Path of Exile Wiki

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Path of Exile Wiki

The Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Acquisition
Area level: 1
Cells Map
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Divination Card
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardThePenitent

The Penitent is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random unique Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset RingRequires Level 5Has 1 SocketUnset Ring inventory icon.

Item acquisition

Area restrictions

This item can be acquired in the following areas:

Legacy area restrictions

This item can be acquired in the following areas:

Upgrade paths

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

5Divination card inventory iconThe GamblerThe Gambler card artDivination card frameThe Gambler5Divination Card"I don't believe in karma. If it were real, I would never win."Divination card inventory iconrandom divination cardAutomatic
1Stacked Deck inventory iconStacked DeckStacked DeckStack Size: 10A stack of unknown divination cardsRight click to take a divination card out of the deck.
Shift click to unstack.
Stacked Deck inventory icon
random divination cardAutomatic
1Divination card inventory iconThe VoidThe Void card artDivination card frameThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Divination card inventory iconrandom divination card set exchangeAutomatic

Usage in upgrade paths

This item is used by upgrade paths or vendor recipes to create the following items:

Profane Proxy inventory iconProfane ProxyProfane Proxy
Unset Ring
Requires Level 52Has 1 Socket+3 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
Left Ring Slot: Your Chilling Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
Right Ring Slot: Your Shocking Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead
The machines do not hate. They merely serve one who does.
Profane Proxy inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
Mark of Submission inventory iconMark of SubmissionMark of Submission
Unset Ring
Requires Level 24Has 1 SocketCurse Enemies with Socketed Hex Curse Gem on HitSo great was the thaumaturgy of a bloodpriest's mark,
that sacrifices soon welcomed their death.
Mark of Submission inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
Voideye inventory iconVoideyeVoideye
Unset Ring
Requires Level 45Has 1 Socket+5 to Level of Socketed GemsThe darker the eye, the more diligent the watched.
Voideye inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
The Hungry Loop inventory iconThe Hungry LoopThe Hungry Loop
Unset Ring
Requires Level 70Has 1 SocketConsumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level
Can Consume 4 Uncorrupted Support Gems
Has not Consumed any Gems
<Consumed support gem modifier>
Be careful where you put your finger.
The Hungry Loop inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
Malachai's Artifice inventory iconMalachai's ArtificeMalachai's Artifice
Unset Ring
Requires Level 5Has 1 SocketSocketed Gems have Elemental Equilibrium
-20% to all Elemental Resistances
+(75-100)% to Fire Resistance when Socketed with a Red Gem
+(75-100)% to Cold Resistance when Socketed with a Green Gem
+(75-100)% to Lightning Resistance when Socketed with a Blue Gem
All Sockets are White
When the wind blows,
Know which way to bend
and watch the others break.
Malachai's Artifice inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
Essence Worm inventory iconEssence WormEssence Worm
Unset Ring
Requires Level 38Has 1 Socket+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems Reserve No Mana
40% increased Mana Reserved
"This thing is not a pet. It is a parasite that feeds on the very will of its host.
Like any part of nightmare, it has found a way to make its price... acceptable."
- Malachai the Soulless
Essence Worm inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic
Rotblood Promise inventory iconRotblood PromiseRotblood Promise
Unset Ring
Requires Level 56Has 1 SocketSocketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Blasphemy
Curse Auras from Socketed Skills also affect you
Socketed Curse Gems have 50% reduced Reservation
+(20–30) to Intelligence
20% reduced Effect of Curses on you
(15–25)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Cursed Enemies
Accept the infection, let it take hold.
Then carry it far and wide.
Rotblood Promise inventory icon
5Divination card inventory iconThe PenitentThe Penitent card artDivination card frameThe Penitent5Unset Ring inventory iconUnset RingUnset Ring inventory iconFirst, I gave my wealth, and we went hungry. Next, I gave my land, and we were homeless. Then, I gave my family, and I was alone. Last, I gave my eyes, and all I could dream was mine.Divination card inventory iconrandom Unset RingAutomatic

Supporter attribution[]

The Penitent was created by supporter retruber.

Version history[]

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.