Version History | ||
← 2.4.0h September 30, 2016 | 2.4.1 October 18, 2016 | 2.4.1b → October 21, 2016 |
Patch notes[]
These are the official patch notes for version 2.4.1 released by Grinding Gear Games.[1]
- Introduced new microtransaction skill effects:
Imp Haste AuraImp Aura EffectSkill Gem EffectYour aura effect becomes the green imp demon effect.
Carnage Vitality AuraCarnage Aura EffectSkill Gem EffectYour aura effect becomes the red carnage effect.
Trinity Purity of Elements AuraTrinity Aura EffectSkill Gem EffectYour aura effect becomes the elemental trinity effect.
Verdant Split Arrow EffectVerdant Split Arrow EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Split Arrow becomes a verdant effect.
Dragon Totem SkinDragon Totem SkinSkill Gem EffectYour Spell or Ballista totem becomes a golden dragon.
- Most totem skin microtransactions can now be applied to all types of totems (other than Ancestral totem).
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal now drops a guaranteed map, ignoring your Atlas completion.
- Diviner's Strongboxes no longer drop extra items for additional party members in the area.
- Fixed an issue with the behaviour of various Spider monsters where they would be more inclined to run away from their enemies, instead of attacking them.
- The Atlas search box now has a 100 character limit.
Hallowed GroundHallowed Ground
Cemetery MapMap Level: (73-79)
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: Ð
Item Quantity: +100%
Item Rarity: +100%Monster Level: (73-79)
Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 secondsSome dead have long envied the living.
When given the chance, they take from us what they can.
So we offer our suffrage.
In return, they give only suffering.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.will no longer drop maps of Tier 15 or higher.
- Experience bonuses from
Hallowed GroundHallowed Ground
Cemetery MapMap Level: (73-79)
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: Ð
Item Quantity: +100%
Item Rarity: +100%Monster Level: (73-79)
Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 secondsSome dead have long envied the living.
When given the chance, they take from us what they can.
So we offer our suffrage.
In return, they give only suffering.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used longer affect packs not native to the map. Note: this change replaces a hotfix where experience bonuses were removed entirely.
Hallowed GroundHallowed Ground
Cemetery MapMap Level: (73-79)
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: Ð
Item Quantity: +100%
Item Rarity: +100%Monster Level: (73-79)
Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 secondsSome dead have long envied the living.
When given the chance, they take from us what they can.
So we offer our suffrage.
In return, they give only suffering.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.has been made rarer.
IncinerateIncinerateSpell, Fire, Channelling, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (2-4) Mana
Cast Time: 0.20 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%Requires Level 12Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you. When you stop channelling you release a wave of fire damage over a wide and long area that will apply a powerful Ignite.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent1% increased Fire Damage0.5% increased Area of Effect0.2% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
Final wave deals -10% more Damage with Hits
Final wave deals -10% more Damage with IgniteDeals (3-140) to (5-210) Fire Damage
8 maximum stages
Final wave deals 500% more Damage with Ignite
Final wave deals 500% more Damage with Hits
25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
+(4-5) to radius per stage, up to +(15-19)
100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
Final wave always IgnitesPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.can now generate more than one charge per channel.
- Shared Boon now only shares charges with a maximum of 9 other pack members. This is to mitigate issues with server performance with very large packs of monsters.
- Added a "Join PvP" talk option to Leo.
Sextant Update:[]
- The Sextant mod system has been significantly reworked.
- There is now a vendor recipe for upgrading Sextants to a higher tier. Three of a tier will return a higher-tier Sextant.
- The vendor recipe for the Cartographer's Seals has been changed to three Sextants of the appropriate tier and an
Orb of ScouringOrb of ScouringStack Size: 30Removes all modifiers from an itemRight click this item then left click on a magic or rare item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack..
- Sextant mods no longer appear on maps they cannot apply to.
- Sextants can be used on an Atlas map that already has a sextant mod. This will reroll a new Sextant mod in its place.
- In addition to disabling or upgrading sextants that were not rewarding or impactful enough, we're also adding a large number of new sextant effects. These new sextant effects perform a variety of roles: Some reward players for playing specific types of maps, some mitigate the effects of some of the more dangerous or restrictive map mods, some add new effects that increase your speed or damage while increasing the map's challenge, and others add interesting new monsters to slay.
