Pathofexile 维基
名称 基础物品 等级需求 力量需求 敏捷需求 智力需求 AR EV ES 属性 铭文
Alpha's Howl
Alpha's Howl
Thicket Hood 64 N/A 138 N/A N/A 610(578–642) N/A

镶嵌的光环类宝石等级 +2
+(20-30)% 寒冰抗性
25% 几率避免冰冷(Chilled)效果
法力占用减少 8%
Nature respects the strong
And paints the snow red
With the blood of the weak

Asenath's Mark
Asenath's Mark
Copper Circlet 8 N/A N/A 23 N/A N/A 20

攻击速度提升 (10-15)%
法力恢复率提升 30%
能量护盾值提升 50%
移动速度提升 5%
施法速度提升 (10-15)%
格挡与眩晕恢复提升 (10-15)%
Asenath's mind was as quick and nimble
as the fingers that drew her bowstring.

Chitus' Apex
Chitus' Apex
Gleaming Circlet 54 N/A N/A 112 N/A N/A 68

+(20-30) 力量
+(20-30) 最大法力值
+10% 全抗性
获得经验提升 5%
"It takes true strength to hold power,
and my grip grows tighter by the day."
- Emperor Chitus

Crown of Thorns
Crown of Thorns
Vine Circlet N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25(19–31)

+(12-24) 最大护盾值
对近战攻击者反射 5 物理伤害
被攻击时受到 5 物理伤害
Lift it lightly, don it slow.
The spike point out and in, you know.

Demigod's Triumph
Demigod's Triumph
Golden Wreath 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

+(16-24) 全属性
2.0 每秒生命恢复
To stand triumphant you must serve
no master other than your own ambition.

Ezomyte Peak
Ezomyte Peak
Rusted Casque N/A N/A N/A N/A 28(23–33) N/A N/A

物理伤害提升 20%
Centuries of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.

Fairgraves' Tricorne
Fairgraves' Tricorne
Leather Cap 12 N/A 27 N/A N/A 78 N/A

附加 6-12 寒冰伤害
闪避值提升 70%
+(15-30) 最大法力值
+(20-30)% 闪电抗性
格挡与眩晕恢复提升 15%
Fairgraves' trusty tricorne accompanied him far across
the seas, deep under the ground, even beyond death.

Geofri's Crest
Geofri's Crest
Zealot's Chain Coif 53 59 N/A 59 212.5(200–225) N/A 63(59–67)

镶嵌的宝石等级 +1
护甲和护盾值提升 (60-80)%
+(15-20)% 火焰抗性
+(15-20)% 寒冰抗性
+(15-20)% 闪电抗性
+(20-30)% 混沌抗性
In the battle for honour, Geofri won.
Not so, the battle for survival.

Battered Cap N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 57(47–67) N/A

+(30-50) 闪避值
+(30-40)% 全抗性
对近战攻击者反射 4 物理伤害
No metal slips as easily through the fingers as gold.

Leather Hood 20 N/A 46 N/A N/A 167(158–176) N/A

镶嵌的火焰系宝石等级 +1
镶嵌的寒冰系宝石等级 +1
法力恢复率提升 60%
-(20-10)% 火焰抗性
-(20-10)% 寒冰抗性
Give of your heated passions.
Give of your cold resolve.
You will be repaid.

Chainmail Coif 12 16 N/A 16 43.5(42–45) N/A 14.5(14–15)

附加 1-13 闪电伤害
护甲与护盾值提升 (40-50)%
+(10-20)% 全元素抗性
濒血时元素抗性提升 20%
濒血时技能法力消耗减少 20%
"The craven mind is sharp with self interest.
The honourable mind is much easier to manipulate."
- Malachai the Soulless

Hrimnor's Resolve
Hrimnor's Resolve
Vaal Casque 55 114 N/A N/A 360(336–384) N/A N/A

火焰伤害提升 (10-30)%
护甲值提升 (40-60)%
+30% 寒冰抗性
50% 几率避免冰冷(Chilled)状态
50% 几率避免霜冻(Frozen)状态
格挡和眩晕恢复提升 10%
Hrimnor's presence was as cold as ice,
but his heart burned for vengeance.

Malachai's Simula
Malachai's Simula
Copper Mask 17 N/A 21 21 N/A 41 13

法术伤害提升 (15-30)%
+20 力量
闪电抗性提升 (20-30)%
法力消耗提升 100%
It was a sliver of Malachai's soul
that animated the first Eternal Guardian.

The Peregrine
The Peregrine
Ribbed Helmet 23 28 28 N/A 82.5(77–88) 82.5(77–88) N/A

+100 命中
1% 物理伤害吸取为法力值
+30% 闪电抗性
移动速度提升 10%
We wander to pass time.
We travel to fulfill.

Starkonja's Head
Starkonja's Head
Huntress Cap 60 N/A 138 N/A N/A 301 N/A

濒血时伤害减少 50%
+(30-50) 敏捷
攻击速度提升 10%
全局爆击几率提升 25%
+(80-100) 最大生命值
濒血时全局闪避值提升 50%
There was no hero made out of Starkonja's death,
but merely a long sleep made eternal.

Rime Gaze
Rime Gaze
Royal Circlet 65 N/A N/A 138 N/A N/A 191(182–200)

寒冰伤害提升 10%
+(40-60) 最大法力值
护盾值提升 (100-120)%
护盾恢复冷却时间减少 50%
The malice in her gaze froze blood and shattered bone.
