task of being chief to this lot. Well, I put the steel in their hands. I tell them where to stab, where to run, where to die. If that doesn't make me a chief, what does, eh?"
- Lani's introduction:
"An exile returned? How is that even possible? And a Templar at that. Striding out of the sunlight to lay waste to our enemies like Ramako in the stories my mother used to tell me. Well, your 'divine intervention' gave us just the diversion we needed to take this tower, so if you keep doing things like that then I might have to start believing in the gods again."
- Having picked up
MiasmeterMiasmeter"We shall peer at these cosmic wonderments as they
wake and writhe within that deep and nameless dark."
- Vilenta, 'Miasmeter: A Thesis': "Piety's 'science' may aid in uncovering the truth of this world. God does have a sense of humor."
- Having killed Justicar Casticus: "You should have kept your eyes on God."
- On Oriath Square: "At long last I return home, only to find chaos and blood."
- Having killed The Matriarch: "Templar initiates will suffer your humiliations no longer."
- On The Templar Courts: "I vowed before my brothers that I would return, and so i have."
- On The Chamber of Innocence: "The hour of judgment draws near."
- Response to High Templar Avarius's intro: "And so it will!"
- After Avarius transformed into Innocence, God-Emperor of Eternity: "When God has lost His way, the devout must set Him back on the path!"
- On The Torched Courts: "What in damnation have I done?"
- Having killed Cato, Defiler of Light: "What goodness remains of our order?"
- Having killed Utula, Stone and Steel: "Your ilk will suffer my wrath for what you have done!"
- On The Ossuary: "I shall cleanse this place of hallowed legacy."
- Having picked up
Sign of PuritySign of PurityWrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.: "I continue to serve as God's instrument."
- On The Cathedral Rooftop: "There is always hope. There is always redemption. Even when all looks lost."
- Having placed the
Sign of PuritySign of PurityWrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.in the Cathedral Apex: "Come forth, Ravenous One! Face the wrath of God!"
- After fails to defeat Kitava: "Has my faith truly been a lie! My God, an imposter, too weak to defeat the Ravenous One..."
Act 6 Dialogue[]
- On Lioneye's Watch (probably after talking to Sin): "The truth of this world comes into focus one tale at a time."
- On The Twilight Strand: "Here, I was born anew. It is my honour to cleanse it of evil."
- On The Coast: "I return to exile, humbled and shaken."
- Having picked up
Bestel's ManuscriptBestel's Manuscript"A stranger's kiss on a moonlit night.
Dost thou believe in love at first sight?": "Gods and evil beset humanity while I pick up papers."
- On The Mud Flats: "The world crumbles. I must gather the pieces."
- Having killed Tukohama, Karui God of War (probably need to talk to Sin first): "It seems I am but a pawn in a clash of gods."
- On The Lower Prison: "Evil has returned to this place of despair."
- Having killed Reassembled Brutus (which possessed by Shavronne): "Our final crusade sees its first triumph." (Refers to the quest
Essence of Umbra and steps towards
Recurring Nightmare)
- Having killed Abberath, the Cloven One (probably need to talk to Sin first): "Your tortured and twisted goatmen deserve my God's grace, not yours."
- On The Western Forest: "Had you not barred the way the first time, Piety, things might have turned out differently...for all of us." (Refers to the events in Prisoner's Gate (Act 1) and the quest
The Way Forward, despite the quest is optional and the pathway from Prisoner's Gate to The Western Forest in Act 6 is opened regardless the outcome of the optional side quest)
- Having killed Ryslatha, the Puppet Mistress and talked to Sin: "Some creatures are beneath God's grace. Rot in your disgusting poisons."
- On The Beacon: "I shall take this crusade to the seas themselves!"
- On The Brine King's Reef: "Lord of Light, hold back the sea, so that I may slay its pretender king!"
- Having killed Tsoagoth, The Brine King and talked to Sin: "I accept this gift so that something of the innocent may live on."
Act 7 Dialogue[]
- On The Crypt: "This desecrated house of faith will unearth its secrets at last." (Refers to the secret level that store
Maligaro's MapMaligaro's Map"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro, which Voll fails to destroy[2]).
- Having picked up
Maligaro's MapMaligaro's Map"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro: "A vision of dreams, ephemeral in my sight..."
- On Maligaro's Sanctum: "A veil of lies and dreams draws itself over my sight."
- Having killed Maligaro, the Artist: "Evil may hide, but the light will find it."
- On The Ashen Fields: "The fires of greed burn eternal in the hearts of the unworthy."
- Having placed Greust's Necklace in the shrine: "Greust, If you find your gods lacking, the true Lord still awaits."
- Having killed Gruthkul, Mother of Despair and talked to Sin: "Gruthkul, go to your children, and despair no longer."
- On The Vaal City: "I have seen this place in my visions of doom."
- After Yeena transformed into a firefox: "I bear witness to a miracle."
- On The Temple of Decay Level 2: "Deeper into the lair of Lust... I shall stand strong against temptation."
- Having killed Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows and talked to Sin: "I am a man of God. I am used to resisting temptation."
Act 8 Dialogue[]
- On The Sarn Encampment: "What foul new corruption is this?"
- On The Toxic Conduits: "It seems it is my penance to endure all the filths of this world."
- Having killed Doedre the Vile: "The unclean witch shall poison this land no longer."
- Having killed Tolman and talked to Clarissa: "Child, I've seen resurrection. It was nightmarish, not beautiful."
- Having killed all Gemling Legionnaires: "Your loyalty has gone unrewarded. Go to God, if he shall have you."
Act 9 Dialogue[]
Act 10 Dialogue[]
Version history[]
Version | Changes |
3.15.0 |
2.2.0 |
0.9.0 |
- ↑ Grinding Gear Games (circa 2012). "Templar". Official Path of Exile website (via Internet Archive). Retrieved July 29, 2021.
- ↑ Helena § Maligaro