The following Sextant mods can no longer be rolled:
- Items dropped by Unique Boss are Corrupted
- Players and Monsters have increased Damage per Curse on them
- Players and Monsters have increased Critical Strike Chance
- Maps have an additional random Property
- Areas contain Forsaken Masters
- Randomly dropped Items are Normal instead of Magic
- Living Weapons
- Players and Monsters take increased Damage while stationary
- While on Elemental Ground, Players have increased Damage of the associated Damage Type
- Strongbox contents are Mirrored
Atlas Improvements:[]
- The Shaper's Realm has been added to the Atlas. It will now appear when you have completed this area.
- The Shaper can no longer be Taunted.
- Further improved the visual effects of the encounter with The Shaper.
- Zana's restore skill no longer restores mana.
- The Guardians of the Void can no longer be permanently taunted. They can only be taunted every so often.
- In the Plateau map, the Frostbolt and Spark totems summoned by the map bosses Puruna, the Challenger and Poporo, the Highest Spire now have more life when they have leveled up.
- In the Plateau map, the moving
VortexVortexSpell, AoE, Cold, Duration, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-20) Mana
Cooldown Time: 1.80 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 0 sec
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%Requires Level 28An icy blast explodes around the caster, dealing cold damage to enemies, and leaving behind a whirling vortex which deals cold damage over time and chills enemies caught in it. If the caster targets near their Frostbolt projectiles, it will explode from a number of those projectiles instead, destroying them.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect1% increased Cold Damage1% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
1% less Skill Effect Duration2% increased Damage when Cast on FrostboltDeals (38-524) to (57-787) Cold Damage
Base duration is 3 seconds
Deals (106.5-1456.9) Base Cold Damage per second
Can explode from up to 5 Frostbolt Projectiles
20% less Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt
Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
(0-76)% increased Cooldown Recovery RatePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.zones summoned by Puruna, the Challenger now correctly apply chill.
- In the
Bazaar mapBazaar MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: YGreed is the only god here.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., the Ancient Sculptor's ground slowing effect is now liquid gold instead of tar.
- In the
Colonnade mapColonnade MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: .Small minds demand
the largest structures.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., The Tyrant now has additional skills. At 66% and 33% life he will teleport inside of his tent, restore his energy shield and catapult fire will barrage outside of the tent for a duration, forcing you to either dodge the catapult fire or fight him in close quarters.
- In the
Necropolis mapNecropolis MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: °Even in death, we long to be close to one another.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., Burtok, Conjurer of Bones now has the correct effects on his bone-themed skills.
- In the
Arachnid Tomb mapArachnid Tomb MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: !They feel your every move,
your every breath,
with a million little wires.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., Hybrid Widow now has an additional skill. Periodically the boss will create large webbed areas. All spiders in these areas will gain phasing, attack faster and move faster.
- In the Arachnid Tomb map, the debuff Covered in Spiders applied during the Hybrid Widow boss encounter will no longer apply unless you are in the boss’ arena.
- In the
Arsenal mapArsenal MapMap Level: 71
Map Tier: 4
Guild Character: éThere is no war. There is no army. Only rage lingers.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., The Steel Soul now has an additional skill. The boss will create a cascade of raining swords in a line.
- In the
ReefReef MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: 7Each plank of rotting wood, each dead sailor, feeds the island and makes it grow.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.and
Coves mapCoves MapMap Level: 68
Map Tier: 1
Guild Character: ÊThe dark seas swallow the careless and spit them against sharp rocks.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., the boss encounters for First Mate Crastus and Telvar, the Inebriated are now more forgiving when they have additional projectiles. The spread on the barrel throw ability has been increased to prevent area damage overlapping and the damage on this skill has been changed to deal half fire and half physical at reduced values.
- In the Reef and
Coves mapCoves MapMap Level: 68
Map Tier: 1
Guild Character: ÊThe dark seas swallow the careless and spit them against sharp rocks.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., the boss encounters for First Mate Crastus and Telvar, the Inebriated now have new effects on their barrel throwing and placing abilities.
- Fixed an issue in
The Putrid CloisterThe Putrid Cloister
Museum MapMap Level: 78
Map Tier: 11
Guild Character: Õ
Item Quantity: +90%
Item Rarity: +45%Players are Cursed with Vulnerability, with 60% increased Effect
Players are Cursed with Conductivity, with 60% increased Effect
Players are Cursed with Flammability, with 60% increased Effect
Players are Cursed with Frostbite, with 60% increased Effect
Players are Cursed with Despair, with 60% increased Effect
Unique Boss drops divination cardsPlease take out your blades,
your whips, and your spikes.
