Pathofexile 维基
Class select

现有的职业, 对应其在天赋树上的起始位置.

流放之路有三种主属性力量, 敏捷智力– 游戏中7位角色和上述属性中的1种或2种相关联. 玩家在角色创建界面选择职业.每位角色在天赋树中的起始位置, 初始属性以及任务奖励都不相同. 在后续的游戏中, 通关了帝王迷宫以后, 玩家可以为自己的角色选择进阶职业. 可供选择的进阶职业根据玩家的初始职业有所不同.

下列属性所有职业都相同, 升级提升的量也一样. 不同的角色会有不同的命中属性, 但升级时都会提升2点.

  • 50 生命, 每等级增加12生命
  • 40 法力, 每等级增加6法力
  • 53 闪避, 每等级增加3点

装备技能没有职业限制, 但需要角色达到其使用的属性需求. 这样可以给玩家极大的自由度, 但对于新手来说, 根据角色的定位来培养角色是最简单有效的方式.

单属性职业[ | ]


力量[ | ]

Marauder Portrait

力量赋予原始的野蛮之力, 对应的职业为掠夺者. 他可以挥舞战锤造成可观的物理伤害, 可以穿戴力量型护甲获得大量的伤害减免. 具有力量属性的怪物通常具有高攻击以及可承受多次攻击. 和力量相关的元素是火焰.

掠夺者的升腾职业为 主宰, 狂战士酋长.


  • 32 力量
  • 14 敏捷
  • 14 智力

敏捷[ | ]

Ranger Portrait

敏捷赋予战斗中的灵活性, 其对应的职业为游侠. 她使用细剑进行迅速精准的攻击, 敏捷型护甲能提供大量的闪避. 具有敏捷属性的怪物很难被击中, 多为远程攻击类型. 和敏捷相关的元素是寒冷

游侠的升腾职业为 神射手, 突击者追猎者.


  • 14 力量
  • 32 敏捷
  • 14 智力

智力[ | ]

Witch Portrait

智力赋予知识 – 关于奥术魔法和致命的战斗技艺 – 其对应的职业为女巫. 她使用类似魔杖权杖等可提升暴击几率的武器, 她所使用的智力型护甲可提供能量护盾, 在战斗中可保护其不受伤害, 并能在战斗后迅速恢复. 具有智力属性的怪物通常可施放法术, 如果不迅速处理掉会造成很大麻烦. 和智力相关的元素是闪电

女巫的升腾职业为死灵法师, 元素法师秘术法师.


  • 14 力量
  • 14 敏捷
  • 32 智力

混合职业[ | ]

游戏中有4种混合型职业, 他们使用三种主属性的混合搭配.

力量/敏捷[ | ]

Duelist Portrait

The Duelist excels at both Strength and Dexterity skills, and fights with swords and axes. He utilizes both the attack speed and evasion from Dexterity and the damage and armour of Strength to quickly deal large amounts of damage while staying safe from physical attacks.

The Duelist's Ascendancy classes are Slayer, Gladiator, and Champion.

The Duelist starts with the following attributes:

  • 23 STR
  • 23 DEX
  • 14 INT

Strength/Intelligence[ | ]

Templar Portrait

The Templar represents Strength and Intelligence, and fights with staves and sceptres. He can become a powerful spellcaster or use his elemental damage to perform strong melee attacks.

The Templar's Ascendancy classes are Inquisitor, Hierophant, and Guardian.

The Templar starts with the following attributes:

  • 23 STR
  • 14 DEX
  • 23 INT

Dexterity/Intelligence[ | ]

Shadow Portrait

The Shadow is proficient with Dexterity and Intelligence skills, and fights with daggers and claws. He can deal strong critical strikes with weapons or spells, and his traps and mines can disable enemies or deal high damage.

The Shadow's Ascendancy classes are Assassin, Saboteur, and Trickster.

The Shadow starts with the following attributes:

  • 14 STR
  • 23 DEX
  • 23 INT

Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence[ | ]

Scion Portrait

The Scion is aligned with all three attributes, and is therefore the most flexible class in terms of character design and skill use. She starts at the center of the passive skill tree.

The Scion has one Ascendancy Class: the Ascendant.

The Scion starts with the following attributes:

  • 20 STR
  • 20 DEX
  • 20 INT

Other[ | ]

Characters, monsters, and items can all be associated with multiple attributes at once. For example, a staff weapon is generally about 70% strength and 30% intelligence. It differs from a maul (which could be 100% strength) because it is better at scoring critical strikes, but doesn't hit for as much raw physical damage.
