The Ambitious Bandit is a three-part prophecy chain. Completing it drops the unique The AsceticThe Ascetic
Gold AmuletRequires Level 8(12-20)% increased Rarity of Items found(80-100)% increased Rarity of Items found with a Normal Item Equipped
(10-15)% increased Quantity of Items found with a Magic Item EquippedMany things come to one who has nothing..
The Ambitious Bandit IThe Ambitious Bandit IA bandit's ambition grows, and so too does the path it walks.You will encounter and slay bandits in an area where they do not ordinarily appear.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
The Ambitious Bandit IIThe Ambitious Bandit IIA bandit seeks a relic for the greedy where greed was once a great virtue.You will encounter and slay bandits in the Marketplace, Arcade Map, Bazaar Map, Port Map or Alleyways Map.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
The Ambitious Bandit IIIThe Ambitious Bandit IIIWhere relics and tomes gather dust, a bandit's eyes see great value.You will encounter and slay bandits in the Library, Academy Map, Museum Map, or Scriptorium Map.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
Version history[]
Version | Changes |
2.3.0 |