Class is now in session.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.unique map where Prodigy of Hexes could get into a state where she wouldn't use skills or attack in her final phase.
- In the
Wharf mapWharf MapMap Level: 69
Map Tier: 2
Guild Character: ËReach out into the abyss, and the abyss reaches back.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., after defeating Stone of the Currents, the Arc spells will no longer persist for the remainder of their duration.
- In the
Vault mapVault MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: )Wealth beyond imagining, locked beyond reach.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., the Guardian of the Vault will now be more intelligent about finding Gold piles to submerge into.
- In the
Racecourse mapRacecourse MapMap Level: 75
Map Tier: 8
Guild Character: «Rats chase their tails for the amusement of fools.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., the Crusher of Gladiators now only reflects 15% of damage taken, rather than 75%. He now correctly displays that he casts a Damage Reflection ability.
- Fixed an issue where the Phoenix minions in the Guardian of the Phoenix encounter could be shattered, preventing them from being reborn.
- Fixed an issue where the map boss versions of Piety, Vaal Oversoul, Dominus and Malachai were dropping more items than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the
Gorge mapGlacier MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: UWe must all walk the narrow, winding path.
The end is always the same.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.boss, Rek'tar, the Breaker could take damage for some time before leaping into the arena.
- In the
High Gardens mapTerrace MapMap Level: 82
Map Tier: 15
Guild Character: ðA garden on a stone pedestal. An incredible, and foolish, feat.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once., Suncaller Asha's beams of holy fire will no longer create Beyond Portals when they expire.
- Fixed an issue where the Revenant Purser's in the
Mao KunMao Kun
Shore MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: À
Item Quantity: (+100%-+120%)(60-100)% increased Experience gain
Monsters deal (175-190)% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters gain an Endurance Charge on Hit
Monsters gain a Power Charge on HitThe Treasures of the Tides wait
in agony at the End of the World.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.unique map can no longer be revived by Strongboxes, preventing them from creating an additional Booty Chest.
- Fixed an issue with Merveil's Icestorm where it would be invisible when entering the arena after it had already been cast.
- Fixed an issue where the
Summoned Spectral Skulls from the
Essence of InsanityEssence of InsanityStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: Triggers Level 20 Spectral Spirits when Equipped
Gloves: Socketed Gems have 16% more Attack and Cast Speed
Boots: 70% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while Shocked
Body Armour: You gain Onslaught for 6 seconds when Hit
Helmet: Socketed Gems gain 50% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage
Shield: 25% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Block
Quiver: Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets
Amulet: 10% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill
Ring: You and your Minions take 40% reduced Reflected Damage
Belt: 10% increased Movement Speed during any Flask EffectRight click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.Mod could be chained to by skills such as
ArcArcSpell, Chaining, Lightning
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 80%Requires Level 12An arc of lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains on to other nearby enemies. Each time the main beam chains it will also chain to a second enemy, but that secondary arc cannot chain further.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmalchain 1 times1% increased Chaining range0.5% increased Damage for each time this Skill has Chained1% reduced Enemy Stun ThresholdDeals (6-133) to (33-754) Lightning Damage
10% chance to Shock enemies
Chains +(4-7) Times
(10-29)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
15% more Damage for each remaining ChainPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket..
- Fixed a bug with the Hybrid Widow boss in the Arachnid Tomb map where the Covered in Spiders debuff was being removed prematurely.
- The damaging abilities applied to map bosses during The Shaper quest from Zana's are now more dangerous.
- Fixed an issue where the boss Kalria, the Fallen in the
Overgrown Ruin mapOvergrown Ruin MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: ]Only fear remains unforgotten, where once magnificent rites drew important crowds.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.was dropping fewer items than intended.
- The
Spider LairSpider Lair MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: MPanic only hastens the venom's passage to the heart.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.has being reworked into having its own layout and appearance, it is no longer a copy of
Arachnid NestArachnid Nest MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: ÓMan is not the only beast to bend nature to its will.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once..
Acid LakesAcid Caverns MapMap Level: 81
Map Tier: 14
Guild Character: ÿClear water springs forth.
A moment of purity before it too gathers filth.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.can no longer spawn rats from the
Plague of RatsPlague of RatsThey run, they bite, they flee, they die. Swarms of fur and teeth and tail drown each and every room.You will discover a series of indoor chambers flooded with rats.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
prophecy, but can now spawn frogs from
Plague of FrogsPlague of FrogsWet and slippery flesh, clinging feet and tongue. No matter the colour before, now the earth is green.You will discover an outdoor location flooded with frogs.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
Bug Fixes:[]
- Fixed incorrect character sheet data in areas over level 80.
- Daily missions that would open a portal in an unwalkable area no longer open that portal.
- Fixed a bug with the Essence mod where socketed gems deal more damage over time. It didn't affect some damage over time abilities.
- Updated
Essence of HorrorEssence of HorrorStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: 16% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
Gloves: Socketed Gems have +3.5% Critical Strike Chance
Boots: 5% reduced Elemental Damage Taken while stationary
Body Armour: 15% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
Helmet: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage
Shield: Chill Nearby Enemies when you Block
Quiver: 4 to 7 Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Amulet: 15% increased Effect of Fortify on you
Ring: 4 to 7 Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
Belt: 5% additional Physical Damage Reduction during any Flask EffectRight click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Shift click to show "Socketed Gems have +3.5% additional Base Critical Strike Chance" instead of 3%. It was only the value shown that was incorrect.
- Fixed a bug where glove enchantements showed the wrong name for higher tier enchants on the character sheet.
- Fixed the "
A Regal DeathA Regal DeathBlue blood drains from a cut-throat, and turns what it touches to gold.You will slay a very powerful king or queen, and it will drop a Regal Orb.Right-click to add this prophecy to your character.
" prophecy not working with The Cursed King, Queen of the Great Tangle, Shivrul Goatqueen, The Infernal King or the Mutated Broodqueen. (So much new royalty!)
- Kalria, the Fallen is now correctly destroyed on death, preventing her corpse from being detonated.
- Fixed a bug where The Shaper's beam would fire in an arbitrary direction when his target was directly on top of him.
- Fixed an issue where channelling would not end when using an area transition within the same instance.
- Fixed a case of desync with
Blast RainBlast RainFire, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Bow
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-10) Mana
Attack Damage: (30-35)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (30-36)%Requires Level 28Fires arrows up in the air, to rain down in an area. Each arrow deals area damage around where it lands, and they will all overlap on the targeted location.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect0.25% chance to Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit2% increased Damage to distant EnemiesArrows fall within a 3% increased Area of EffectDeals (30-35.6)% of Base Attack Damage
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Fires 5 additional Arrows
Penetrates (20-30)% Fire ResistancePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.and
Kinetic BlastKinetic BlastAttack, Projectile, AoE
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (15-16) Mana
Attack Damage: (140-155)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (140-155)%
Radius: 14Requires Level 28Fires a projectile from a Wand that causes a series of small explosions surrounding its point of impact, each damaging enemies caught in the area.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent0.5% increased Area of EffectProjectiles Pierce 0.1 additional TargetsProjectiles gain 1.5% increased Area of Effect after ForkingDeals (140-155)% of Base Attack Damage
Creates 4 explosions
35% less Area Damage
(0-19)% increased Area of EffectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.with the extra explosion helmet enchantment.
- Fixed issues with
Blade VortexBlade VortexSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 25%
Radius: 15Requires Level 12This spell creates ethereal blades which orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius. As more blades are added, the damage becomes greater and more frequent.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect0.02% of Damage Leeched as Life1% chance to create an additional Blade3% increased Damage while you have 5 or fewer BladesDeals (3-101) to (5-151) Physical Damage
Base duration is 5 seconds
Can have up to 10 active spinning blades
10% increased Critical Strike Chance for each blade
35% increased Hit Rate for each blade
35% more Damage for each blade
+(0-4) to radiusPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.where new stacks would not overwrite old stacks.
- Fixed a bug where Spectral Spirits (from the
Essence of InsanityEssence of InsanityStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: Triggers Level 20 Spectral Spirits when Equipped
Gloves: Socketed Gems have 16% more Attack and Cast Speed
Boots: 70% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while Shocked
Body Armour: You gain Onslaught for 6 seconds when Hit
Helmet: Socketed Gems gain 50% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage
Shield: 25% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Block
Quiver: Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets
Amulet: 10% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill
Ring: You and your Minions take 40% reduced Reflected Damage
Belt: 10% increased Movement Speed during any Flask EffectRight click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.weapon mod) don't spawn after changing areas, while using two weapons with this mod.
- Fixed an issue with the Essence mod for 'Socketed Gems have 20% more Attack and Cast Speed' where it was granting 25% instead of 20%.
- Fixed an issue with the Essence mod for 'Socketed Gems gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage' where it was granting 60% instead of 50%.
- Fixed an issue with the Essence mod for 'Socketed Gems deal 30% More Elemental Damage' where it was granting 40% instead of 30%.
- The Decay damage from the
Essence of DeliriumEssence of DeliriumStack Size: 9
Essence Tier: 8Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item, guaranteeing one property
Weapon: Your Hits inflict Decay, dealing 700 Chaos Damage per second for 8 seconds
Gloves: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Damage over Time
Boots: Cannot be Poisoned
Body Armour: 25% reduced Chaos Damage taken over time
Helmet: +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Shield: +15% Chance to Block Spell Damage while on Low Life
Quiver: 25% increased Effect of your Marks
Amulet: +10% to Damage over Time Multiplier
Ring: Hexes you inflict have +5 to maximum Doom
Belt: +50% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask EffectRight click this item then left click a normal or rare item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.can no longer stack when you have two sources of this damage.
- Fixed a bug where damage taken that had its type changed to physical wasn't counted as physical damage in the initial hit, and thus didn't count as physical damage mitigated for
Molten ShellMolten ShellSpell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Guard
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-12) Mana
Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Soul Gain Prevention: 0 sec
Cast Time: Instant
Radius: 15Applies a buff that adds to your armour, and can take some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. When the buff expires or is depleted, the skill deals reflected damage to enemies around you based on the total damage that was taken from the buff. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent1% increased Skill Effect DurationBuff can take additional Damage equal to 0.25% of your ArmourReflected Damage Penetrates 1% of Enemy Fire ResistanceBase duration is 3 seconds
Buff grants +(50-858) to Armour
75% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take Damage equal to 10% of your Armour, up to a maximum of 5000
Reflects (100-3000)% of Damage taken from Buff as Fire Damage when Buff expires or is depleted
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effectPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket..
- Fixed a bug with Vortex supported by
Cast when Damage Taken SupportCast when Damage Taken SupportSupport, Spell, Trigger
Icon: !
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 250%
Cooldown Time: 0.25 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)Requires Level 38Each supported spell skill will track damage you take, and be triggered when the total damage taken reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3DivergentSupported Skills deal 0.5% increased DamageSupported Skills have 1% increased Skill Effect DurationSupported Skills require 1% reduced amount of Damage taken to TriggerTrigger Supported Spells when you take a total of (528-3272) Damage
Supported Skills deal (-70-6)% more Damage
This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (38-70) or lower
You cannot Cast Supported Triggerable Spells directlyThis is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.where it would trigger the spell every time you took damage.
- Fixed an instance crash.
The following hotfixes were deployed after the 2.4.1 patch:[2][3]
- Fixed two instance crashes with
Blade VortexBlade VortexSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 25%
Radius: 15Requires Level 12This spell creates ethereal blades which orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius. As more blades are added, the damage becomes greater and more frequent.Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent4Phantasmal0.5% increased Area of Effect0.02% of Damage Leeched as Life1% chance to create an additional Blade3% increased Damage while you have 5 or fewer BladesDeals (3-101) to (5-151) Physical Damage
Base duration is 5 seconds
Can have up to 10 active spinning blades
10% increased Critical Strike Chance for each blade
35% increased Hit Rate for each blade
35% more Damage for each blade
+(0-4) to radiusPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket..
- Fixed an issue where Blade Vortex was removing buffs that it should not have been removing.
- Fixed an issue where the Creeping Agony zones could become invisible.
- Fixed an error where legacy maps did not award completions correctly.
- ↑ Chris (October 17, 2016). "Patch 2.4.1". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved October 17, 2016.
- ↑ GGG_Neon (October 18, 2016). "Patch 2.4.1 Hotfix (Tuesday 9:30pm NZ Time)". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved October 18, 2016.
- ↑ Qarl (October 19, 2016). "Patch 2.4.1 Hotfix (Wednesday 6:00pm NZ Time)". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved October 20, 2016.